CLOSED: Free Seed For Newbies! 8/14/09. Come Join Us!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Gang,
I have another thought, I would like your imput all of you....the months on the newbies directions....I am noticing that some are here for a long time before they find us and some are here for a short say 4 months and go and come back and some for instance sign up for two months then don't find what they were looking for and hang unpaid....
I have so much more time to look around investigate with all of you helping like you are don't you think we should make the 8 months like 16 months wanna be a newbie for 16 months instead of 8? Votes and dialogue please....

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

How about we compromise... and say 1 year? if you are a member for less than a year, then you are considered a newbie.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Dialogue #1 that is fitting as it is KT1 dialoging...

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

well... 1 year (12 mos.) seems like a nice round, even

so.. on your 1 year anniversary, you are not a newbie...LOL

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Ok gitls.. i came up with this idea.. ya'll tell me if its a good one.

since several of us are volunteering to help out Flower and Arejay with dmails to Newbies, I expect thee will be an influx of new members joining our convos soon.

In light of this, and to make dmailing easier on the masses, I came up with the idea to move the chitter chatter to a brand new thread titled 'Seed Chat" or 'Seed Junkie Chit Chat' or something like that. We will then be able to leave the 'Free Seed For Newbies' thread open so that its easily found by the newbies and those of us who are dmailing the newbies wont have to keep changing the link within our letters.

this will allow us to continue making a new thread every 200 posts for the 'Seed Junkie Chit Chat' Thread.

ok, so.. what do you all think?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

can we put newbies in it somewhere...please???

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

"Seed Junkie Chit Chat - Newbies Welcome"....hehehehehe

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Robin is there any way to determine if the subscribers on our lists have already been sent a dmail or do you want us to send to everyone under 8 months or a year just in case any were missed?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

there is no way to tell a duplicate if it happens is ok ...they will let me know

Chester, MA(Zone 3b)

Can I be a newbie? I signed up years ago without subscription and then paid for subsription this spring and just started my listing of plants in the database this year. I haven't been trading at all until this summer and have started the seed brigade with my plants due to the season it is now here in NE---although it has been so hot the last three days and today that I haven't been outside in that many days either. Just sittin' here goin' through the forums and lookin' at everyones pics. LOL. During the spring and summer I don't take seeds in trade 'cause I save that for fall when I actually have seeds to trade...LOL. My packages of seeds get used every spring. Now that I have some loam the seeds might actually make plants instead of sticks with a phl*%$*&^augpht on the top of it. Unrecognizablemost of the time. LOL.
Let me know if I can come through the door of your sounds fun!!!!! Not too many that I join...LOL but you girls "are the b*o*m*b" as my girls would say years ago. Can I use that word herr? What was I thinking. LOL


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Arejay.. all I did was begin with July and Augusts new subscribers for zones 9-11. Hopefully there werent any, if only a few duplicates.... I also posted links in several of the forums... so those that didnt get a dmail can get tot he Free Seed tgread thru those

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

HI daylahmnas sure you can be part of our group.. arejay will let you know if you qualify for newbie seeds...Just contact are always welcome here tho.. Theres always something fun going on..... Trish

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Good Morning Day..that's a lot of letters just like you have a lot of seed possibilities..Can I call you Day for short? I'm no typist the shorter the better...I am glad you found us tell us how you found us? Auction, scramble, newbie dmail....tell tell.... I am right there with you on the heat thing. I think the northeast is going to fall off or turn into Arizona and just hasn't decided yet!! What do you think Day? Dmail me lets chat....the fall seed trading is good thinkin....spring is so busy and there are so many plants to trade then...fall seed swap hmmm newbie fall seed swap.....must be almost time october early november. They are right around the corner. Dmail me Day, dmail me.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I haven't finished yet on mine but I went back to May because I didn't recognise any names on there that I had sent dmail too so there maybe seconds on mine.

I think a 1 year being a newbie is plenty enough time to get established on here. Also I think cue had a very good idea as to make the newbie page just for the newbies seed info and then they can be guided to tthe chat thread in some way This would be easier for us damilers to work with out having to go back and change the chat thread every 200 replies or what ever. That is a RPITB

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

ok how is this for anyone joining the group that is sending letters out. If you are comfortable putting the newbie chat thread in updated to where we are at the time. Please do if not there will be a link on the directions to get your free seed I will put it there as soon as I see that Cue has started a new thread. If I don't see it and someone else does please post it in the directions to get free seed. if it gets busy with chatter I will make a new one and on we will go ok?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Ok I am off to the blueberry fields well woods again today later and I will be gone until Thursday or maybe Friday Morning. Cross your fingers and your toes I need blueberries and blueberry bushes...
Try to behave while I am gone....those of you I am talking to know who you are!!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

arejay with all this new thread thing you have put up here I am very confused! Don't do that I have a problem with being confused as it is LOL I feel like I am going in circles.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Just do it the way you have always done it only in zone 5 if it isn't broke don't fix it I say....
You do fine with it the way you do it...

