CLOSED: Free Seed For Newbies! 8/14/09. Come Join Us!

And I think I know who she is. Good night JOHN BOY.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Good night Jon girl

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Seed Auction #2

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Seed Auction for Irises

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Boy That must be nice to get your membership paid LOL I wish I was that lucky. Oh well What the hay.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm guessing everyone went to bed... *yawn8 think I had better head there myself soon... 5:30 rolls around pretty quick!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

See Lolly here you go...
Lolly look here or find a dump truck going by your property ask a neighbor if they know anything about them and call one of them to deliver a truckfull I pay around 300.00 for a truckfull that is like 20 yards I think it will fill like 8 or ten maybe more 4x 13 gardens raised beds and many other spots in the yard
Whoops link to contractors in your area

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I am getting mine now to prepare for spring!!

Florence, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Arejay59.

For anyone living in zone 6a, I really love dahlias and would like to plant some in these raised beds. Do these need to be dug up for the winter or will they survive here?

Florence, KY(Zone 6a)

And another poo? I do have an aquarium which requires cleaning about twice a year. Are we talking about the water full of fish poo that I take out of my tank? I can use that on my flower beds?? Or have I horribly misunderstood that conversation?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I am in zone five I I was gifted or won about a dozen dahlia from Poochella she is wonderful and full of Dahlia knowledge she has a thread ongoing she is here

there are also some great articles and such here

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Well I dont know if they used the leftover water from the fish tank...but I certainly would it is rich with natural growing aids I would add it to my compost

Hi LollyJean

Why don't you join us in making a lasagna garden. It's a layered bed of organic materials. Don't have to dig, weed, or have huge amounts of soil. A few of us on this thread are building them. Some slower than others. LOL

Here's a link.

If you're interested we'll share what we know with you. Cue already has hers planted in veggies after a weekend of work. I'm going to put hostas in mine. Dahlias would look great in one.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

I got a question. How do you put grass clippings in a bed like that and not have grass growing in it? I just mow the lawn and grass gets in my beds and then I have grass growing in them. How do you do it?

Grass clippings don't sprout new grass. Grass grows with underground runners. The grass is growing in your beds from the runners or the seeds that drop from the grass. Not from the clippings.

Florence, KY(Zone 6a)

That's a good idea Seray. Can you grow anything in a lasagna garden that you could grow in a traditional bed?

Hi LollyJean

When we first started talking about it I went to YouTube and watched bunches of video and then bought a book by the woman who started it 'Lasagna Gardening" by Patricia Lanza. Amazon used for 3.95 LOL She had great info. Owned an inn and had about 30 gardens with everything you could think of done all with Lasagna style.

I think everything would work well there. Including irises. LOL

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I just wondered. I just know that everytime I mow about a week later I have to pull grass out of the beds.

Mowing probably stimulates the roots Flower. If you cut a small trench around your beds that might help keep the grass out. I sure will next year. Here's the idea:

Sometimes no border is the best border of all! Dig a 6-8" trench around the area that you want to make into a bed. Use a square-edged shovel or edger tool to get a nice clean line. Next, mound the topsoil from where you want the highest point of the bed to be and slope it down to where the trench starts. Now, after planting your herbs, use pinestraw for mulch and cover the bed, including the trench. This has a nice professional appearance and only requires re-edging a couple of times a year. Just push back the pinestraw, and using the square shovel, remove any rogue grass growth and redistribute the dirt that will naturally settle with rain/watering. Then tuck the pinestraw back in!

Looks good. I've seen it where the trenches are left open and the grass grows right up to it . The trench is not too deep and serves as a natural border.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hey, all you newbies and oldies, too, CHECK this OUT. Sounds like fun! And we love fun! Host pays our return shipping, what a deal!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Flower - If your grass clippings contain seed heads that are ripe, then yes, they may sprout. however, laying down a nice layer of cardboard to begin your lasagna bed will keep those runners from sprouting up int he bed.

as with any bed, there will be some weeding that needs to be done to a lasagna bed, tho far less than a traditional bed. the idea of a lasagna bed is you lay down an initial barrier, then layer organic material on top until you reach a certain height. seeds are planted much closer together than in a traditional bed. because of all the yummy organic material you have layered the bed with, the plants wont actually be competing with one another over nutrients, there is enough to go around, allowing closer plantings.

closer plantings means less room for weed growth, but here will still be some. you can cut down even more weeds by mulching periodically with dried leaves, grass clippings, pine needles and chipped bark... which will also add even more nutrients...

basically, you are creating a plant

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Anybody ever put a light layer of sand in their lasagna bed?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

There is sand in the loam I have delivered for my raised beds so why not!!

