CLOSED: 2nd Annual Tomato and Pepper Seed Swap

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)


I sent in Pink Potato Top (Limbaugh) that Critter was sharing earlier this year. They were a big hit with us. A very good tomato. If you don't get it in this swap let me know, I have plenty.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Sorry envelopes from D.G. members today...maybe tomorrow.

~Angie: DO NOT HIT SEND!!!
Wait until you see what you get from the swap. You'll need to adjust your order!

~kd: Thanks! I'll let you know

~Lena: That's a lovely Hillbilly Potato Leaf. I sent seeds of that to the Swap. It's a good one.


Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I did not know there was a black cherry. Cherry toms are some of my faves. I'll have to hope to get that one in this swap and give it a try. I really enjoyed the yellow, white and chocolate toms this year. My green didn't make it. I was really looking forward to it.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Today I received seeds from:

* bookerc1
* byndeweedbeth
* cajuninky

This message was edited Oct 21, 2009 12:33 PM

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Heather! Glad to know they arrived safely!

Just for the record, I did NOT hit "send" on the TomatoFest order. I will be patient. I can't even think about starting seeds for months yet, so I don't know what the hurry is. It's just so easy to get carried away when you start reading all the tantalizing descriptions!

Cajun, let me know if you don't end up with any Black Cherry seeds from the swap. I don't recall how many packets I sent in, but I'm sure I still have a few extras I could send you. It's my favorite cherry tomato ever--really rich,smoky flavor, a strange green-and-purple color, with green gel inside. Not super-productive, as far as cherries go, but well worth the growing space!


Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Angie. KyGreg2000 has generously offered to send me some. You guys are the best!!!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


I'm a little confused now. Do I take "black cherry" off your wish list now?


Hopkinsville, KY


Has there been any problem with not receiving seeds because of customs? You may have mentioned something about that in your directions, if so I have forgotten.

After seeing Cajun's request as we are ole trading buddies, I offered to send her some Black Cherry seeds. I think I sent some to you for the trade also.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

There is no problem with seeds coming through Canada customs. It's just important that everyone recognize that mail will take about two weeks if you're mailing from outside of Canada.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Today I received seeds from:

* kurantkat

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi folks,

For those that are still planning to send me a wish list, could I ask you to get it into me as quickly as possible.

Or, if you don't have a wish list, but keep a "have" list, feel free to send that to me so I know what you've already got in your stash. If it's easier for you to send me the information by email attachment, my email address is located in the original "welcome" d-mail I sent you. Or send me a private message if you want my email address.


Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

You can send me something else in place of the black cherry since my bud has taken care of it for me. Thanks KyGreg. Maybe if there is some extra larger black variety you could toss that in my envy. I grew cherokee purple this year. Is that a black variety? It had a good taste. I have seeds from it so if it's a black you can send something else. I saved seeds from the cherokee purple. Yellows are good for my stomach. LOL Have I completely confused you with my babbling? Sorry!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Today I received seeds from:

* zztopsoil

I also received another envelope that I do not know who they belong to as the note inside did not include member id. I've contacted everyone who I know has the first name "Marie", but there are several "Marie's" in this swap, so I'm hoping to solve that mystery shortly. I match envelopes by id, so I know who we've received seeds from and who we're waiting for. For the most part, people only correspond with member ids, so these mystery envelopes are always fun puzzles to solve.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I don't hink I put my DG name inside my envie? My real name is Linda Cartwright. So sorry!

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)

Oh Linda I'm so glad I'm not just got an email that I sent an elaborate email and forgot to put my DG name on these names poor Heather!

Victoria, Canada

Hi Heather, I haven't seen my name in the envelopes received updates and I'm starting to worry. I mailed it on the 13th and it shouldn't be taking this long to get from BC to Alberta!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


So sorry. I know I posted an update, but just went back and checked....I posted the update that I received your seeds in one of the "other" forums....oops.

Sorry for the mixup. I received your seeds on October 19th.

I just got home from work and have another stack of envelopes waiting for me to sort through later tonight.

