CLOSED: Free Seed for Newbies! 07/04/09 Directions to get your seed

Sorry Cue, we over posted. HUGS!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

My friend didn't beleive that we had could have bears in the backyard in suburban New Jersey.

Until the bird feeder wound up on the ground with BIG HONKING TOOTH HOLES in it.



Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I probably dont have that many seeds....probably...
Oh ok Jan I was afraid it was in your backyard and you were going out plant hunting for me and I was going to say nevermind I dont need plants that badly!!

Hahaha, not hardly but there are bears around in the woods passing through. We see tracks sometimes in the summer. Also have big boar hogs that stray around there till I go tell hunters to come get em. Them things dig up my woods and eat the roots off the trees and will get you if you happen to wander out there when they are eating. No worries, DH always takes the gun when we do go out there and I take the shovel and wheelbarrow to put the plants in.

Nothing worse than an angry boar hog !!!!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I fell the NEED.. the need for SEED!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Need Seed, seed need ,need seed,!!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

"More! More!! I'm still not satisfied!"

... from Tom Lehrer's song "Smut", circa 1960..

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Cue are you ghost hunting by mail?

oh wow a tom lehrer fan !!! dont you just love his stuff?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I grew up in a Boston suburb and went back for college, so I sure am a Tom Lehrer fan.

I treasure his Periodic Table right up there with "I am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General.

"With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse. "
"We'll all go simultaneous ... when the air becomes uraneous!"
"But please! Always to call it 'rrrresearch!!"


I am old enough to have watched "that was the week that was" (TW3) way back when. First saw him on there. Fan ever since. Masochism tango, poisoning pigeons, dropping bombs and all. love the periodic table, fell out when it was featured on an episode of NCIS

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

am I ghost hunting by mail??? lol, no... and Ive no idea what all the hooplah about this mysterious package is I'm not expecting any packages, Im sooo confuzzled.Going Ghost hunting Saturday night in Flagler Co. 2nd oldest house. a 2 story Victorian built in 1830's. from 9 pm till 4 am... complete with all the techie equipment! caaaant wait!!!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Holy bear cubs mekos!!!! He really wanted that bird feeder!!!

Hahahaha, yup and he got it too.
I know I saw a huge box at the PO with yor name on it Cue, it could be somethin for Lucy though . Lucy might have ordered something. You never kin tell.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

well, that's a possibility... she does have the house to herself when I'm at work. maybe she's become addicted to the home shopping channel now? I'll have to hide the phone when I leave the house from now on ;)

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Mekos are you sure it was a huge package? I saw a small one going through here. About 9" x 9" small. I think it had claret in it. Cue do you drink claret?

After today I'm sure she will be drinking SOMETHING! Hahahaha
I bet she just wants us to think Lucy is doing it, I bet she just ordering stuff left and right.
What you ordering now Cue with so many big and small boxes out there? The one flying by here was pretty big I thought.

to rick:
the penny just dropped-boston-harvard-

fight fiercely harvard, fight fight fight should have been my response !

I know MINDY. I bet she ordered those big black trash bags to play in for Halloween. You know cut eye holes and play like a dracula cape thingy. I bet she got a box of trash bags coming today!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ohh c'mon now Jan... trash bags??? pffft, Im not an amateur ya know.. I DO own a pretty authentic looking Vampire complete with corset and 3ft train ;)

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

I think the trash bag is white so she's probably going to dress up as a ghost for her ghost hunt tomorrow night.

Cue has the mail run yet?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> fight fiercely harvard, fight fight fight


"fight fieeeecely Hhhhhaaaa-vaaaad, fight fight fight "

"Johhhn pahked the caahh on Hhhhhaaaa-vaaaad Yaahhd."

I went to MIT and we pass up NO opportunity to rag on Hhhhh-aaaa-vaaaad.

Just to tweak their noses, we would soemtimes strap on slide rules and go to Hhhhh-aaaa-vaaaad Yaaahhhd to get ice cream sundays or the like.

I guess it shows my age that those were "slide rules" and not pocket calulators.


that is all there was for me also. my best friend went to harvard, sorry haaarvaaard, and does not appreciate my attempts at the accent.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Harvies (Hahhhhvies) usually just dismiss our attempts to tease them as "beneath their notice".

Except for the time we used Primacord to blow "MIT" into the turf of their football field during a half-time. Or so the legend goes.


Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

I went to Harvard myself....Just drove right past it!


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I got a preeeesent, I got a preeeesent... betcha wish ya had it....

Woooooohoooooooooooooo... its sooo purdy.. and sooo me :)

Brewster, NY(Zone 6a)

Though I have been gardening for awhile, I am new to seed swapping. I would love to get my feet wet (or hands dirty, as the case may be) with your welcoming packs of seeds for newbies.

If you need seeds to replenish the on-going supply, I would be glad to send some heirloom vegetable seeds that I have leftover from this season (all commercial).

Thx so much,

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

You gonna show it off Cue?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Kerry Welcome!! We would love to add your extras to the stash!! Just send me your envie and I will get your package out to you....

We want pictures Cue. I might want to borrow it sometimes. :=)
Hi Kerry. Welcome to the newbees funny farm/ I mean gardens. Jump right in and go to digging! Haha
Anything we all can do just yell.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Come on Cue. Show off you present!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brewster, NY(Zone 6a)

Will someone kindly explain how a "robin" works? What transpires in a robin that has a theme, such as, "Christmas swap", "Beedfeeder Swap", etc? Do the themed ones do these theme items PLUS seeds, or just the theme items?

Thank you,

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Round Robin is the term I think you are referring goes around to all participants each one removes what they want and replaces it with what they have already and sends it on to the next one on the list. Sometimes the hostess gets the list of what people want and what they have before the swap starts then as it goes on its route the want lists are filled...

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

The Round Robin sounds neat.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

A swap of any kind is always fun if you ask me!! THis is the link to the specialty swaps round robins etc...jump in give them a try yelll if you need help

Thumbnail by arejay59
Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

arejay, what is that flower? Its beautiful!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Mondara aka Bee Balm...

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Thats the one my sister say we shouldn't grow, but I think I'll get some anyway. After all, I do the gardening, the watering, and its my garden.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

deejay9 is running a Round Robin now, with around 20 members (closed already).

Besides the "put some in, take some out" process, people have been exchanging detailed Have and Want lists. If only small quantities of soemthingh are available, we set aside some seeds into separate envelopes for one individual.

Thus there are big packets "For All" and also on bag full of envelopes containing small packets for indidiuals. Since everyone is receiving huge variety "From All To All", I don't worry as much about asking for seeds from someone I have nothing to offer.

And it saves on postage, since each person might put in many kinds for many people, and take out many kinds from many people.

It seems like a perpetual motion machine, since each person propagates many of the things they receive.

It's my first Round Robin and I'm excited!

Do you know any name for the one-time swap where everyone sends seeds and wish lists and SASE and psotage to one person, who then turns them around and sends back to everyone? Like the Tomato-and-Pepper swap?

It would also be nice to have a special name for what you do: like a clearing house where everyone sends seeds to you, and you send them to New Bees.


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