Anyone have rebloom on rebloomers yet?

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Love rain . I love to get in my car and turn the radio on and just drive when it is raining or Foggy. In areas mind you without much traffic.
Love the Boulder Bolder Iris in the vases.

Raleigh, NC

y'all are reminding me why I no longer live in Idaho Falls, Idaho, where it's probably just as cold as MT right about now! IF is 4700 ft up.

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Question: My stalks have finally been frozen down. When should I cut back the plants -- can I do it now that weather is in 30's or wait until weather warms. Do not want to jeopardize spring bloom, but don't like the look of "mushy" stalks. Never had this many unbloomed stalks in December before.

South Hamilton, MA

Cut the stalks at the level of the rhizome now. If you wish you could bring any with buds inside & see if any will open (probably not, but you can try). You don't want rot or other damage to start on the ones outside. Spring bloom comes off new increases, not old stalks.

Raleigh, NC

I'm just getting the hang of always cutting the stalks. I've probably lost a lot of irises to rot this way, too.

Made the mistake of planting them all too close together due to lack of space and not realizing I'd need to plann for bed space for so many bonuses! It made them nearly impossible to get to to cut without knocking their still blooming neighbors over. (my big bottom does it every time...)

Am gradually remedying this problem. But my space here didnt' expand, and I keep doing it without meaning to. But giving them move room does make them easier to see and enjoy. Though I still love my photos of my 2005 bed, which looks like a "rainbow drift of colors."

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

When I lose them to rot, the rhizome usually isn't getting enough sun. Some leaves have fallen and covered it or I just didn't plant it right. Sometimes you think the soil around it will settle and it doesn't. When the ones that bloom rot, that is just part of nature. The mother dies after leaving several babies. If it leaves no babies -- that is bloom out.

Raleigh, NC

well, our oaks do cause leaf layer problems, and leaves don't easily blow out of iris beds.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Our pine needles do the same.

Raleigh, NC

that be a LOT of pine straw.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Our trees here are pine, aspen and scrub oak, but the pine is the dominant one.

Raleigh, NC

our state's nickname came from all the loblolly and white pines: Tarheel State.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Pines are beautiful trees. In Mississippi we grow slash ( yellow) pine and longleaf pine which looks like a grass when it is young -- its needles are so long. Here in Los Alamos it is Ponderosa and pinon pine. I think it might have been the ponderosas that first attracted me to Los Alamos.

Raleigh, NC

so not the nuclear reactors, heh?

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

No, it wasn't the nuclear reactors, which is a good thing because the last one was shut down several years ago. But concerning nuclear reactors, the country is in a crisis because it can't produce enough of the medical isotopes needed in the US and the world. In fact, some of them aren't available in any quantity anywhere.
Our reactor was tiny and old. When it began to leak radioactive materials into the cooling water it was shut down. That was good, but we need to build new ones somewhere.

Raleigh, NC

boy am I behind the times. Didn't know Los Alamos labs had shut down.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

No the labs are still doing fine. The reactors have shut down. There never were but two experimental ones and the last one shut down a long time ago. The laboratory is very much in business.

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