CLOSED: 2nd Annual Tomato and Pepper Seed Swap

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL I actually went back and counted how many days it took between when I mailed mine and when you said you received it. Looks like it takes about 8 days (though I didn't account for weekends), so I should expect mine sometime early next week. I can't wait! I seems like it's been weeks already since you posted that it was in the mail, though I guess it's only been a few days. Anticipation. . .

Many, many thanks again to Heather for all your hard work and fantastic organization! This has been such fun!


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Heather you have done a wonderful job at this seed swap. Thanks for being a very kind hostess! Will be watching for the next one!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Squeeeeeeeee! Squeeeeeeeee! My envie is on its way!!! (doing the happy dance!)

Long Beach, CA

Yay! It's Friday AND an envelope of seeds are headed my way--what a great ending to a stressful work week!

Wow, Heather--you make it look easy, but I can only imagine how much work you've put into following up, sorting, mailing, etc. etc...for over 100 people, even!! Thank you so much!

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

WOw, Heather, a work-week in Toronto probably sounds somewhat relaxing compared to all the effort and care and energy you have put into making this such a great swap! ;-) Thank you so much for an incredible job.
Do you want us to D-mail you when our envies arrive, or post on this thread? Or both!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

A week in Toronto nearly makes me cry, homesick little puppy that I am. Sigh. My old stomping grounds, how I miss them so...

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I can hardly wait!!! Christmas comes early!!!

North, TX

I'm so happy to say my envelope arrived in the mail! I'm still smiling!
I admit it seemed like such a long time and I was acting much like a child anticipating its arrival... it took fifteen days from when Heather sent it out!!

But boy was it fun to open my package and find so many new varieties of seeds. Excellent job Heather ~ I'm another happy seeder!!

I received both tomatoes on my wish list, Lillian's Yellow & Stupice.

While I've been waiting, it was fun reading your lists of seeds that some of you posted; so I will add mine. Although I knew there are many heirloom tomatoes out there to be had, I really had no idea there are so many pepper varieties!! This will be whole new adventure that I am really looking forward to, growing all kinds of
Rouge de la Bresse & Red Chile from Potagere-thank you
Japone Pepper
Chile De Arbol
Red Mushroom
Holy Moly (came with a recipe-thanks)
Bulgarian Teardrop
Peruvian Orange
California Chile
Black Pearl
Hot Thai
Lemon Drop
Hungarian Hot Wax
Hot Pepper Mix
And last but not least......... Peter Pepper!!

Wishing everyone a bountiful harvest of tomatoes and peppers, and whatever else your growing!

I am wondering if I can grow different varieties of peppers next to one another??

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

I received my envelope FULL of seeds yesterday, Friday the 13th. Heather had posted that she mailed them on the 8th so they got to me in 5 days and Wednesday was a holiday! I mailed to her on 10/15 and she received on 10/26 so there must have been a strong tail wind on the return trip!

I received many on my wish list. Thank You Heather and everyone who sent in seeds!

Cherokee Purple
Costoluto Genovese
Costoluto Fiorentino
Crimson Cushion
Early Girl
Goji Favanji
Green Giant
Mortgage Lifter
Phil's Fantastic
Pruden's Purple
Ramapo F1
Russian Big Roma
Super Sweet 100 F1
Tidwell German

Bhut Jolokia
Bolivian Rainbow
Black Hungarian
Black Jalapeno
Black Pearl
California Chili
Caribbean Red Habanero
Cayenne Long Red
Cherry Bomb F1
Hot Pepper Mix
Mutant Orange Habanero
Orange Bell
Red Cheese
Red Jalapeno
Red Mushroom
Sweet Banana
Thai Pepper


Hi, All!
What a fantastic welcome home treat!!!
Out of the hospital today and I discover that my photo of my pepper, chile and eggplant harvest was the 1st place winner in the Vegetable Category of the DG Photo Contest!
Thanks for the votes!!!

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

Well congratulations Jim. I knew it was a winner all along. lol

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Great news! I voted for it. It is a beautiful pic just to look at but we gardeners really appreciate it because we know what went into it.

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 9a)

I just looked at all of the winners and came to Jim's pepper photo. Yea!! You won and I am so glad. It's a great photo.

PS Hope you are doing well.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

So, Jim, can I gloat and say, "Told you so!" I knew that was a fantastic photo! So glad you listened to all of your fans here and submitted that one. You had my vote!

Found one of mine made it as a runner up, at least: a tree frog hiding inside a daylily, in the wildlife category. I had high hopes for that picture!


