How's the weather where you live?

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)
There are a total of 429 votes:

It is blistering hot and humid, same as the end of July every year.
(129 votes, 30%)
Red dot

We are cooler than normal. (is this better or worse?)
(106 votes, 24%)
Red dot

I live south of the equator, so I am experiencing winter temperatures.
(6 votes, 1%)
Red dot

Rain, rain, rain. Wetter than usual here.
(80 votes, 18%)
Red dot

Dry heat, no humidity. (is this normal for your area?)
(32 votes, 7%)
Red dot

My weather is perfect right now. (why?)
(29 votes, 6%)
Red dot

My weather is not normal for my area. (what is different?)
(47 votes, 10%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Clarkson, KY

Cool and wet...I'm thankful we are catching up on all the rain we didn't get the last two summers. (I'm about 40mi SW of Doug...) But I have about 5000 green tomatoes that won't ripen...and 10,000 volunteer cherry tomatoes. AAAck!! Anyone know how many cherry tomatoes I'd need to peel to make 24 quarts of spaghetti sauce for the winter?

Clay Center, KS(Zone 5b)

Wonderful July for North Central Kansas, many day time highs around 80 and cool nights. Don't know what August will be, but it's been a fantastic summer so far, even if our tomatoes are not producing.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

We have the same problem here, green tomatoes that won't ripen. We hear it every year. Then every year around August 10 to 15, BOOM!! All tomatoes are ripe at once! Why do people think tomatoes should be ripe 40 days after they set them out. Most tomatoes are 65 or more days maturity.

I don't raise any tomatoes outside any longer. I don't like blighted tomatoes. No blight inside. I have been picking for a while now.

Thumbnail by CountryGardens
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

This has been a strange summer here with record high temps in June ...... and now record lows and record rainfall in July. Today, Arkansas should break a rainfall in July record that has stood since 1871 !! They are calling for rain today, tomorrow, the next day, the next, etc - all the way until NEXT Saturday and the date just keeps moving out. It has been raining since Sunday already...... When it does stop - it will probably be unbearable heat !! My plants are not sure WHAT is going on.............


Clarkson, KY

Wow, Bernie! Mine went out around May 1st...and usually we have tomatos in July...

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

My friend said it hit 104 in Burien right outside of Seattle..His Condo didn't get below 90F last night...argh!

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Our house only got down to the upper 80's, I'm not sure that it got much below that outside last night. That's what really sucks; in the desert areas I've been told you get really high day time temps but it drops to really cold temps at night. We've just had hot, it was in the mid-80's at 2 a.m. You can't cool down that way, even if you close up every thing during the day it's still a nice summer day temp inside.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I know in Easter Wa. it's like that.
My friend went out with a couple of his friends to buy airconditioners today.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

I think it's colder east of the mountains than west of them right now.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Lower than normal temperatures. July 4th weekend we had to put a light jacket on while we were on our deck. Loved it.
We've had absolutely great weather for this area cooler and lower humidity. We've had humidity this past week which is quite normal. However, overall, a wonderful summer. Our garden has produced huge amounts of veggies. We're putting veggies up in the freezer and eating, eating eating fresh veggies every day for snacks and meals. The flowers really like it too--just keep blooming.

Salina, KS(Zone 6a)

The end of July has been absolutely wonderful. Temps in the low 80s for the past few days. That ends tomorrow & then Sunday is forecast for 100s. Much more normal for this time of year.

We are in desperate need of rain in this part of the state.

I have so enjoyed the cooler temperatures.


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I am in south Texas where the drought is extreme and the temps hotter than I ever remember in my life. My brother, being a farmer, says that we are experiencing a more than 100 year drought. Today's real feel heat index was 108 just like every day. Actual temps are running 98 and 99 every day. (over 33 days in a row I do believe)

Our foundations are moving because of lack of rain. Only 2" since Janurary 1 of this year have we had. My utility room has completely shifted away on a slab from the pier and beam house. The foundation people were out today to see my 2" gap along with all the doors in the house not closing.

What a summer we will never forget. I don't ever remember praying for a hurricane just to get needed rain. Lake Travis in Austin has been closed down to the public as have many other bodies of water in Texas.

My fig tree can't even produce normal wants God's water........not my city water.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I voted that my weather was not normal for my area! Nope, it's been literally 25 deg. above average for the last few days! I'm in the heatwave along with Gardenguykin, zhinu, zhinusmom, and Katye.

Today was very bearable, almost nice at 94 deg. But the last couple of days were officially 111 and 108 deg., which is just not right. It reminds me of when I've been visiting Las Vegas and Phoenix! Of course the heat waved caused few Forest Firest to grow quickly and make it smokey, hot, air. I'm really looking forward to todays temperature which is supposed to about 90-92! Normally I would not say that I look forward to that, but it really sounds good now!

I'm with ya !!
I like having our cool night's back too!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Definitely! We're up at an hour when our temperatures are "normal" now! lol

Clarkson, KY

Oh golly....we've got your weather here!! Went to school at UofO...think late May before it dries off...nutty!! (feel like a Fighting Duck too with all the rain!!(U of Oregon))

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Another one here in the Willamette Valley not liking the heat that we have been having. I moved from SF bay area to get away from this kind of heat! Much better this morning and expected high 88 today. Better..but still a bit hot for my liking.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

We had been having a cooler and wetter than normal summer... until about 10 days ago. Now we are back to what is normal for this area... unfortunately!!! I would have been happy with a cooler and wetter than normal entire summer!

Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

Our dry heat with low humidity is what I checked. But some days it is cool with rain as is normal here in the Chihuahuan desert. It is our monsoon season when we get most of our rain. Mornings are perfect for working in the yard and garden. I stay inside midday to get my work done and then it cools down nicely to sit on the porch after supper. Before adding weather links on my computer and hearing what others say about their weather, I hadn't realized what perfect weather we have most of the year. Never the extreme highs like AZ and never the extreme cold like much of the country.

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Much cooler and much wetter than usual. NY is one of the wettest states in the Union, so you can imagine how much rain we've had!

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

My weather is not normal for my area. Vancouver, BC broke all time temperature records for both of the last 2 days with yesterday's temperature at 34.4 C/93.9 F. This might not be hot for some but it's quite humid and we're not used to these temperatures. Elderly, homeless and people with respiratory problems are most affected

My theory is that with the significant Pine Beetle damage to interior forests has removed a natural climate buffer that has allowed Siberian cold fronts to filter down to the coast for winter and hot interior heat to flow west.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Growin the heat is sneaking through the big rocks. Sposed to be those same temps here tomorrow with thunderboomers. Do you mind just keepin that stuff on your side of the big rocks good buddy?

Trenton, FL(Zone 8b)

Well, earlier in the week I was missing the Oregon summers, but now I'm glad to be here in the A/C. It's hot and humid here, but no worse than a typical Florida week. I feel for you PNWers. That is the hot where if you touch your hot car, you can burn yourself, like touching a hot stove burner.

Mesquite, NV(Zone 9a)

Hi from the middle of the desert - 104-114 for the past few weeks - have had only .09 inches of rain this year! My tomatoes LOVE the dry heat, but everything else whimpers.

Here's a photo of my reblooming iris from last Fall. Not sure what will happen this Fall.

Anne King

Thumbnail by bachngolf
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Hasn't rained since March, or maybe it was February, or maybe April. That's pretty typical, and it won't rain again until October, November, or December.

Out in the wild

Thumbnail by Kelli
Vernal, UT

We've had a way cooler than normal summer in northeastern Utah . . . with lots of rain in June, which is highly unusual for our high desert environment. It slowed the veggies' growth, but they're catching up now that the temperatures are staying in the upper 80's and low 90's (with nearly no humidity) during the day.

I'm sorry our friends in Texas (my hometown is Austin) had such a brutal June and July and hope the rains come soon.

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Here in NE Texas we have had some very nice rain. REAL RAIN! Like about 3 times a few days apart and total of about 3 inches! Our grass is still green, our plants are happy! Even the brugs are blooming sort of like they do in the fall, because it cooled off a bit. It was only 91 today... LOL but we had a few days in the high 80's due to the rain. It had been inthe 100's before the rain...

Phoenix, AZ

I feel your pain, backngolf. Been very hot here. Unbearable.
Lucky you, yardqueen1948, you get RAIN! We haven't had any real monsoon activity for a good month.. and that wasn't true monsoon weather!

Atawhai,Nelson, New Zealand(Zone 10a)

Mid-winter here but I just mowed the lawn since it keeps on growing even at this time of year. Proteas in full flower and some other plants continue to grow. Yay for the mild Kiwi winter!


Thumbnail by mike_in_NZ
Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

This summer has brought much to be thankful for weather wise. This has been an ideal summer with the last two being extremely hot and dry. My last utility bill was actually $70 less than the month before. Now that is very unusual. It's also nice to have a green lawn for a change. My veggie garden is thriving though the watering cans are dust covered, so the water bill is also lower. I thought August would bring on the heat, but this week's forecast is mild temps with occassional showers. The shrubs and roses; that I planted a few years ago and barely survived the past 2 summers; are showing off this year. : )

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

It's been cooler, I think the coolest summer we've ever had, so far. Still not cool enough for me, but 70's to mid 80's are OK.

I love the flowers of summer, but I'm still anxiously awaiting fall weather.


Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

I would love 70's & 80's!

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

This July was the coolest on record. We have also had more rain than normal. But I'll tell ya...I'm really not complaining! :D I haven't had to water hardly any this summer! A real plus.

DeLand, FL(Zone 9b)

Hot, humid, and rainier than usual...that means the weeds are worse than ever, and impossible to keep up with! On the other hand, I'm grateful because we moved several very large 50-60 year old camellias and azaleas this past winter, so they are managing to survive the temps and set new roots without me having to water them!

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

I said it is different, but it really is not, except for the heat wave in July, which usually comes in August, and the humidity has been up, despite the gross lack of rain, so the evaporative cooler is not working up to par. I can only pray for a swap of weather trend in August where we get Arizona's monsoon season and allow us some early rain.

I saw that an El Nino is coming supposedly, so may be wet for us in the winter and dry for a lot of you. Whhoooo hooo.

My plants are hating life now.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

After seeing this, I want to move to roybird's area. I will now commence my home searching. I love the dry weather, with rain and tolerable temps. I am all over that.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

One daughter and her family just returned from Florida and just loved the weather compared to Texas heat...........

The other one and her family left this morning for a week of wonderful Florida nice weather. They don't think Florida is hot at all compared to central Texas.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Acfrancis.... you're right, when your car is hot enough that you burn yourself when you touch it.... that's an excellent gauge! Especially coming from a former PNWester!

Same with Grownut! and you remember correctly that it is late may when we dry out.

It was 94 today. Strangely enough, it seems quite reasonable! But, i'm sure that's only because it doesn't feel like an oven when I open the door any more!

Clarkson, KY

redchik ---I remember because I gave up on wearing shoes in college due to the wet!! Sometimes in December and January...usually I packed dry shoes and socks in my backpack and put them on during classes. Only one in there with warm dry feet!! lol. Ducks is right!!

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