How's the weather where you live?

Trenton, FL(Zone 8b)
There are a total of 429 votes:

It is blistering hot and humid, same as the end of July every year.
(129 votes, 30%)
Red dot

We are cooler than normal. (is this better or worse?)
(106 votes, 24%)
Red dot

I live south of the equator, so I am experiencing winter temperatures.
(6 votes, 1%)
Red dot

Rain, rain, rain. Wetter than usual here.
(80 votes, 18%)
Red dot

Dry heat, no humidity. (is this normal for your area?)
(32 votes, 7%)
Red dot

My weather is perfect right now. (why?)
(29 votes, 6%)
Red dot

My weather is not normal for my area. (what is different?)
(47 votes, 10%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey Kayte, can ya keep the heat down there please..I'm coming home to Seattle at the beginning of Sept, and I need to escape the heat!

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Cool to warm normal here.....much too dry for the past month though south of me it is ok.

I voted -My weather is not normal for my area
It's 101 as I type at 7pm broke our record high for today.
Expected the same for the next two days! 105 expected for tues. and wed.
It's just not normal for here, Ugh...
It's not really humid here so that's a good thing...Right
I'm not Cool but trying to keep my Plants roots Cool. LOL

Santa Fe, NM

I didn't vote because right now our weather is normal for late July. It is hot during the day, high 80's and low 90's and cool at night, around 60. Thunderstorms every afternoon of varying strength and duration. But June was crazy wet and cool. Early July was hot for 2 weeks, high 90's, and dry. We had a very cold, dry spring with late freezes. So, really, now is the only "normal" weather we've had since winter!

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Hey Randy - Didn't know you're from Seattle!
What is your preferred temperature? =:0)
You should know that we've been doing sun-dances here for the past few years & it finally worked! A little too well this week.....but we'll have tomatoes & peppers this year for certain!

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Normal now, (hot & humid), after a horrible May/June full of 60° temps, rain and consistently cloudy skies. Lost some houseplants which couldn't be taken out for spring/ early summer because of the weather and some Bonsais which survived winter and came out of dormancy on schedule, only to be met with wet, cold darkness!

Phoenix, AZ

113 or so.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Cooler and weter than normal in these Ozarks. We've had several record breaking lows in July?
Being a worry wort. I wonder what this winter holds for us.

West Valley City, UT(Zone 6b)

We were cool and wet until the 3rd week of June, then we shot up into the 80s, and we've just completed our average three triple-digit days, with high 90s accompanying.

But now it's cooled back down into the low 90s and upper 80s for the rest of the week. Definitely an abnormal year, but the rain did go a long way toward refilling Lake Powell.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

BEAUTIFUL WEATHER HERE! come on over! Mornings are about 40 and days are about 75. Sometimes a light shower overnight, Beautiful sunny days, Sometimes a breeze, calm ocean and this is the middle of winter! YAY

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Not sure I could cope with the sea on a 5 degree tilt, though!


South Hamilton, MA

yesterday & today were & going to be hot & humid. Can't cope which means can't get at the weeds which are' as high as an elephant's eye' after the over 15" of rain this July. So voted for wet.

Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

It would great for surfing Resin!!!


Floyd, VA(Zone 6b)

This is my second summer here in Floyd. When I moved here my neighbor said, "There will only be a couple of days during the summer
when you would even think of going swimming! She is right.
I haven't thought of it once.

The nights are comfortably cool and the days are agreeably pleasant.
I live ten minutes down from the Blueridge Parkway. I came from the humidity capital of Virginia, Richmond; and it was very, very hot too.

I can now grow primrose, delphiniums, and lupin among other plants which would have wilted and died back there. I just wish I had done this when I was much younger.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Cooler this week than normal, but June was exceptionally hot and very dry.Climate data says we are about 14 inches shy of our normal rainfall. This is our 4th or 5th year of drought ....Katrina/Rita flooding didn't do any kindnesses to our ecosystem. Salt water incursion into fresh water areas has taken a toll. Grasshoppers and crickets are running rampant from our dry Spring. Since June 15th I have killed over 70 of the SoEastern Lubbers in my yard.They are wreaking havoc with the bulb plants. Every time I see one of the SAVE THE PLANET bumper stickers, I think that we should worry more about saving ourselves, as the planet will eventually shrug us parasites off if we aren't careful.

But, it is Louisiana....if you don't like the weather today, stick around, it'll be different next week.

Maple Heights, OH

Cooler than usual, and I'll take it!!!

