CLOSED: Free Seed for Newbies! 07/04/09 Directions to get your seed

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

One of these months I have to try that Tracker.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

It is quite handy to help you keep track of things. I was writing them an paper, until I found that and how easy it was to use!

Concord, NH

did you get my stamps? for newbe seeds??

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I think it is already on its way back Susan

Concord, NH

ty cant wait! yippie.....

Concord, NH

I GOT THEM!!! ty all so very much!!! god bless you kowebs i love them cant wait to plant when it warms up today yaay ty again

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Im so glad you like them Susan!! Have fun!!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Nothing like that very first bubble envelope chock full of seeds to get you super excited about gardening! When I first joined DG, I had stumbled on it by accident, looking for information on which flowers to attract butterflies, it wasnt long before I became a seed addict. I blame Arejay... it's all HER fault... hehehe

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I would have to agree on the addict statement Cue likes her seeds!! I am not sure it is my fault though!! Just how many seeds does one person need?????

Thumbnail by arejay59
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I have to agree with cue. Starting with a blank slate at the house we just moved to, I am so excited to plant the seeds I got from rj, and the trades I have been making! My horses may lose part of their pasture so I can plant more plants! LOL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

And it begins!!

Concord, NH

your the BEST arejay and kowebs we all ty!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank you....

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> Just how many seeds does one person need?????

It's not about "need" ... it's about DELIGHT!

Someone named us: "seedheads". Like "potheads".

My name is Rick, and I'm a seedhead!


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Hello! My name is Marti and I am a seedhead!

my name is karen and i am a seedhead

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Marti!

Hi Karen!

(Apologies to real 12-Steppers.)

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Really!!!! Cause we don't want no cure for our addiction!!!!!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

For seedheads, I think that "reaching a bottom" means we have dug down deep enough in a flowerbed to get good drainage.

And we make amends with peat moss, compost and sand.

When we turn over a new leaf, we are either checking for aphids or mixing the compost heap.


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

THats the thing Marti and 12 stepper I know and I know a couple!! They dont want it either its not about want anymore it gets to a need kind of thing...I am thinking it would take having no other choice for anyone of us to give up saving seed!! Even stealing it from the neighbors dead flowers doesnt stop us !!There is another seed saver only we called it addicts thread somewhere here you have to read some of the stories!!

Cue knows one or two of the stories are you here Cue??? Oh by the way Cue I heard you were playing the clarinet wearing black gloves ????

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

hahahaha Arejay... toooo funny!

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Robin,

This morning I mailed you a bubble envelop with 5 Forever stamps enclosed.

I am most interested in receiving peppermint and Cantebury Bell Seeds.

I retired May 1st and now devote a lot of time to gardening.

I recently found out that a good pest deterrant is human hair. So yesterday I stopped at my hairdresser and requested some discarded hair clippings.

My younger daughter thought I was a wee bit off my rocker ... but the hairdressers were most encouraging .... now to see how effective it will be with the brazen squirrels.


How does hair keep squirrels away? I'm over run with them varmits! Gorsh, I'd scalp myself to get rid of them.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I found this thread from 2008, in the seed saver's forum.

Forum: Saving Seeds (2008)
Thread Title: Seed addict...add to the list
199 Replies, 2,014 views

From that thread, I deduced that there is a "progression" of the disease, and here are some symptoms that tell you how far you've gone:

- bag of seeds,
- seed box,
- seed drawer,
- seed cupboard,
- seed fridge,
- seed CLOSET

Someone called the practice of "liberating" neighbors' seeds ... seed snatchin' .

Another boasted:
"There is no plant within 100 miles safe from me."

Good stuff!


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yup thats the thread!! See what I mean???Progressive....more,more and more...wait till you get to the hiding and sneaking parts!!

I think we all are already in the mental ward! o^o

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> wait till you get to the hiding and sneaking parts!!

I already wince when I put one more order on the credit card - I know my DSO will see it.



Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Propagating with the flower ladies!! LoL really though LoL

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

@ Corey - I have seed ROOM. yup an entire spare room devoted to all things

@ Mekos - lol youd cut off your scalp to spite the squirrels! bags of feed corn seem to keep em at bay for me also, growing Al's Mammoth sunflowers seem to keep em outta everything else.

BUT I got acres of them bushy tailed things eating all my bulbs up and burying nuts in my flower pots and digging up the plants to do it. Someone said she got cut hair to keep out the varmits so iffin it would work, I'd grab some or cut mine. Whatever it takes. I hate them bushytails right now.
BY the way, Hi Cue. You been playing any musical instruments lately? Found any weird boxes lately? Whistling the alfred hitchcock theme.

I also readthe human hair thing someone on DG. one of the members gathers all the hair from her hairbrushes every week and puts it at the base of the plants the squirrels get to, and she said it keeps them away. wish i could remember where

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I have saved my hair all winter out of my hairbrush or after combing it out after washing. IT WORKS!!! The squirells don't like the 'human' smell. Any hairdresser will tell you that it works on varmits. My first husband and my second husband both looked at me like I was "totally, absolutely, put it in the books, CRAZY", until they saw that it worked. I've used it on my tomatoes and peppers, as well as plants and bulbs the bushy tails like to dig up and/or eat. It's an OLD farmers trick used in gardens for many years to keep unwanted guests from partaking of your garden bounty.

Don't scalp yourself mekos...... just stop by any salon and ask them if they will gather hair for you for a day.

Happy hairing...... I mean gardening!

LOL Thanks Crit. I'll do that. I have lost so many orchids because those horrid creatures dug them out of the hanging pots to the ground in 100 degree weather and they lay on the hot dry ground and dry up before I find them. I finally sent Arejay a box with remaining horrible looking roots to try and save. They dig up my stuff and stick out their tongues and laugh at me. They play right over my bed on top of my roof every morning like they jumping on a trampoline and keep me awake. They have eaten over half of my daffodils and other bulbs, I planted pecans where I wanted my trees to grow a few years ago they MOVED them to the middle of my yard and now I got pecan trees IN my yard not where I wanted them! And the list goes on and on of their constant pranks! Maybe I'll visit every hair place in SC and get all I can.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

LOL mekos. My husband teased me because I would put hair up on the tomato plants where the tomato's were growing. He would say ..... your tomato's need a haircut. LOL I made a ring around each plant as I planted them, then put it on the branches as they grew up.

Hope it works for you as well as it has worked for me! I had squirrels all over the place. I have a little feeder you put one ear of corn on, as well as bird feeders. (they think they are birds and 'raid' the bird feeders too) I even put a rubber pan out in the pasture with corn chop in it to try and keep them out of the yard. But they NEVER bothered the plants with hair! I wonder if I put hair on the bird feeders if it would keep them away, but not deter the birds? Things that make you go "hmmmmmmmmmmmm".

It is a thought Crit. Speaking of bird feeders.....

Thumbnail by mekos


Thumbnail by mekos
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Jan wait where is that?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


>> an entire spare room devoted to all things seeds...

You win!

This is kind of like a crazy project I've been on at work ... every day I would say "it CAN'T get any worse!". And every day, it did. I see this condition can progress to hither-to-fore unimagined heights or depths.

Speaking of depths, this "seed BUILDING" is 390 feet inside a mountain 810 miles from the North Pole, on the Norwegian island "Spitsbergen". The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is 479 feet long and has room for 4.5 million different seed samples totalling 2 billion seeds.

It already has more than 400,000 seed samples. The first seed shipment to it contained 100 million seeds weighing 10 tons. It was partly funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

I'm thinking that not many of us can beat THAT.

Hi Arejay, it was in a park somewhere. I got it on an e-mail and just thought it was cute.

Thumbnail by mekos

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