This message was edited Nov 16, 2009 6:18 PM

Yes, I got out of my "boutique hospital" yesterday! When we went to "check out", instead of a bill, they handed me a little "sack" of Roger&Gallet cologne and men's toiletries, "a gift to help you re-establish yourself". Then the Mercedes taxi arrived to take me home! I love Swiss hospitals!

Unfortunately, I still have some serious range of motion issues in both arms, and a lot of weakness. It does seem to be coming along, however. No real pain, but still high levels of frustration!

Thanks for your concern!

Angie, Ms Marta & I were admiring that photo last night when we went through all the winners! It is really special!


Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Glad you aren't in pain, at least. The range of motion and weakness issues have to be discouraging, though. Hang in there, and listen to the doctors! Not easy, I know, but in the long run it will be worth it!

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 9a)

Jim, if your weather is anything like ours, you have to stay indoors anyway. So rest and be good to yourself.

Bordentown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Received the envelope today! Heather posted that it was mailed 11/4. 11/18 minus 11/4 = 14 days--Heather knows what she is talking about!

I considered waiting to open it, wrapping it up and putting it under the Christmas tree, but......NO!

Here are the pkts received (in alpha order):

Aunt Gertie's Gold
Big Girl
Black Krim
Brandywine (Suddeth)
Bulgarian #7
Campbells 1327
Cherokee Purple
Chico III
Chocolate Cherry
German Johnson
Jelly Bean
Large Red Cherry
Lillian's Yellow
Marianna's Peace
Matt's Wild Cherry
Pink Ping Pong
Plum Lemon
Red Pear

Received several on my wish list and some surprises. Can't wait till next spring! Thank you so much Heather and all the rest of you.


Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

I'll be hitting the post office in about an hour. I sure hope I'll find an envie waiting for me! Patience, patience. . .

Long Beach, CA

I am happy to say that I am finally a part of the DG 'Feeling-like-a-kid-on-Christmas-morning' Club, thanks to Heather and to the kind people who sent in the following seeds:

Anna Aasa
Black Pear
Black Sea Man
Blanche du Quebec
Cabernet Yellow
Cherokee Chocolate
Cherry Chocolate
Cherry Sweetie
Chico III
Chocolate Stripe
Cuor de Bue
Green Zebra
Jagodka Plum Red
Limbaugh's Potato Top
Livingston's Magnus
Matt's Wild Cherry
Monkey's Ass
Novosadski Jabucar
Oregon Spring
Oregon Star
Phil's Fantastic
Roman Striped
Russian Persimmon
Snow White
Sophie's Choice
Taos Trail
Texas Wild Tomato
Tomato Ace 55
Tomato Bush Beefsteak

Florida High Bush Eggplant
Kermit Eggplant
Properosa Eggplant
Johnny's Seeds Brand 272A Bicolor Hybrid Corn

Thank you again, Heather, for doing such a great job--and you even accommodated my wishlist by sending a very exciting selection of determinate and black varieties and some awesome black varieties. Then there are eggplant and corn seeds, too? Are you kidding me?! Too awesome!

I am so feeling the holiday spirit already, thanks to you and all the great DG members on this thread!

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, my envie didn't arrive today (I know, it's early) but all these Christmas cheer messages have got me feeling like I ought to save it unopened and pop it into my stocking on Christmas Eve, just so I can re-live some of the anticipation the kids feel. Who am I kidding? I'll be lucky to make it home from the post office before I tear into it! LOL

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

Bookerc I totally understand. The anticipation is mailman came to the door with a certified letter this morning and I called him a tease.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Does this mean I have envie envy? (wink)

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I got seeds today but from another swap. I was excited about them too. It was herbs. They are new for me. I hope to have an herb bed come Spring. Still waiting for my envy from Canada.

I would be curious to see what a Monkey's Ass Tomato looks like.

Omaha, NE(Zone 5b)

"I would be curious to see what a Monkey's Ass Tomato looks like."

I'm guessing it would be fuzzy butt small. ;-)

Probably blue.
No, that would be the Baboon's Ass Tomato, wouldn't it?
Check this out:

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Must have been the baboon cause it didn't look small. LOL It looked to be a good sized mater. Have any of you tried one?

North Hills, CA

So for salsa you use Monkey face , Pinguita de mono and Monkey butt peppers with those tomatoes.

Can't use Lion or Cobra Peppers, they might eat that little monkeys butt right up.

Maybe send out Cindy Lee (the Charleston Belle) and Carmen with some cherry bombs to scare the Lion and Cobra away.

Seeds came today.Thank you very much.

Smokemaster is getting bored again!

