CLOSED: 2nd Annual Tomato and Pepper Seed Swap

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

. Has anyone received their seeds that hasn't already posted or sent me a private d-mail?
I always like to know they've arrived safe and sound and how long it takes.

Hi Heather!
Mine haven't arrived yet---I think you mailed them around the 10th or 11th. But we have had a major holiday! I'm sure they're going to get here soon. I'll post when the envelope arrives.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Still waiting (patiently) for mine, too. Looks like they were sent on Nov. 8th. Ah, well. I know the post offices get pretty swamped this time of year. They'll get here eventually. :)


Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I have some Sungold seed from last year so I will try that. I will also try a chocolate cherry and a Galina's Yellow Cherry. They have always done well for me.

I'll start a thread with pics when I get it going. Thanks for the help.

Wow, that sounds like it's going to be colourful!
That's great. I'll want to follow your thread. Fresh cherry tomatoes in March!!!

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

At last the long-awaited post
Has finally arrived!
To Heather let us give a toast
For never giving up the ghost,
A coup de swap she now can boast
(I hope that she survived!).

A mere ten packs of seeds I sent
Expecting ten returned;
Imagine my astonishment
When twenty graced the document.
A most wholehearted compliment
To everyone concerned.

But I foresee a coming gloom
Where will I plant them all?
So many plants set out to bloom
Demanding lots and lots of room
May prove to be my garden doom,
Debacle, and downfall.

Oh well, if I can’t find the space
In veggie garden bowers,
I’ll grasp the problem by the head
And with my spade I’ll plow ahead
And uproot a perennial bed;
Who needs that many flowers?

----The Bounty:
TOMATO: Green Zebra, Black Ethiopian, Bijskij Zeltyi, Cabernet yellow, Black Cherry, Chico, Anna Aasa, Cherry Sweetie, Pink Ruffled, Azoychka, BigGirl, Black Sea Man, Campbell's 1327, Ace55, Golden Dwarf Champion, Black Brandywine.
PEPPER: Jalapeno, Cascabel, Peppadew, MiniSweets.
EGGPLANT: Rosa Bianca, Slim Jim, Black Beauty

Thanks to all, especially the bonus suppliers!

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Wow, Don! is all I can say. ABAAAB, and so on.
And your seeds sound great, too.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

DonShirer, loved the poetry! You have a real gift for meter!

Looks like a wonderful selection! My mouth is still watering in anticipation. . .and it's a long wait from now to ripe tomatoes again! LOL


Omaha, NE(Zone 5b)

I failed poetry. My best effort to date is:

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
You think this will rhyme,
But it won't.

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

Poets and pranksters
Talented folks all.
But where's my maters?
Hopefully traveling still
with the Gypsy peppers.
Happily I don't need them this fall
But well before spring I surely will.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Now why does that remind me of this little ditty?

Never kiss your honey
When your nose is runny
You may think it's funny
But it's not (read quickly enough, sounds like "It's snot")

(edited to say, this was in response to Russ, not the one below his. Guess I need to refresh more often.)

This message was edited Dec 1, 2009 8:32 PM

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I got my seeds about a week back
The postal system, in my case, wasn't slack.
I'm jumpin' for joy and can hardly wait,
Til I have a fresh mater on my plate!

Calgary, Canada

What a talented poet among the tomatoe growers!
Thanks for the poem!

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)


Heather if you were here, you'd get a biggggg hug. That also goes for all you others that have made my day in a big way. 19 days it took but it is so worth the waiting.

Tomatoes: Dagma's Perfection, Bradley, Brandy Boy F6, Sophie's Choice, Sicilian Saucer, Creole, Mountain Princess, Heidi, Hazelfield Farm, Hogs Heart, White Currant I, Mule Team, Moscovich, Moscow Siberian Speckled.

Peppers: Melrose, Valero, Uyababa, Chocolate hot, Red Cheese, Bigit Locoto, Aji Habanero, Szedegi Giant, Chinese Giant, Boldog Paprika, Damini, Peppadew, Yellow Mushroom, Cap 220, Mutant Orange, Chile de Arbol, Hot Mix (900 varieties), Earbob, Cayenne, California Chile, Aji Rojo.

It's obvious that Heather made a special effort to fulfill my wishlist and I'm truly grateful. I sent in a mere 25 bonus packs and expected that a few others would. Evidently lots of folks did and they're very appreciated. I got the 5 peppers I requested and so much more. The majority of the tomatoes were on my list too. I'm just overwhelmed with joy over this treasure trove. Thank you all.


