How's the weather where you live?

There are a total of 429 votes:

It is blistering hot and humid, same as the end of July every year.
(129 votes, 30%)
Red dot

We are cooler than normal. (is this better or worse?)
(106 votes, 24%)
Red dot

I live south of the equator, so I am experiencing winter temperatures.
(6 votes, 1%)
Red dot

Rain, rain, rain. Wetter than usual here.
(80 votes, 18%)
Red dot

Dry heat, no humidity. (is this normal for your area?)
(32 votes, 7%)
Red dot

My weather is perfect right now. (why?)
(29 votes, 6%)
Red dot

My weather is not normal for my area. (what is different?)
(47 votes, 10%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

It's been cool and rainy. Crops and gardens are having a hard time getting any enthusiasm for growth.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

They say we are cooler than normal. Normal is to hot.
We are in need of rain, not desperate yet, though.
Farm crops in the area are best in years & last year was a bumper crop!

Kannapolis, NC

Hot, hot, hot and did I say hot? Normal weather for the hot, humid South!

Waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

We're cooler than normal, rain breaks up before it gets to use or goes around us. We have October weather since the beginning of July. Hope that doesn't mean snow in August. Oh I would so not like that.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Hot & humid ~ after all, it IS July. What I don't figure is how it can be so humid (95% right now) when we are sooooo dry!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

We have had below normal temps and rain at least 2or 3 days a week and at this time of year for us it is usually hotter than hades here and no rain? whats going on ?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I'll agree with Kathleen and flowerfantasy. It felt like April (cool and rainy) until the middle of July. Now it's the end of July and totally normal, but only two days of normal. Crops are behind a few weeks and small in size, too. There's this horrible tomato Late Blight to worry about. I checked "not normal," because we finally turned on the fan last night.


It's hot, then a bit of rain. We're a dry climate - a desert, actually - and the humidity level is normally a bit dry! It's hotter than normal, so the watering has been stepped up, but my garden is beautiful and I love the weather now (wait 5 min & it'll change to windy & rainy lol)

Whitehall, PA(Zone 6a)

I picked Cooler than Normal, because other than one really early, short heat wave in May, we have not had our normal 90 degree with 90% humidity days this year. We have mostly had temps in the higher 70s-80s and relatively low humidity. Started getting some heat/humidity a couple days ago which is supposed to last through this week, but that's the usual end of July. I use window air conditioners in my home, and last year they were in by June... this year I still haven't needed to put them in, I'm still ok with a fan at night.

I could have chosen Wetter than Normal too though. We have been having a lot of rain, definitely more than normal...every couple of days. I believe it was in early/mid June that it rained for a week and a half straight. That set some of the fruits/veggies back a bit. However, if the trade off for lower temps and lower humidity is rain every couple of days and a week or two late on produce I'll take it any day! Love this weather!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Cool and rainy. But that's normal for a British summer. So I can't tick either the "cooler than normal" or the "Wetter than usual here". Just now, the weather is spot on average!

Oh, and it isn't "perfect right now", either . . . I'd like it to be a bit warmer, say, 21 degrees, rather than the 17 it is ;-)


This message was edited Jul 27, 2009 2:08 PM

It's cooler than normal here, along the river in Iowa. We haven't even hit 90º this month and won't, according to the weather people.

We've recieved steady rainfall since May, so our lawns are still lush, and we're still mowing every 3-4 days.
Very little in-ground watering with the trusty hose this summer, which is wonderful!

I love this weather, although my veggie garden is a little behind. No fesh tomatoes yet, but lots of great looking fruit on the vine.

Oh! One other thing. We have LOTS fewer Japaneese Beetles this year, but not sure if that is weather related?

Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

I can only echo Resin's post. A bit warmer would be perfect, say the low seventies, rather the mid sixties. However after so many years of cold and drought here during summer, the rain is actually helping the garden a great deal. Everything is uncommonly lush, just not developing very fast. Lettuce loves it, tomatoes not.


We are having a wetter than normal summer, but then it dries out and we get parched again.....we do, after all, live in desert country lol It's also hotter than normal - up to 32c (85F) - so that's good as far as I'm concerned. It's really a beautiful summer for growing.
We had a far-too-long winter with record-breaking snow, and a short spring, so I guess the summer is making up for it. We pretty much only have summer in July.........

Factoid for you - Calgary, in various years, has had snow every month of the year...
Not since I've arrived in 2006, but I believe I was told it was in 1989.

This message was edited Jul 27, 2009 8:15 AM

Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

It's been a very different year for us. We had one of the wettest Junes on record and so far into July we've had temps as low as in the upper 60's during the day but still hasn't reached 90 yet this month. It's been a huge departure from the semi-droughts we've had the past two summers. I have a ton of new planting areas just put in since last fall and this spring so the cooler wetter weather has been perfect for them. The vegetables have not complained either.


Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

Around here we rarely get rain between June and September and the humidity rarely exceeds the temperature very few plants will survive without irrigation so tending the drip system is a constant chore.

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

My air conditioning bill tells me that we are much cooler than normal.
After 3 years of "exceptional drought" conditions, we've had regular
rain this year, too! The plants are grateful on both counts :)

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Cooler than normal, and that's good for the hot/humid South this time of year. For instance, besides the nice cool breeze, unseasonably so this time of year. That also seems to trigger certain flowering plants to form buds. i.e. brugmansias in my garden, and neighbor's. A nice break, however brief that cool-break maybe.

