CLOSED: Free Seed for Newbies! 07/04/09 Directions to get your seed

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

New Chat Thread....Here..... 05/25/2012

New Chat Thread....... .......New Chat Thread..........2/25/10

New Thread come on over,,,,,,,

Come say hello...... new thread 1/14/10

K here we are!! This thread is for Newbie information and questions, No scrambles on this thread......

To get your free seeds

Be Sure to put your dmail name and a note of wants in your envie, along with return name and address
Address exchange is here
You have to add your information to be able to access everyone else's

We came from here

Please feel free to Dmail me with questions
Many of us "oldies" and some Newbies would like to share our seeds with those of you new to Dave's. By new, we mean you joined in the last 8 months(or so) and are a paying member.
Send me a SASBE (Self addressed, stamped bubble envelope) and we'll send you 10 packets of seeds. (Usually more, depends on our stash) That's all there is to it. Let us know you are sending your envy. Just Dmail me with sent envie today in the subject. You will get a good variety of good seeds.

If you can, stick a note in your envy and tell me they types of things you like. Veggies and Flowers, some seeds you are looking for, stuff like that. It will help me fill your envy. I can't always get just what you ask for, but will try.

Postage keeps going up so now we need five usually,

Send 5 stamps and an address label with your name on it.
4 of the stamps will go back on your return envy, the extra will go into the "pot" I don't use it for personal use, but it helps when some mail comes with postage due and when the "oldies" send boxes of seeds sometimes there is postage due.
Best thing to do is just send me an empty bubble envy with your label and stamps inside. I can use that same envy to send your seeds back. Saves that envy!!
Also, if you will scotch tape the envy to send to me, I can use the self adhesive and won't destroy your envy pulling them open when I get them.
Please make sure you put enough stamps on your envelope you send to me. An empty bubble envy is at least 84 cents, so two stamps. If you are sending seeds, it's more of course.


I am in the address exchange, so you know where to send the envy. If you can't find it, just d mail and I'll shoot it right to you. At the top of your home page, you'll see the link "EXTRA'S" ,Go into that link, scroll down and you'll see the address exchange this goes to the exchange you have to add yourself to the exchange then you can get my address.

Oldies! lol If you would like to donate seeds, it would be great.!! I know how much I loved it when I was new and someone sent me seeds to get me started. Now I want to pay it forward and maybe you would too.

For those of you who would like to help the newbies, but just don't have a lot of seed, if you would like to trade for seeds, that is great as well. Send seeds for the newbies and I will send you the same amount back. Put a note in with your DG name and let me know what you are looking for also.
Happy Gardening Everyone,

Be sure to check out the newest newbie games....Word Scrambles...Winners every week... Great Plants are being won every Week!!

This message was edited Dec 14, 2009 10:17 AM

This message was edited Jan 15, 2010 1:42 PM

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This message was edited Feb 25, 2010 2:49 PM

This message was edited May 25, 2012 3:57 PM

Thumbnail by arejay59
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Come say hello on the chat and scramble thread....

This message was edited Jul 23, 2009 6:07 AM

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Here is the newest thread .
Come on over....

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Newest Newbie Thread
Come on over...directions for seed at the top....

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hello who is here anyone?

St John's, Antigua and Barbuda(Zone 10a)

Is my d mail name my login as in Cocolobahouse? still finding my way around this huge site. I cannot sent SAE because stamps outside US will not work. I can however send th jiffy bags. I have a lot of Macranthum seeds, anybody want?

Your dmail name would be cocoloba. I'm sure Arejay has out of country Newbies and finds a way to get them their seed pack. You can dmail Arejay59 by clicking on arejay59. She'll see this tomorrow and probably dmail you. So watch for that at the top of the page when you log into Dave's.

It won't take you long to get around. We check these threads often and will find you if we think you're lost. If you get stuck you can always go here:

We chat on this thread mostly. I'll watch for your post.

Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

Just wondering how I can get some free seeds.


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Read the opening message at the top and it will explain how to get your seeds, cj.
Hope this helps

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

This might be helpfull

Difficulty: EasyInstructionsThings You'll Need:
Beneficial plant list, to attract "good" bugs. It is extensive, so seed list will follow.
Insecticide- to kill existing bugs: Ivory Soap, two cups of water, 1/4 cup corn oil.
Preventative plant list, also to follow, no special instructions
Step 1 in plants from the following list to ATTRACT BENEFICIAL insects (preventative plants are listed below).

Step 2Note, some of the following are considered weeds-(list thanks to

To attract ladybugs which eat aphids: parsley, wild buckwheat, white sweet clover, tansy, sweet fennel, sweet alyssum, spearmint, Queen Anne's lace, hairy vetch, flowering buckwheat, crimson clover, cowpeas, common knotweed, caraway and black locust.

Marigolds also attract hover flies.

Sunflowers attract aphids AWAY from other plants and are hearty enough to withstand them.

Dill attracts aphid predators and parasites.

Asters attract Honeybees and Ichneumonid wasps.

Step 3Insecticide: Put one bar of Ivory Soap into the two cups of water and let it sit till the soap dissolves.

Separate what's left of the solids and discard.

Mix with the corn oil in a spray bottle.


Apply to whole plant, including the tops and bottoms of the leaves.

Step 4Put in plants from the following List to PREVENT harmful insects. Simply scatter them among the existing plants, or set them in a border around the perimeter of your garden. Different people recommend different methods. Some plants attract harmful insects, so you may want to plant them somewhat separate from your garden.