North Hills, CA

What do you expect,it's almost time to get off work. LOL

All these little square things on the keyboard yelling "push on me,Push on me".....
It's that or hang out by the mailbox for seeds to come in.
Too early for that though.The mail doesn't come until after noon about 1 or 2. : )

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

Got My Envy! Will be posting my list soon. It's wonderful I just had a little health hitch and though posting isn't a problem, sitting through the whole list is a touch much today for the time I have. It will be up in the next day or so though.

Congrat **Jim**. I'm sure we weren't the only ones voting for you! Your pic was great!

Angie - Your photograph is simply amazing. You are truly tallented.



Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Hooray hooray! I received my seeds!!! I sent in 15 packs and got 25 in return!!! That's interesting math! I am thrilled!

Here's my list...

Glory of Moldova (new variety for me)
Russian mini yello (also new)
Kellogg's Breakfast (always a favorite!)
Cherry Sweetie (another new one)
Vita Gold (yet another new one!)
Nebraska wedding (rabbit ate these last year so I'm excited to try again!)
Rhoade's Heirloom (new to me!)
Mr. Stripey (haven't had this one in about 3 years so will be good to have again)
Jubilee (another great orange variety!)
Cabernet yellow (definitely another new one for me!)
Mortgage lifter bi-color (always a good producer)
Green zebra (possibly my all time favorite tomato)

Kalman's Hungarian (new variety!)
Cascabel (also new!)
Poblano (Kelly loves these - he's a happy camper!)
Sweet chocolate bell (my first brown bell to try!)
Jalapeno (Kelly's happy again!)
Soroksari (new - is this a sweet or hot one....must look it up!)
Mini orange habanero (cute!)
Serrano (Oh, Kelly's just filled with glee...)
Red mushroom pepper (I have to look this one up too, sounds fun!)
Hot pepper mix (Kelly's doing the happy dance)
Ornamental pepper Creme-red (I'm doing the happy dance!)
Cayenne pepper (enough seeds to sink a small ship!)
Red cheese pepper (interesting!)

and last but not least, the corn seeds!

Thank you SO much Heather, for your organization and hosting of this swap. I'm so pleased! Thanks to all for sending in such interesting varieties! I am amazed how many are new ones for me. What a great garden I will have!

Hopkinsville, KY

My tomato seeds arrived yesterday. Great variety! Thanks!!!

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

I just came home after being out of the country for a week and was so relieved to find my package. It took quite a while to get here having been sent out on Nov. 4 and had not arrived before I left! I sent in 25 packets and received 30, many on my wish list so am thrilled!! Thank you all for providing such a terrific variety and to Heather for putting this all together! I am especially excited over a few very unusual varieties that I can't find much info on so will have to try them and make my own judgment!

I have an extra packet of Brandywine Sudduth (25 seeds) so if any of you would like some just d-mail me.
Here is what I received:
Ace 55
Ananas Noire (Black Pineapple)
Aunt Gertie’s Gold
Aunt Ruby’s German Green
Aurega - totally new one for me. Any input from all of you on this one?
Black Ethiopian
Brandy Boy F5
Brandywine Sudduth (2 packets)
Brown Berry
Bush Beefsteak
Cherry Sweetie
Dagma’s Perfection
Early SSusabakus Aliana - would like more info on this one. Limited internet info.
Green Zebra
Heinz 1439
Kellogg’s Breakfast
Super Marmande
Tiny Tim
Wapsipinicon Peach - have never grown a "peach" variety of tomato.

California Wonder
Chervena Chushka
Corno di Toro 72D
Paprika Alma
Sweet Banana
Sweet Cubanelle
Yolo Wonder


Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

I'm going out of town tomorrow for several days, and no doubt my seeds will arrive while I'm gone--so I'll post with my goodies when I get back! Can't wait!
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

The Wapsipinicon peach tomato does really well for me here in Iowa and I love it! The Wapsipinicon River goes through Iowa and I think it's named after the same thing. Anyway, it isn't huge but I would call it a small-to-medium sized tomato and it has a lovely sort of "custard yellow" color to it - not a deep golden yellow but a more primrose yellow. Really pretty fruits and a lovely tart sweet flavor. I do hope you like it!

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, CMoxon, for the info and the geography lesson on the Wapsipinicon R and tomato name. If it does well in Iowa I expect it will do just fine in NE PA! I'm sure I will like it!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I can't believe I was dumb enough to send you a duplicate package of brandywine sudduth. sorry about that. My eyes must have been crossed that night.

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

No big deal about the duplicate, Heather. I have more than enough for a lifetime, I think, with all the other varieties you included! Just hope some one has an interest in the Brandywine Sudduth so they don't go to waste since it's a great tomato variety! With all the work you did a duplication would be inevitable somewhere!! LOL

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