Anyone have rebloom on rebloomers yet?

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)


SEPTA = Slowly Eliminating Public Transportation Altogether

Raleigh, NC

I just wish Raleigh had readily available public transportation. My son moved away to NYC because he's had trouble keeping a driver's license. Here, without one, you have to risk your life fighting the traffic on a bike.

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

Good one, stormyla. ; )

Igrowinpa - thank you.

Attaching some pics of the rebloomers...IB Constant Companion first

Thumbnail by Maxsmomma
Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

SDB Pause

Thumbnail by Maxsmomma
Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

TB English Cottage

Thumbnail by Maxsmomma
Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

Another Constant Companion - it's from Nebraska; maybe that's why it's doing so well here in PA...

Thumbnail by Maxsmomma
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Maxsmomma, That Constant Companion is beautiful, so is Pause. I've just recently gotten Pause and am now anxious to see it bloom.

That SEPTA jingle was taught to me by a SEPTA bus driver 25 years ago, back when the EL still ran all night.

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

Maxsmomma...they're all gorgeous!
Really love your English Cottage....and Pause.......what am I saying..I love them all!


Raleigh, NC

Is English Cottage the one by Zurbrigg that's supposed to smell so great?

South Hamilton, MA

Champagne Encore going in bloom close to 2 months now. This is its 3rd season & really taking off this fall.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

It would be great if you mention their blooming abilities in the plant files. It is nice to look at the plant and see what people say about it. Just a suggestion.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I am with you rebloomnut, on adding the rebloom data to Plant files. It would be nice if people would say what zone and what month they got rebloom on each rebloomer. The AIS Reblooming Iris Society does not publish complete rebloom records on the internet. It is possible to buy a printed set from them, but most of us would rather just look it up on line.

South Hamilton, MA

How do you do that, says computer novice. Found the plant, but can't add information.

Raleigh, NC

Hey! my reblooming iris is not Again and Again!

Looked again, and it's one row over from again and again, and it's more of a pale honey color. according to my notes, it's Angie Quadros.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

IrisMa go to the plant you want to add the info and scroll all the way to the bottom and it has a post to click that says Post A Comment and it will take you to a sight just like I am typing here. Hope this helps you and the others so you can keep tabs that way.

South Hamilton, MA

Thanks. I will try tomorrow when I am more alert.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Maxxsmomma, Your photo of Pause is a better close up than the only other one in PF. You should add yours.

Raleigh, NC

it was supposed to frost or get close to it last night. So I sent DD out to the iris patch to cut that stalk of Angie Quadros. this morning my whole kitchen it generously perfumed! what a scent! the color is so gentle too. But this scent is like expensive perfume! And I didn't realize how huge this bloom was either until it was in the kitchen.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

bonjon, do post a comment about its rebloom in plant files -- and a photo if you can get one before it wilts. There isn't much on Angie Quadros in Plant Files and there is nothing about it being a rebloomer in October in Raleigh, NC which would be valuable info for lots of people including the Reblooming Iris Society.

Raleigh, NC

Don't know that it will help them much, pajar.

I've never seen it for sale anywhere else. There's very little on the description of it, no indication it's a rebloomer, or fragrant. But it's the only one this light honey/yellow beard color in that whole row. Thought for certain Again And Again had to have spread a bit into the next row (they are tight rows) until I realized the beard is not white. It's also growing quite a bit taller than it's description, and normally things grow shorter here than in their descriptions.

Darn - thought I did post the photo. My kitchen smells yummy from it!

editted - oops. think I'd better learn how to resize this photo! that bloom is much larger than my hand, but it's so big here you can't see all of it on the screen at once!

This message was edited Nov 7, 2009 1:40 PM

Thumbnail by bonjon
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Nice picture. Would be a good addition to Plant Files. Also the info about reblooming would be helpful for people who own it or might want to buy it.

Angie Quadros is for sale at P-Bar at a minimum. I think also Blue Jay. Besides, people might use your photo to see if what they have is Angie Quadros. It isn't that old -- only 1982. People probably still grow it -- not just you! Besides lots of people like fragrant reblooming iris.

Raleigh, NC

you know what? this doesn't look anything like Angie Quadros photo already posted, and it's very like several of the Again and Again photos, though not all of them.

I do think this is Again and Again - it's spread across the row! It's description lists a white beard - that's what threw me. But it's photos all show a yellow beard. what's with that???

This message was edited Nov 7, 2009 2:57 PM

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I think white beards get yellow on the ends when the pollen comes out. I think. You would have to ask someone who knows more than me to be sure, but lots of people know Again and Again so someone should know.

Knoxville, IA(Zone 5a)

I'm really enjoying all your posts on reblooming Iris. This fall is the first I've had any and I'm enjoying them so much! After everything else is dead, I have 4 iris still blooming their heads off! And I was told that they didn't rebloom in Iowa! Mariposa Autumn (planted summer 2008) still has 13 buds which still haven't opened and we've had one on on kitchen table all the time for almost a month now. Do any of you have particular ones you would recommend that might grow in zone 5?

Thumbnail by edyhill
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Sugar Blues reblooms for me in Zone 5. Also Double Your Fun and Elephant Footprints.

Raleigh, NC

somehow I was just on a website for Minnesota Iris society, and they listed their reblooming irises there. I'll bet anything that reblooms in Minnesota would also rebloom in most of Iowa.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Noid SDB someone gave to me last year. Unusual for this time of the year. Bloom popped out
today and some thick leaves on another potted one.

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
South Hamilton, MA

Thanks to instructions I posted the rebloom information on Champagne Encore in the plant files.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Lucy! This is good for Plant Files and all the iris lovers because the RIS records are not readily available.

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

Posted the rebloom info on my rebloomers in the Files and uploaded my pics, too. Feel so accomplished now. ; )

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I've had my first autumn Iris bloom, yep, one made it! It's really odd for me to see Iris blooms among the falling leaves, LOL.

Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

Gemini, isn't it a hoot! Iris in the autumn leaves puts a smile in our hearts!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8b)

I have blooms on Autumn Circus and Happy New Year. I'm in 8b East Texas.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

It kinda makes me feel like I'm in a Tim Burton movie, but I kinda like it, LOL!

Knoxville, IA(Zone 5a)

Cornhusker Autumn, a SDB, just opened up today. I just planted it this spring (from Iowa Dave's Garden Roundup) so hadn't expected a bloom the first fall. It looks darker, more intense color than the photos in the plant files. I wonder if that is because it is just opening, difference in plants, or the way the photos in the plant file looked.

Thumbnail by edyhill
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Wow, That's a lovely one too, Edyhill. Photos all appear to have slightly different color. That's normal. The amount of sunlight the plant receives can affect the color too.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

That is so great you are all having some rebloom. Thanks Maxsmamma for putting the info in the plant files. Thanks to all the others that did too. It will really help others looking for rebloom.

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

IB Champagne Encore STILL blooming! And it still has buds coming.

South Hamilton, MA

Fantastic Did Did that 5th stalk ever get any taller? Talk about your late frost situation in zone 5. Probably what lets those little roses bloom so late as well.

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

Yes it did. I think there is a 6th one too.

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