How's the weather where you live?

Phoenix, AZ
There are a total of 429 votes:

It is blistering hot and humid, same as the end of July every year.
(129 votes, 30%)
Red dot

We are cooler than normal. (is this better or worse?)
(106 votes, 24%)
Red dot

I live south of the equator, so I am experiencing winter temperatures.
(6 votes, 1%)
Red dot

Rain, rain, rain. Wetter than usual here.
(80 votes, 18%)
Red dot

Dry heat, no humidity. (is this normal for your area?)
(32 votes, 7%)
Red dot

My weather is perfect right now. (why?)
(29 votes, 6%)
Red dot

My weather is not normal for my area. (what is different?)
(47 votes, 10%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Louisville, NE

In eastern NE, it is usually HOT from late June through July (95 - 105). This year we have had mid 80s average, with almost perfectly timed rains. We also farm (800 acres), so this weather is Manna from Heaven! I am waiting for the other shoe to drop...we do have August (usually a little cooler) to get through. So far, my gardens are beautiful, and compared to last year, BEAUTIFUL! I haven't lost a single plant or flower that wasn't sick or damaged to begin with - very unusual for me in July. I have learned that, in eastern Nebraska, you don't assume anything about the weather. This week? low 80s with some rain. All right by me!!

Centennial, CO(Zone 5a)

It has been cooler & much wetter than normal here. We've had something like DOUBLE our normal precip so far this year. Temp never topped 70 today & that is very odd for July, 80s & 90s are more normal.

St. Simon's Island, GA(Zone 9a)

Hot, humid, and lower than normal rain amounts, although today, we've had a good drenching.
I think I'll stay inside and quilt, while my grass grows about 3 inches.

Trenton, FL(Zone 8b)

I used to use the AC maybe a half-dozen days in Oregon, although I'm sure it'd be running full time if I was there right now.

I think I might have to head for Australia for the summer.

Dahlianut, if you send some cool here for the kitty and me, I promise to send you some warmth next winter (if I can find a transporter)

Amye :)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL, I hear ya Trisha,
I lived in Liberia W. Africa, I know the feeling too well!

Hey there RJ
Gosh I sure hope everyone here in the PNW makes it through the Heat Wave OK!
You have it right RJ...Many of us here don't have Air Cond. it's 105 as I type and I just
saw on the news it reached 107 today. New record High our average this time of year is 86.

I installed my window air conditioners and thank goodness for them helping cool the home.

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

Normal for this time of year. Monsoon season is getting started which keeps us cooler in the afternoon and frequently brings rain. We are due for a whopping 2.5" in the month of August.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I hear ya...I'm at work, planning the weight and balance on my flights, and I had to pull up the landing temp in Seattle twice, as I was in disbelief of the 97F I saw!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

lol Just wrapping up our second year of NOAA-certified exceptional drought. Our local water authority is in the process of creating a new "extreme drought" stage, since we have so surpassed any usefulness of the definition of their previous most severe stage. Oh, and it's record hot, too. So I'll go with "My weather is not normal for my area".

Good news is that we are definitively identifying lots of drought-hardy species and individuals.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

cool summer here in michigan and im not happy!!!

oriental calendar said April,May, May, July they were close
but i think it should have been 3 Mays and then August! well i hope august will get HOT

Woodbury, MN(Zone 4a)

Perfect here! 77 and low humidity. A little on the dry side though, but no powdery mildew!

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I have to say, we're getting an unusual amount of rain for July in North Central Texas, at least in my little neighborhood. Sometimes a single storm will pass over and hit our area and nobody else's. It's a constant battle making sure there's no standing water in the backyard for the mosquitoes to breed in. More rain is a good thing, though. Better than the alternative. And my squash doubles in size whenever I'm not looking.

Also, strangely, very few hummers and butterflies this year. Fewer than normal dragonflies, too.

My Mom in Pittsburgh said it hasn't passed 90 there yet this summer, and I know that's kinda strange too.

This message was edited Jul 29, 2009 4:46 PM

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

We broke a hundred here today and that is extreme heat for us!!!! I put a table fan on the floor and the dog has not moved from it all afternoon....think she is smarter than we are!

I have One hummer that comes around regular.....he was here during our heavy snow in December, which was also extreme weather for us....

Thumbnail by zhinusmom
Anchorage, AK

It's been raining in Anchorage but we haven't had it for awhile. We HAVE had a beautiful fabulous summer full of warm sunny days. Sadly that meant forest fires too. So not counting the forest fires, I voted the weathers perfect because of what a great summer we've been having.

Decatur, GA

We got some much needed rain - it will refill my water barrels. Thats my perfect vote.

Trenton, FL(Zone 8b)

we've had very few butterflies as well, also just a smattering of aphids all spring and summer, so I think I've seen maybe five ladybugs all year. kinda worrisome. I deliberately use no pesticides (except neem occas on my most prized plants) so the ladybugs will have something to come and munch on, but I havent even been tempted to use it this year. less than average rain, but still enough to bring the mosquitoes. never seen a honeybee here, but always some bumbles and other little bees and wasps.

Valsolda, Italy(Zone 9b)

In Bulgaria almost every year (end of July, august) it is blistering hot and humid. Around 30-40C and very humid(60-90%) Its unbearable.