I will post an update later if any of those seeds are from daves garden members.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Today I received envelopes from:

* capecodgardener
* patti1957

I also received 2 mystery envelopes. If these descriptions sound like you, please contact me.

Mystery #1 - if your initials are G.B. and you live in Burbank California

Mystery #2 - no name, address or anything on the envelope. No note of any kind inside the envelope. Mailed from somewhere overseas on Oct 16th. These words were typed on postage label "Leuven Centrum". There are several folks oveseas participating in this swap. I haven't got a clue. If this sounds like you, you'll need to contact me and list the seeds you sent me.


This message was edited Oct 26, 2009 8:29 PM

North Hills, CA

Belgium maybe?

Used a Hotel envelope?

Victoria, Canada

Phew, what a relief! Thanks for checking Heather!

Arroyo City, TX(Zone 9b)


I know my envy isn't there yet even though I sent it on the 15th because you said it can take up to two weeks.

I just wanted to say you are doing an amazing job organizing all this. There are ssssssssooooooo many of us, you are working every day, we are from all over the world...WoW! Thank you so much! This is really fun and we couldn't have done it without you. Not many people would have handled this big a swap. Not many would have done it as cheerfully as you are either. You're amazing! Thank You!



Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Today I received seeds from:

* dhemmer
* kygreg2000
* twiggybuds

The mystery owners of yesterday's envelopes have been identified. Thanks to those individuals for getting in touch with me so quickly.

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Oh yea! My envie and seeds arrived. So glad!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Today I received seeds from:

* NisiNJ

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi everyone,

You may recall that a participant kindly donated some corn seeds to give to anyone interested. I just received the package in the mail and I still have some available for sharing. Here's the desciption on the package:

* Johnny's Seeds - Brand 272A Treated F1 Hybrid Corn. Bi-color,
supersweet, extra tender. 74 days.

Please let me know asap if you'd like me to stuff some corn in your envie :)


Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)


I would love some corn if you have enough.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I've got enough to share. I'll make sure you get some Patti.

For those that responded a while back requesting corn, I have your names down as well and will make sure you get some.


Long Beach, CA

I'd love to try some corn and am sure the kids in the community garden would get a kick out of the bi-color. If you can spare a few seeds, that would be awesome! Thanks, Heather!

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 9a)

Add me to the list, Heather. I always grow corn.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Today (Oct 30th), I have mailed envelopes back to the following participants:

* allwild


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Heather, did you get my package yet? It has been 2 weeks since I mailed it.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a) I haven't received it yet. I am still expecting another mail delivery sometime today, so will post an update if it arrives.


This message was edited Oct 30, 2009 7:43 AM

North, TX

Wow how exciting AND to be first! I will report when my package of surprises arrives!

Heather, you really are doing an amazing job handling this world-wide trade. It has been a pleasure to be a part of it. Thank you for making it all possible.

I guess I am now officially an addict too. So I will look forward to next year's trade.

*;* I "heart" heirlooms!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Today I received envelopes from:

* russmartin4154
* taters55

We're still waiting on seven envelopes to arrive from people that have confirmed they have been mailed. I'm going to reach out to those folks later today to see if they can send me a list of what they sent as well as their wish list. I would expect to receive those envelopes sometime next week.

I may have to hold back some of your envelopes if we're waiting on seeds that are on your wish lists.

Also, as a heads up, I am likely going to have to swap a bunch of envelopes and send some of the seeds back in a different bubble envelope. Some of the envelopes sent in were much larger than the maximum size quoted in the guidelines and a few are a wee bit too small to get all the seeds in and still meet the thickness limits for lettermail. I hope you didn't have your heart set on seeing that original envelope again :)


Oh, no, Heather!
I've been attached to that envelope since infancy!
How will I survive?
Just grow more tomatoes and peppers, I guess!

Keep it up! You're doing just great!

Omaha, NE(Zone 5b)

. . . but mine was an heirloom envelope!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I have some nice metallic pink and purple bubble envelopes I could send just for the boys:) Much better than any heirloom envelope don't you think ?

That sounds great!
Scratch & Sniff?
Any bells or whistles?
Squeeze them and they say "I'm ripe! I'm ripe! I'm ripe!"

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