Phoenix, AZ

** help me**
Its supposed to be 119 degrees today..... ;-(

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

The 17 year old AC unit decided to give up the ghost today. The guy just left after pronouncing it in a 'vegetative state' least it is a cooler than usual summer. I can only hope that we get the new one set before summer returns with a vengeance. (I'm also grieving the $$$ involved)

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Wow 119, too hot for me. I hate it when it hits 90.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

It's been cool and dry here in Minnesota. We have not hit 90°F (32°C) yet this July and it looks like we won't. We have had no really hot, humid days yet this summer. It's been very weird. I have really enjoyed this summer, though.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Hot, hot, hot - and dry, dry, dry. Where is this humidity coming from? A horrible summer!

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Brutal heat and non-stop humidity, though thank the powers that be we've finally had a little rain and could use a LOT more. Good cucumbers this year but the tomatoes couldn't take it. :(

I've thought about whether I'd change places with those where it's been rainy and cool all summer, though, and part of me wouldn't mind, but it would break my heart not to have enough sun for the garden. At least here, you PLAN on having 8 months of summer, and if it gets a little cool by October it's a bonus!

Millbury, MA(Zone 5a)

I voted "hot & humid -- normal for late July" because right now it is just that; however, we have had a very, very wet and cooler than normal Summer so far. I'd like the "cooler" part every year as I hate the hot weather, but could do with a bit less wet! The slugs are surely loving it as are the mosquitoes.

Winter Haven, FL(Zone 9b)

It has been raining quite a bit here lately. Had to change up my potting soil composition due to all of the rain (ROT!)

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

All Minnesotan's travel to Arizona for the winter. Aguane, you should hitch a ride up here for the summer. Don't see many 100's here, although it happens occasionally.
75º today with a light breeze. Wonderful!

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

It was 65 this morning suppose to be 105 today, dry not humid, normal, no record breakers yet. Oh yea and no AC! LOL But I do have a pool so it is not all bad.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Aguane I have set the weather transporter to send some cool mountain breezes and showers your way. shhhh don't tell anyone else about the weather transporter cuz sometimes I miss and hit the wrong town oops

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Man I hate it when that happens....GRIN. So the next time we see news of a "freak blizzard" in Arizona, shall we all grin and say the dahlianut has been playing with the transporter again?

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

I live in north San Diego county CA. Of course it's perfect! (the weather that is)

Valatie, NY(Zone 5a)

Well, at last the rains in the northeast have let up. Perhaps they WILL be tomatoes, after all! Kevin

Phoenix, AZ

Country Gardens! That is the most sensible thing I've heard in 16 years! Under consideration when I retire!! Soon, I home!

Dahlianut - I knew you'd take care of us cooking like bacon down here! Crank up that transporter and think PHOENIX, AZ that is!!!! I believe there are a couple other Phoenix's here in the U.S.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Most of the time I like warm and humid, in fact rejoiced when I moved here as I could plan to do things on weekends!! I get older, home temperatures are looking more favorable!

Gardenguykin! that's hot! Ya'll don't have AC up there either do ya?!

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

We are upper 90 low 100's this week Not at all normal for our area....had power outages in some areas today due to excessive power usage....this is record breaking heat for this area......

Phoenix, AZ

Wow, what's up with that, zhinusmom?

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

I am ready to trade 10-15 degrees of our heat or an inch or two of rain!!! They say we will cool down to the 80's by the end of the week....maybe......our normal this time of year is upper 70 to low 80's....

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I know! And there is NO airconditioning there either!

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Most of the businesses and a lot of residences have air conditioning....our entire housing addition has A/C except for me and about two others who switched to gas when our elec. heat pumps went out.....the owners switched us , but would not put in the A/C..... when the rest of the neighborhood heard that they stayed with replacing or repairing the electric units. So if it gets really unbearable I go next door to my mothers.... my fans don't bother my sinuses the way A/C does. So far as long as I keep the doors windows and blinds closed an the fan's on it is quite comfortable inside...we do have good insulation here.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I unwittingly drove my car from Seattle to Houston, not realizing I didn't need airconditioning in Washington, but most assuredly croaked upon arrival learning the hard way it's definately required needed tinting too! Note to self, sell car before moving next time

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

My nephew from Alaska is going to school at Rice.....we get occasional comments on your weather from him......I was born on the TX/OK Border so it is no big surprise for me....must say I don't miss the Warmer Days there......only thing worse was living in Taiwan....felt like I needed a Snorkel in order to breathe...........

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