Phoenix, AZ

I've had many more butterflies, more wasps, Ladybugs and bees than usual.

Other than a couple of weeks ending with last weekend, it's been cooler and much wetter than normal here. I prefer the cooler temps, but the wetter weather has been annoying. And my swamp cooler doesn't work when the humidity is up (I didn't say it was -cold- here).

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

What IS with the crazy heat on your side of the big rocks PNWers??? I'm coming to visit in a couple of weeks so please fix it soon. Thanks muchly.

Westwego, LA

It's been very hot and humid, which is normal for the New Orleans area, but we've had about a foot less rain than normal. It's been like that for QUITE a few years, unfortunately.
To whomever wrote that they have no air conditioning, I will pray for you. We had to go through that after Katrina and Gustav. We bought a generator after Katrina, but having only fans just blew the hot humid air around!
Waggaman, LA

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

I voted cooler than normal , we are also having extra rain.
60 deg mornings makes it great for working outside
However I am missing tomatoes that are normally ripe now.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

I asked the guys who built the pergola at work if they could get busy with ark. June presented us with record-breaking rain in the Hudson Valley (24 days with some type of rain), and July has been rainier than normal, too. It wasn't until these past few days that we've reached the more normal upper 80s with oppressive humidity, and needed to put on the a/c units. It is raining again today. The plants I tend at work were absolutely brutalized by too much rain and on the days it didn't rain, there was very little sun. I threw out a TON of the poor things yesterday. The saddest of all were the tomato plants. The governor of NYS has requested that "....the U.S Department of Agriculture designate 17 New York Counties ..... as agricultural disaster areas due to bad weather." From June 1st to July 22nd, the county airport recorded more than 13 inches of rain. It is certainly above that now with what we have received in the last week.

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Well, I think we can safely say, this is one Voting Booth poll where no one is going to miss an "All of the above" option.

hot and dry here, temps over 100 all this week.

I like it better than humid heat, for sure.

nice clouds up there today give a bit of relief.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I voted perfect (probably wouldn't have in January as we had a horrendous storm with lots of damage),
Since then we had a pleasantly wet spring which set the plants up well for a good summer. Days of 30C sunshine interspersed with the odd cooler day and occasional rain. Oooh and the occasional thunderstorm with rather frightening hail. Still, all the norm for here I believe.

Fairmont, WV(Zone 6a)

We seem to be located at just the right place in between the cold and wet of the NE and the heat of further west...we had a wet spring (which is normal), and then it's been mostly sunny and in the 70s and 80s during the day and 50s at night. Haven't had to turn on the AC at night yet, and usually just for an hour or two in the afternoon. The natives say it's slightly cooler than normal, but I'm loving it. Unfortunately, my peppers and melons are not, although the maters look good.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

My poor hometown of Seattle is at 101F today expected to get at 104F. I don't think I've ever seen it that hot there...EVER!

Riverdale, NJ(Zone 6a)

We had two absolutely rain free days in June. July is a bit warmer, but rainwise it isn't doing much better. The tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and zucchini love it. Should be a bumper harvest if they don't rot first. C'est la vie.


Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Just a bit east of Seattle at 6:06 pm: 102° in the shade.
We're working hard to get a better temp for you Dnut & Randy - hope 85° sounds reasonable.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

sounds good to me! You guys even topped us in the temp area today...

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

I think you win on humidity - ALWAYS!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

so true.....just asky my dewy skin!

Louisville, KY

Coolest July on record. Rainy too!! It idid not get into the 90's all month. Unheard of!!!

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Well, Seattle hit a high of 101* today the all time high since they have been tracking temperature there.... we hit 104* here in Olympia, it will cool to 89 by around midnight...and down to 72 by morning .Winlock a bit south of us made 110* .......thunderstorms along the mountains and Lightening induced fires in the north...... this is miserable and unusual for us....and Not Fun!

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

The power went out on Vashon (near Seattle) in the hottest part of the afternoon. No fan, no water. My teenage son and a group of his friends had been playing music (2 guitars, 1 drummer, and a singer with lots of amps) in our out-building. They were hot and sweaty and all came in for drinks, and all I had to offer them was stale emergency water from containers and cans of V-8 juice. I did NOT make points as a cool mom with chilled pop in the fridge.

Anchorage, AK

WOW you Washingtonians! I grew up there, moved to AK a year ago from a diff. state so haven't been in WA for 5yrs now. That is crazy hot for WA. I remember the "good ol'days" when if it got into the 80's we thought we would broil. No offense to WA, because I positively love it, but I sure am glad I'm in Anchorage where "in the 80's" is still when people think they're gonna melt. Of course if you mosey up to Fairbanks things get a bit warmer. Hope you're all surviving down there!

We didn't even hit 70 today and it's in the mid 40s tonight. Very odd for July.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

We're having record breaking high temps here, maybe the highest since temps began to be recorded. We got to 106 degrees today; it's still 79 degrees outside.

Isle of Man, United Kingdom

The Isle of Man has been very windy in July, my climbing beans have been battered. Rainfall has been regular, but not as bad as parts of England. This is not normal July weather.

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