CLOSED: Free Seed for Newbies! 07/04/09 Directions to get your seed

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Everyone

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Mindy what are you doing ? Did you check out the winter sowing?

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

HI Robin I've been keeping an eye on the winter sowing forum.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

What did you think of the saving tomato seeds without fermentation.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

It might be OK for short term storeage like planting the very next season but don't think I'd want to use it for long term storage of the seeds.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

But you think they will grow for the next season?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Volunteers come up without fermentation, so why not?

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Well I've read that when chickens eat tomato seeds then you compost their waste and use it in your garden a couple years later you're likely to see tomatoes come up. You can always try a few done that way and see what happens.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I heard that too! And I always have them popping up in the compost pile too, along with potatoes once in a while - lol.

Tomato sprouts from compost. LOL I could feed the neighborhood. I say try both ways then you'll know.

Good Morning Everyone!!!

Currie, NC(Zone 8b)

I am a newbie and would love to take you up on this offer. I will send out my sase today. Thank you very much.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Welcome Lemkegarden. Arejay will be happy to get your envie and fill it with seeds. Hope you come and join us on the New Bee Chat thread too. We love company.

Valdosta, GA(Zone 8b)

I'm sorry I am so late in letting you know that I received my seeds. Thank you so much for the great seeds.

Tami :)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Welcome Lemkegarden and mollymistsmith. I will be watching for your envie and not late Tami just the right time. I want to thank Barb from Fate Texas for the seed also. So nice of you. I would send you a dmail if I knew your dg thank you.

This message was edited Oct 17, 2009 6:27 AM

South Boardman, MI

So I think I have figured out the trade business. I would like some flower seeds or herb seeds. This may take all day to figure out the whole map-Need a GPS. I will send a SASBE soon. If I need to do anything else let me know.
I would like to include seeds for your newbie give aways. My Lupine has gone crazy this year. I also have Colombine seeds. Will include details with what I send

Thumbnail by yvmamoran
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

yvmamoran I will be watching for your envie!!

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I am also a newbie and will send a SASE for any seeds you care to send as I have nothing except a Tansy plant sent by a nice lady in NW KY.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Welcome Mary hope you enjoy it here with us. We are practically neighbors I live in the Monticello area and grew up in Pulaski Co.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Mary,
I will be watching for your envie, I will fill it up and you will have more that just tansy and plenty to share next year....

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You Christina C from NJ. The seeds arrived!!

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Thank you Mindy. Nice to know someone is close for me to talk garden with.
Robin, your envie will go out in the mail Monday. Already got it made out. I am also going to try some of the strawbale gardening that Kent wrote about. As I have a bad back it may help with my gardening.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Anytime Mary. I'm in Somerset about every 2 weeks or so so hollar if you need anything.

Currie, NC(Zone 8b)

I received my package of seeds yesterday. I have so many different types of veggies for my spring garden. Thank you so much for helping me out. Between your pack and butterflychaser, I will have beautiful flowers and plenty of fresh food from my own garden to enjoy.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Great Lemkegarden. Hope they grow for you.

Enid, OK

Found you!! Ha - I feel so "smart" today. My envy goes out today for my newbie seed - I am so excited!! I am sending along some extra postage for your "pot" - my very small contribution to paying it forward.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Welcome enidcandles !!!!!! Glad you finally caught up with us Yippee !!!!!

Enid, OK

Ok, one of those days!!
Exhausted from a LONG day in everyones garden but mine. Typed up the details here, decided it belonged in my blog. Copy, paste - crap, Trina's addy from where I sent her my envy earlier today.
Oh well - I will type it up in my blog again later - right now I need a shower!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Welcome Enid I will be watching for your envie... Be sure to come over and introduce yourself on the shatter thread. Here is the link.

Virginia Beach, VA(Zone 7b)

Hi. I subscribed Oct 18th this month. I registered in April for free and only
browsed once in awhile. I am still a Newbie? Would like to send an envelope.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Semd that envie in LInda. You are a newbie for 8 months after becoming a paying subscriber. Arejay has all kinds of seeds waiting to send out. Be sure to let her know what you like and colors. And welcome to Dave's

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Morning Mindy, thanks for having my back!!
Hi have Dmail.
Be sure to visit the chatter thread Zinnia introduce yourself ... here is the link

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Morning Arejay now if I can just figure out that having your back part I'll be having a good day LOL.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Having my back meant keeping an eye on the questions, and helping when you can!!!

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Oh Ok I was close anyway LOL around here we call it watching your back. Have a good day we are getting heavy rain here.

Madison, MS


I'm new here and would like to know the best medium for starting seeds, I have a grow light. I'm in zone 8, when do you start growing seeds?

Cedar cottage

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Sue
So nice to meet you. I am in zone 5 click over to the chatter thread here and lets see if someone there can help.
What are you planting?

Capon Bridge, WV

I'm very excited about your offering of seeds for newbies. I do have seeds I can mail to you with my envelope....just not sure where to mail it!
Thanks, Julie

Enid, OK

Hi Julie - I am new too, but if you will look up arejay59's address, she can hook you up! Or drop her a dmail - she is sending mine as we speak.. I am so excited, can't wait to get them!!
Oh, you find the addresses under extras at the top of your home page. Shoot me a dmail if you need more help.

Hinsdale, NH(Zone 4a)

Hi !

I am an old newbie, but now that I don't work anymore, I am hoping to do some gardening. I went looking for info on
a plant that was given to me by a very dear friend who passed away before she could tell me about it! Looking thru
your plants, it looks llike an hoya compacta. It is just one strand (?) that's very curly and I have it in water. It has
plenty of roots, so WHAT do I do now? Also i'm not very good at working computers !! LOL

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi Julie and Pacer and welcome!!

Join us on our chat thread and I'm sure someone can answer your questions . . .


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