Step 5Plant mint, marigolds, borage, garlic and basil (yum!) to keep out a general host of bugs. More specifically:

Interplant Radish in your rows to keep away Striped Cucumber Beetle and Root-knot nematodes.

Japanese beetles are repelled by chrysanthemums, chives and catnip
Nasturtium repels Colorado Potato Beetle.

Marigolds repel these harmful insects: Colorado Potato Beetles, Root nematodes, Mexican bean beetles, aphids.

Rue discourages most types of worms and leaf chewers.

Yarrow attracts hover flies, lady beetles and parasitic wasps AWAY from your plants


Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

I Just googled (plants that repel bugs) there were lots of them to read..
This is Another..pretty much the same

Fresh garlic planted in the vegetable garden repels aphids and Japanese beetles. Moles and mice will not eat your onions if you plant garlic among the onion plants.

Plant a clove of unpeeled garlic at regular intervals by pushing the large end of the clove into the dirt with the pointed end just under the surface of the soil.

When the garlic blooms, harvest the fresh garlic for household use and replant another clove for continuous protection.
Chives and Leeks
Consider chives and leeks to repel the carrot fly. Carrot flies do not just attack carrots. These are easy plants to use and they will improve the garden health as well.
The tomato worm will scurry away if you plant borage and tomato plants together. Borage is a starflower and an annual herb. Use it to flavor foods while cooking as well.

Slugs will not go near spinach. So, plant spinach anywhere you can. Use the fresh spinach leaves in salads.
Mint and rosemary, when planted in the vegetable or flower garden, discourage insects from laying eggs. The cabbage moth, in particular, will no longer be a problem.

Thyme plants repel cabbageworms. This is an herb as well; simply pinch some fresh leaves when desired for cooking.
Tansy and Mint
Tansy, an herb, keeps mosquitoes and beetles away. Plant tansy in the garden or in containers on the deck and windowsills. Achieve the same effect by planting tansy indoors.

Mint and tansy planted together keeps ants at bay. Plant these herbs indoors or out. Place the plants near a windowsill or an entrance that ants use.
Many gardeners use marigolds in the vegetable garden in addition to the flower garden to deter insects and bugs. Japanese beetles and nematodes will not be around to cause damage to your plants if marigolds are planted nearby.
Insect Resistant Plants
Buy new plants that are insect resistant. Many plants are now hybrids with natural resistance qualities in the plant itself.

Using natural plants, insect-resistant plants and herbs, is a win-win situation for you. You will have fewer bugs to fight and you will now have fresh herbs for the dinner table.


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You Tubby!!!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Very informative. Thank you very much. I have most of these things so just have to
put in in different locations to work. Thanks very nuch

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Robin you have a package on it's way to you.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Whats in the package Mindy?

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Seeds. seeds and more seeds. All vegetables I think.

Florence, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm making a spreadsheet to keep track of all of the seeds that I'm going to plant; what they are, colors, heights, when in bloom, etc.. My DH is laughing at me. Have I gone overboard? How do you guys keep track of everything?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

If you asked for vegetables it is probably vegetables!! LJ Mindy is great with a spreadsheet!!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

LollyJean I did start one this past spring even figured out how to get it to calculate the sow indoors date and last date to sow for a fall crop. I just play with it off and on to bug one of my brothers in law. By the way Robin, he just laughed his head off when I told him my way was simpler than what he told me to do. Poor man is a technical nut and likes to do it the hard way. I'm too well trained in efficency to do it that way LOL.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)
Lasagna bed gardening I think!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Frost dates

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh I book marked that arejay, good info.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Dont look unless you are ready to pay the piper

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well what does that mean I looked and it froze my computer up What the heck?

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Those are some really beautiful irises...WOW!!! I want some....Hubby said I better get a job, if im gonna keep buying irises.... I think he just wants to get me out of his garden spot lol...

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

I like the peach one and the ones that look like fancy bowls.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

wouldn't doubt it, men (bless their hearts) are like that.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I finally got in . Jeesh I wish I had some money I think I would buy them all.

Philadelphia, PA

The new intros usually go for $50 - $60. You better plan on winning the lottery

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Yeah I know that. That is the reason I said I wish I had some money LOL

That's a bargain. The new daylilies go for $100 to $300. Depending on the hybridizer. LOL

St John's, Antigua and Barbuda(Zone 10a)

I sent some seeds from Cocoloba (Antigua & Barbuda) was it Arejay ...not sure, anybody recived? Sent pepper sauce to Ma Vie and she didn't receive, oh dear, customs again?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

OH Coco Thank You I was just looking for you. I thought you were lost and poof there you are. I have not recieved them yet but I have gooten things from countries other than yours and found that it cometimes takes 20 to 30 days. I will continue to hope. Good to hear from you.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Great Info here

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the heads up on the compost article. We are composting for the first time and yes, we did put weeds in the pile with all the tomato skins from the tomatoes I canned over the past 2 weeks. I could just scream.

Also, is the offer of seeds for newbies still available? While a newbie to this site my hollyhocks and hibiscus have been abundant seeders this year. I could certainly add to the stash if needed.

Thanks again,

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Cris,
Good to hear from you. Dont worry the compost will do what it is meant to do. The newbie offer is still open and new seed is also always welcome!! Come over to the chat thread and introduce yourself. We love company and we are always starting and sharing some new project. Here is the link
My address is in the address exchange

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I got the seed today they are beautiful !! So different then anything we already have in the newbie pot!! Thank You!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Did everyone read this its incredible!! I also hear tomatoes can be winter sown maybe plant the paper towel this fall???

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That sounds very doable. I will have to tell
my DH and let him give it a try. Thanks

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