North, TX

Yeah twiggybuds! I was stressing with you ~ waiting for your package to arrive!!
sooooo, I'm glad your seeds made it!!

I haven't heard of "hog's heart" tomato, looking it up!
I've already got a list started for next year's tomato wishlist! lol

Next year growing tomatoes: Lillian,s yellow heirloom, Stupice, Black Triefele, Bijskij Zeltyi, Ararat Flamed, Mahgrebi, Amana Orange, Black Krim, Marianna's Peace, Green Zebra, and White Currant-again because they are just that good!!

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Woo hoo! (Or, as my students would say, Woot Woot!) My seeds arrived (though the envelope looked like it had been through an ordeal--it even had a black boot print on the back), and I could hardly wait to get home and check out the bounty. I am just thrilled! Here were my goodies, in alpha order:

Ace 55
Beef Steak
Black Cherry
Black Plum
Black Russian
Brandywine Suddith
Cambell's 1327
Cherry Sweetie
Green Zebra
Paul Robeson
Paul Robeson
Pink Ruffled
Plum Lemon
Potato Leaf
Sophie's Choice
Tappy's Finest
Tiny Tim
Ultra Girl
Vorlon (Cherokee x Pruden's Purple)

Dragon's Claw
Healthy Sweet Pepper
Purple Beauty
Sweet Banana
Yankee Bell

I'll have a great time this winter searching down information on all of them. I really appreciate all the information on the labels! Many thanks to all the generous DGers who participated. Heather, you ought to win a medal for all your hard work on this! I hope you ended up able to fill your wish list, too!


Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Yippee! My envie arrived yesterday! I had been being very brave but was convinced the Grinch had stolen it. BUT NO! The mailman brought me 44 packets of pepper and tomato seeds, plus two gorgeous eggplants (Rosa Bianca & Black Beauty) There were many bonus backs; thanks so much everyone!! And so many new ones to me, which is very exciting!! As Angie said, it's going to be so fun researching them this winter and planning for next summer!!
Thanks and three cheers for Heather, Seed-Swapper Extraordinaire!!

My tomatoes include:
Dansk Export
Cosmonaut Volkov
Powers Heirloom
Black Seaman
Eckhert Polish
Chico III
Early Susabakus Aliana
Phil's Fantastic
Anna Assa
Baby Girl
Pink ruffled
Campbells 1327
Burpee's Big Boy
Break O'Day
Pink Oxheart
Black Cherry

Red Mushroom
Big Dipper
Red Bell
Chile De ARbol
Dragon's Claw
Dulce De Espana
Peperone/Pepper Cuneo
Chervena Chuska
Paprika Alma
REd Manzano
California Chile
and a Hot Pepper Mix

You've got a bunch there I never heard of!
You WILL have fun!

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

And a great time was had by all.

Or is it not all?

I finally added my new ones to my list last night and I felt positively rich.

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 9a)

Jim---Congrats on your pepper harvest picture making the DG calendar. I didn't have a new calendar for 2010, so purchased this new DG one. Yours is for Sept. I believe. All the photos seem really great.

Thanks, beebonnet!
You'll also have some seeds coming your way soon!

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 9a)

Oh, goody, goody.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Merry Christmas everyone! Wishing all of you the very best of the holiday season!


Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Yay Heather! And today the season turned and the days are getting longer--slowly--and it will be planting season eventually!
Happy holidays to everybody.

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

Merry Christmas to all you great swappers and especially to Heather the master swapper. May all your gardens prosper in the New Year.

Calgary, Canada

Happy Gardening in 2010!

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Ditto the Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
This was my first swap (and definitely not the last!) and it really has made my Christmas. Instead of dreams of sugar plum fairies I see a rainbow of juicy tomatoes thanks to Heather's efforts and DGers generosity!! May the New Year and the summer of 2010 bring us great weather and the best harvest ever!

Merry Christmas to all!!

Willamette Valley-OS, OR(Zone 8a)

From the West Coast of the United States I Send...
Wonderful and Joyous Holiday Wishes to Everyone!


Coos Bay, OR(Zone 9a)

Well, it's all put away
(and I can't say I'm sorry)
They've all been fed
from the post to the quarry
Now let me explain as I dash to my bed
Let's all have Beauty in 2010

Beautiful gardens, that is.

Happy New Year to my DG friends

Omaha, NE(Zone 5b)

Potagere wrote: IMNHO, Tatiana tries to be the Dr Carolyn Male of the Internet, and does a rather poor job of it.

Interesting thought.

Dr. Carolyn Male recommends Tatiana's site. See a late post at:

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Please, is there really any need to dredge up a two month old argument? Let it go.

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