CLOSED: Free Seed for Newbies! 07/04/09 Directions to get your seed

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

It maybe too late.


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I dpnt have a special name...well I have been called the newbee Momma .I do have a house Corey but it is far from clear!!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Yes ... rj is our "seed mamma".

Marti .... what is your sisters opposition to the bee balm? It is beautiful! Our zones are close together.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I really don't understand why she doesn't like it, but like I said, Its MY garden because I do 100% of the work without help from her so I will plant what I want. Bee Balm is now on my list to get.

I've got to move all my plants from the front yard as we will be having alot of digging going on and our new trailer being moved on between now and next May. As I will be in Calif from April 24 until June 10th, I need to have the yard ready for all the digging they will do for the sewer line, water lines, electric and foundation. If all works out, I will come home to a new home.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I looked at the Round Robin thread but I didn't understand it and figured it was one of those private events that certain people do together.

I agree with you marti001, if you're the one maintaining the garden then it should be your choice. I'm quote fond of the plant and just got some this year, although mine is no where near as red as that beauty posted above.

Arejay, Why don't you start us a round robin here? Those who would like to jump in sign up and we could do one now. Does anyone else want to? I have lots of seeds(bee balm) too.

Anyone feeling FROGGY and want to JUMP?

Thumbnail by mekos
Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Tikipod, there was a sign-up period for deejay's Round Robin, but she got her limit of 20 people some time ago. I think she'll be running another one in February, so check again around January.

rj, if you are the New Bee Mama, and the mother of a bee is a queen, that makes you Seed QUEEN Mama!


Brewster, NY(Zone 6a)

I second the motion for a Robin for us fledglings (..or would we be 'seedlings'?) even if its just gobs of simple stuff like cleome, cosmos, marigolds, etc. I still get wildly excited over *any* seeds.


buddleia grown from seed (note: butterfly NOT grown from seed)--:

Thumbnail by BossMareNY6a

me too. would feel very comfortable in a beginner robin, sort of intimadated by the other ones.

OK Lets see if we can get 10-12 names that would like to kick in and see if Robin wants to start it off. If not I will, so be thinking of what you'd like to see in the swap, while we wait to see if Arejay wants to get us hopping. Two thumbs up! If more people will sign up to do it, I think it will be fun on a small level to see how it goes. I'm in.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I have a few things I would put in, mainly Zinnias, maybe cherry tomatoes or peppers.

If there are left-over seeds after the first go-round, would you want to donate them to Seed Queen Arejay's New Bee Stash?

Or maybe pass it around again, to a new list of names!


The final journey goes back to the originator, and they take out for what they put in and then the rest goes to Arejay, of course if she starts it off she would be the one to finish it too.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

You run it Jan...your the game girl!! Start her up Ill add to the pot!!

OK If you are interested in doing the seed round robin, D-mail me with round robin in the subject line and give me your name and address info.Tell me maybe 1 or 2 kinds of seeds you would like. When we get 10-12 people wanting to do it, I'll d-mail you all telling you it is started and what order it will be coming. I'll make address labels and include them in the box so you pick one that is left in there to send it to next. Take out up to 5 packs and put back same amount as you take out.My address label will be in there also but make it last and I'll send it on to Robin. So all the other names will be used going around.Sound like a plan?
First 12 names I get will be included. GO!

Brewster, NY(Zone 6a)

Count me in! Ill D-mail further details, as requested.

Thanks for helping us Round Robin virgins!!

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I sent my information. This will be fun since I've never done anything like this before.

are you allowed to send commercial seeds or do they have to be from your garden?

Any you want to use as long as they are fresh enough to germinate. You can use ones from a trade also.

that is great. since i just started all my seeds are from this year.

Some of the round robins are strict and make rules but this is just for fun and allow everyone to get in and find new seeds to try and grow.

So far we have 7 already signed up. We need 5 more.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

mekos .... I would take some of the bee balm seed off your hands. :-))

I'll do the RR. I've never done it with seeds.

Send me d-mail with your address and name info and round up in the subject line. Now , We need 4 more to get er started! Yippie.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hows it going in here? Did you get 12 Jan? I have Bee Balm Crit I will put some in the RR with your name on it.

We have 8 now counting me and you, Arejay. Was waiting to see if anyone else wanted in. If ya know anyone interested invite them to join if they want in. :0)

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

mekos, I'd love to join the robin. Try to make me last on the round so I have time to collect some seeds. I have some Jewelweed seeds I collected I could put those in the robin. OK??

Great Marti, got you down. We still need 3 more. Thanks and send me your name and address info with a few seeds you would like to see in there please. I'm making the address labels for everyone to use to ship it on.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, thanks rj for the bee balm!

This message was edited Nov 2, 2010 8:01 PM

There will be lots of goodies in the box, we only need about 2 more. We got 10 now. I'm going out to see if I can harvest any more seeds fresh before Monday. Everyone can be little piggies!

Thumbnail by mekos
Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Does it help if I send some seeds to you, to be in the box earlier? Or just wait for the box to reach me?


The ones with more seeds I'll get to first, Like first will be Arejay after me, and them DEMinPA, then you and then some of the newbees. I'll try to get the list to have the more experienced seed collectors first up there. Then when it comes to them it should have bunches they would like. I'm trying for a couple more players with experience(or a good seed stash), before starting if you know anyone who would like to join in. I sure do appreciate all you who are playing and hope everyone has a good time.
If anyone else wants in , just send me a d-mail with your info.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


OK we got our players rareing to go. Waiting for some seeds being mailed from one to add in the beginning of the box. So it WILL go out Monday morning to Arejay since the seeds should be at her house by then for her to add in. Get ready you little seed grabbers! The piggy box is about to fly!

On another note, one of our older gardening friends has had a tradegy in her family. Toomanyanimals/or toofewanimals Sharon's son died at age 19 and will be burried today.Prayers and warm thoughts of comfort to her and her family!

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Give her my prayers and good thoughts.

please send my condolences. so sad only 19

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Angela are you here?

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Quote from RickCorey_WA :
If the rain doesn't rot them, in a few weeks I might have Crackerjack marigold seeds. If I do, I'll be saving three groups: orange, yellow and gold.

But you would have to remind me in 3-4 weeks - feel free.


Did you get the marigold seed?

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Quote from arejay59 :
Angela are you here?

Er well one is. Which Angela do you need?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


The marigolds are still bright colors, like the petunias, and the rain has been almost constant. I haven't deadheaded in weeks. I'll pull heads AS they turn brown, (if they turn brown) and see if I can beat the mold to any seeds.

BTW: They turned out as yellows and oranges this year, not really what I would call gold. I spoke from memory of last year, not observation, this year. I do have some randomly mixed marigold seeds from trades.

I don't know if the lack of gold was chance, the seeds themselves, or what. It also seemed, this year, as if the orange were "stragglier" than last year, not as much like big, full softballs, though the yellows came in with some big sphers and some scraggly blooms. I do know that I planted them later than usual this year.

But even though I'm 10 days past what I read as the "50% frost date", 1905-2001, we've had no frosts yet. Even my petuinias are still in color.

We are having sun breaks today! And so little rain that the deck has partly dried off! What a treat!


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

You Tikipod I wasnt sure by the address which Angela's envie I was filling!! I like to see who's envie I am filling when I fill it...silly me...

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