Photo by Melody

Daylahmnas's Member Page


  Daylahmnas wants you to know:  

  A note from Daylahmnas:  
"Although we sell plants locally and via mail as The Artist's Way Nursery we have enjoyed trading much more through We have met and made friends through this site more than we had anticipated.

Since we send well started and large sized plants we expect the same from the traders we deal with and up to this point have not been disappointed by anyone. Although we signed up years ago we have just started filling in my haves/wants lists. We have found that the heat has affected some of the plants upon arrival and if you are new to this you need to know that snipping the tips of the feeder roots, treating the roots with rooting compound and getting them into the ground is paramount...water regularly and mulch for the winter if you are in that type of climate. If you are afraid to put them in the ground due to winter...complete the root procedure and put the plant in a pot and treat as a houseplant by watering and fertilizing until spring. We have had much success with this and it has actually done the plants a favor....and they give back more quickly with a warm place to be over winter and will bloom much more quickly (depending on plant of course). Keep them trim and neat by cutting back through the winter months and by spring you will have a really good sized plant and roots to adorn your garden.

We have appreciated all that we have experienced with this web site not only as a datbase but also in meeting new gardeners across the country.

Thank you so much for considering us as a possible traders with you. We hope to hear from you soon.

D.Hughes and D. Ryan
The Artist's Way Nursery
PO Box 24
Huntington, Ma.01050"

  Photo from Daylahmnas  

Picture of Daylahmnas

Daylahmnas signed up on Aug 8, 2004