Jesup, GA

We are all growing gill's here in Georgia. It's hot humid and more hot and humid!

Hilliard, OH(Zone 6b)

it has been an odd july.. but im happy with it. temps in the mid 80s and the occasional pop-up thunderstorm is causing all the plants to grow well. its cooler than average, but not bad at all. this is the kind of weather i enjoy:)

Fresno, CA(Zone 9a)

Its hot hot hot here in Fresno,CA well it always is in July its just hot as always.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Cooler and wetter, very strange weather.

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Normally very hot in our area of Southern BC during the summer. This year has been exceptionally hot with temps close to 100F for extended lenghts of time. Normally a very dry region and this year is no different, but the unusual part is that over the past several days it has been very humid and muggy. Not normally so in our semi-arid climate.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Hot and dry which is normal for eastern OR. It took a while getting here. We had more rain than normal through most of June which postponed haying season and slowed my vegie garden. We have a grasshopper infestation of near Biblical proportions, they have eaten all the leaves off many of the plants in my yard, but haven't been too damaging to the vegies so far. They have eaten most of the rhubarb leaves which are poisonous to many other animals but seem to have no effect on the grasshoppers.

Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

Ditto with Sashagirl. We are running at about 6" of rain for the month. But when it is not raining it has run from 70 to about 84 degrees here.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Totally fabby perfect weather. Hot and sunny with refreshing rains at night now and then. Barefeets and shorts and birds and bees and dahlias. What more could one ask for? O and a skunk that has moved under the garden shed. BONUS!

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

I agree with Carrie; in MA, only since the middle of July have we been having temps that are cautiously edging up towards normal, and finally, since Saturday, we are "at normal" temps. But we've had more than 2 1/2 times the usual amount of rain, which does make for lush growth and great hydrangeas (and funguses--are gardeners EVER satisfied? LOL)
And maybe, now that things are warming up, we might get some 'maters!! I did see some Stupices redding up when I looked a few minutes ago! Hooray!

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

We must be in a blue hole here because all around us have reported major rain and thunder and lightening, while we've watched the clouds roll over without a drop. It has been very sunny, hot, and some days very humid. My mom in PA says she can't get warm and my sister in Oregon is looking at perhaps 110 degrees this week. Good grief!

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Pretty typical here - hot, not humid, no rain

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Hot 34c Humidity 85% and raining. Then come the typhoons!

Fox Island, WA(Zone 8b)

We have had a very weird summer. June had several record breaking days for temps of 100+ (which does not typically happen so early in the season). Plus we have had a drought - some areas have not had any rain in 30-60 days or more! Again very very strange for the gulf coast. The last 2 weeks have started to go back to normal. Temps in the 90's, evening showers/thunderstorms, very humid!

This message was edited Jul 27, 2009 3:54 PM

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hot drought grips much of Texas. Texas AG is reporting losses over 3.6 BILLION dollars. Temperatures in the Austin, San Antonio area exceeded 100F over 36 consecutive Days. Lake Travis near Austin has lost half of it's body of water, or down over 36 feet. The boating docks are closed, and most except one or two are all on dry land.
Serious, worst drought since the 1950's and possibly ever in Texas.

Texas Ag losses 3.6 Billion

This message was edited Jul 27, 2009 3:57 PM

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I have a cousin who is in Austin and she says it is brutal down there....and she's used to TX heat.

Very wet July for us...grass is still lush and green. It is usually gasping for whatever it can get by now. Been a bit cooler here as well...even wore long pants a couple of days. (unheard of for July in west KY)

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Wow, Randy. I'm so sorry to hear about the drought and its effect on the State's AG. We've had some cool days, but the heat promptly returned. Though, we've had plenty rains.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

it's been a killer. There have been days that it made you naseaus to be outside it was so hot. I can't speak for the rest of Texas, but here in Houston we have seen a break in the weather pattern. Normal July days seem to have returned with afternoon thunderstorms, and El Nino forming in the Pacific is forecast to send some more relief for the rest of Texas in terms of more rain.

Mississauga, ON(Zone 6a)

Lots of cloud cover and more rain than usual here in southern Ontario, Canada. It's been a very comfortable summer though because there's very little humidity and heat.
Just hope my tomatoes thrive. So far, so good.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Hot - as in 98° and almost 5 pm. Our temps are expected to exceed the 100° mark; Seattle will be a few degrees cooler. Normal Summer highs would be about 85°, so this is not being welcomed by many. BUT - this means we will have a fabulous tomato/pepper harvest, and after last summer (wet/cold), I am very glad.
Watering daily to keep everything happy - our plants can get a bit fussy about the heat, since they're normally used to needing water every 8-10 days.
Hanging out in the kiddie pool with the dogs: so worth it!

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Cooler and wetter. Only 5 days in 90's and have had 13" of rain so far, several inches above average for entire year. Had a night time supercell on west side of Denver, up against the mountains- extremely rare- that dropped up to 18" of hail the other night. Had a confirmed tornado in Longmont about a month ago, also extremely rare with it being close to the mountains. We are normally bumping 100 every day, 5% humidity is normal, and rain is rare during summer months, and everything is brown wherever you look. Not this year!! Cool, humid (for us-50-60%), wet and everything is green. Can't wait for winter.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Much hotter than normal. Hate it. Cannot function.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 4b)

Global warming? Hmph. Globaloney!

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