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Hey guys, is this Iris? Looks like I need to thin it out but it hasn't flowered yet.. Just wondered if any of you knew. Thanks

Thumbnail by MechelleT
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

I think I'm going to try a little sand.. hmm.. Makes perfect sense doesn't it Arejay?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Makes sense to me...

Listen everyone I have been talking to some about the newbies lately as the auctions and such have brought a lot of attention to the anyway Flower my right hand girl has been sending letters to the newbies that she can find on the member front page since I started collecting and distributing seeds. Evidently we are missing lots of I contacted Administration about finding and inviting them to join us and get their free yes...I am looking for volunteers and here is the information I got from admin...
Dmail me if you are interested ....Flower will continue with her Zone being Zone 5
Cue has offered her help so Cue which Zone would you like?

Hi Robin,

I'm afraid that the new subscriber list is about it unless you use
the Member List:

You'd have to check each state for new sign ups, but it could be
done. If several of you are working on this, if each takes a few, you
could quickly see the new members.

Happy Gardening,

This message was edited Aug 17, 2009 7:18 PM

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Robin I checked the member lists out by Ky and Zone 6 and have a tip for you all. Since newbies are 8 months or less go to the last few pages listed to get the 2009 members. You can also filter out the non subscribers by clicking a link at the top of the membership page before going to the last few pages you think will start with 2009.
I can help you out with this if you need me to.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Are you saying you would like to do zone 6 letters?

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Where ever I'm needed will be fine with me Robin. I'm home most of the time anyway and spend way too much time on this site so won't mind helping you out.

Edited to ask if you or Flower have a list of the ones you've already sent letters to by any chance? That would cut out sending to members who already received one.

This message was edited Aug 17, 2009 8:44 PM

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yeah!! Zone 5 and 6 are covered...
do you want to make your own welcome letter? If not dmail me I will forward the one I use...

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I would like a new one and I don't know how to do it but IF you would just tell me how I could do it myself.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

arejay..a re we talkinng USDA zones here.. or the regions of the US?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

The only thing you really need to change Flower is the thread that is a link to the directions everything else in yours should be ok.
you can copy == highlight this and then right click on your mouse see where it says copy click that, then take your mouse cursor to the spot in the letter where you want that to be and right click again see paste click it.. that is all you do

here is the link to the directions

and here is the link to the newbie thread
the newbie thread link changes every time Cue starts a new thread..

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Arejay.. I can take zones 9 - 11 (10 and 11 are relatively small) if that wold help.. or if someone wants zone 9... i can just take 10 and 11... either way

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Ok Cue you have 9,10 and 11 until you get tired by then someone from zone 10 and 11 will show up and claim those...

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Nite you all I'm off of here now I have my anniversary letter all typed up. Robin I got the email thanks. You all be good now.

Nite Mindy!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Night Mindy

Spooner, WI

Hi everyone, I was kindly directed towards this thread since I am a newbie seeder (is that what we're called, or did I just make up a word?) I have been gardening for over 20 years, but have only done bits & pieces with seeds. This year, I threw some columbine seeds out & watered diligently & have a gazillion seedlings, so I'm excited.

Hoping you can all help me figure out what to do next! I've also thrown out some other seeds into a "prairie" area (poppies & such), hoping they come up. I have some more columbine & some more poppies & some seedlings from tigerlilies.

Mainly, my question is where should I start with the whole collecting seeds thing? I collected zinia seeds WAY back, but that's about it. This year, I have 2 flower heads of my new Summer Sky Echinacea hanging upside down with homemade paper bags around the heads. What else do I do? I have hostas (LOTS), iris, daylilies, phlox, columbine, peonies, hollyhocks, mints, etc...

Also, does anyone know how to go about collecting seeds from wild Touch-me-nots without having them fly all over? We have tons of them growing in the ditches here.

Mechelle, this is what I thought of when i saw your great space. Went to a local dairy breakfast & the entire side of the field had this fence running all the way with a huge gorgeous assortment of perennials and annuals.

Thumbnail by ptilda
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Good Morning ptilda,
It is nice to meet you. Where have you been hiding you belong here with us...look at that fence Mechelle, great find. It looks Ptilda like you are way up on the seed saving excersion already. The only thing I would do different is let the flowers dry on the stalk you dont get as many blossoms but you get seed just wait until they are somewhat dry before you take them off to hang them upside down. I have a wooden dowel hanging in my seed collecting area I hang the flowers while they are finishing there drying out period just like you do upside down in a paper bag. All kinds no prejudice here. Bee Balm, Turtlehead, sunflower , coneflower I hang them all...whatever I grow I hang for seed. I sent you a dmail and gave you the thread to get your free seed if you have trouble just dmail me back. Welcome to the garden Ptilda be sure to look around.

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