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I went and finished up my end of the zone thing. I sent out dmails back to the first of the year. there was a total of 61 people I sent too so arejay your going to be really busy now.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

OK will try to .

Enjoy your trip Robin. Happy hunting.

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Good Morning everyone! Hi ptilda, like the pic you sent, I hope that mine will look that nice when I am done. I am going to do a lasagna bed along the front (like 50 yards across) and plant nothing but daylilies with no 2 colors the same. I can hardly wait to get to it but I am still working on the 2 smaller lasagna beds and lasagna container bed I started. I live on 9 acres of nothing but trees, grass and 5 horses.. so everything I need is right here. I am on a leave from school until the end of September so hopefully I can get this all done by then. I know one thing, gardening is addicting and this site is just awesome. You could spend all day just reading, threading and learning. Hope everyone has a good day and talk to you all soon! Mechelle

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Someone asked me for a picture of the windchimes that Flower made for you go...I picked the shells in Sanibel Fl she made the all have fun..

Thumbnail by arejay59
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Very cute, Robin! Nice job, FLower! I love windchimes! I saw a cool one made from an old piece of driftwood with hammered silverware (real silver - old stuff) hanging. It was so cool - lol.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You

Have a good time Robin. Don't forget everyone's waiting for your Judgment on Fri for the Iris contest. Bring the blueberries (seeds) LOL.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Ok I will I will be there for the picking of the winner....blueberry seeds??? the bushes how about the bushes instead....

We'll take bushes! See ya Friday!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Thank You loca. Yes we will take the bushes instead. Makes growing easier. LOL

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

OK I'm done with Zone 6 whew. What I would like to have is a form letter for that where we can just update the links and then send it to all the newbies at once. Yep, I'm lazy LOL

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL I know I started mine last night and didn't get it finished until this morning. Setting and looking at the screen last night and my eyes started crossing cause I was so sleepy.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

I seriously considered just using my email instead of dmail LOL but wasn't sure how to do it that way. I'm used to sending everyone one letter all at once when I need to reach more than 2 people about something.
So what do we do about the other zones 1-4 and 7-8.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I guess for the time being until she can get someone to do them I will see if I can handle them unless you want to split it with me.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

They start at zone 3.
No 1and 2
I can handle zone 3/4 if you can add 7/8 to yours for now.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

here is what I coppy and paste into every dmail I sent.. took all of 20 minutes to dmail 50 + poeple...


(subject Line) Welcome to DG!


We are glad to have you here!

As a new (less than 8 months) paid subscriber , you are eligible to receive a 'Newbie Pack', filled with seeds donated by fellow DG members! It's our way of welcoming you to Dave's Garden!

To get your 'Newbie Pack', just follow the link below to the Free Seeds For Newbies thread, located in the Seed Trading Forum.

Once you are there, click the link in the first post for the instructions on how to receive your free seeds! Be sure you are sending your SASBE to AREJAY59

C'mon over, introduce yourself, and get to know some of your fellow DGers!

Welcome To DG!



Fell free to copy this if you wish, but change the siggy at the

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

I just copy and paste the one arejay set up for me as I have trouble getting the new threads to go in the dmails cause I don't know how to do it. I wish I knew how to set it up for myself, I hate it that someone has to take the time to set it up for me.

I jsut got thru doing zone 3/4 and I went back to Jan on them cause I know some never ever recieved an invite for the seeds.

Cue do you know where mekos is ? I need her to tell me what to do with these magnolia seeds that seray sent me.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I havent seen mekos all day.. as wondering where she was myself :)

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

new link for the new chat thread... come on over !

St John's, Antigua and Barbuda(Zone 10a)

So as a 'newbie' how do I get free seeds?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

coco.. welcome..

you can either follow the link about to the new seed juniie thread that has a link for instructions, or you can simply go find the 'Free Seed For Newbies' thread... both contain links to directins on how to obtain yor free seeds

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