CLOSED: Free Seed for Newbies! 07/04/09 Directions to get your seed

Man, this is the onliest place where you can go from 100 degree heat of July to fall cool off of September in a split second????? I musta slept like rumplestiltskin.????
Beam me up scotty, I got to go supervise Mom's house remodeling. Hugs everyone!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

That's a great Kitty name Marti!! Morning Jan..its cold here....I had the heater on yesterday looks like I will be repeating that today,

Thumbnail by arejay59
Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Getting chilly around here,too Robin. Seems like it hit all too soon after that 90's spell we've had most all summer long.


Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

We're still IN the 90's!!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

60 here!! But Im not complaining it has been 90 all summer!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

We're in the triple digits all week - when will it ever end?!?! LOL

Nights are cooling off though - in the upper 70s - beautiful!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

If it gets any colder, Kelly, I'll be readyto fly back.


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Come on back Al - the best time of year in the desert is almost upon us!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

One of the nicest vacations ever in Sedona last March. Weather was beautiful.


Well, we finished the kitchen and now got to do the dining room tomorrowand iffin I survive this, NOBODY could get me to do any of this again at all! My supervising days are done! More work than when I actually did it myself a few years ago. ( o^^o )
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This message was edited Sep 14, 2010 9:00 PM

This message was edited Sep 14, 2010 9:03 PM

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Oh! Pick me if you ever have to do it again! I'll come! I love doing stuff like that! If I had money, I'd remodel every room! Don't matter if they need it or not, lol!

YOU got more energy than I do for sure! Next time you do it and I'll stay home.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Ok! Would love to! Wish I was closer, would have loved to help!


Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Okay - Summer's over, Wifey's back in school and I'm remodeling and refinishing. Moving lots of furniture to sand and stain old maple flooring. We removed loads of old carpeting and discovered a beautiful maple underlayment but it needs serious refinishing. This is a major project, but I've some spare time now and a couple of big kids to help with the heavy moving.

I think we got inspired after visiting all those old restored houses in Rhode Island, got to quit doing that! Now we're painting and fixing everything.


OH GOSH AL. How long would it take to fly here with them two big boys to move heavy furniture. I think both my sons ruined their backs yesterday. IF I JUST MAKE IT THROUGH TODAY! (I'll be singing ,OH HAPPY DAY!)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh AL...I have been remodeling the same kitchen for three years...Have fun with yours fall project!!

Thumbnail by arejay59
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Oooohhh - your leaves are changing colors! My favorite time of year in Maine - fall!

OH HAPPY DAY!!! OH HAPPY DAY, I made it home, to wash all the dirt away!
OH HAPPY DAY! OH HAPPY DAY!!! Next time they need this done,
they better hire someone! OH HAPPY DAY! OH HAPPY DAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Guess you made it through today - lol!

YA THINK?????? LOL ;0)

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

WooHoo! Are you all done with the remodeling now? Sit down, relax, have a mojito or 2!

Got to go to bed. It's after midnight for me. 12:18 am now. I'm all worn out. HUGS and will be praying for the baby too. Hope she does great and they won't have to deliver her early.
Miracles do happen!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hugs Jan

Back at ya, John Boy! :-)

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Robin

I got my bubble mailer into the mail today. I know I listed a huge number of "Wants" that are much too specific, but anything including surprises would be very appreciated.

I'm a New Bee at DG (hmm, Romper Room rhymes?) not an Old Bee, but I included some seeds that I propagated or bought, just to throw them into the kitty.

And a few yellow cherry tomatoes called "Sweet Gold" for you in the plastic tube.
They are from Renee's Garden Item # 5780, the "Garden Candy" Tricolor Mix.
I picked out the yellow ones for you.

Renee says:
7-14 days to germinate
5-7 feet tall
transplant to harvest approx 65 days

They might be this F1 cultivar, but I read that the plant does not set seed :

If that is what these are, they are an early variety, DG says 55-68 days, Fusarium Wilt (F) & Tobacco Mosaic (T).
Spacing 24-36".


P.S. Sorry the USPS clerk slapped a huge label over most of the mailer. I had tried to set it up to be easy for you to re-use!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Not to worry I have gotten pretty good over time I can wrangle down those envies and make them do what I tell them to these days!! Thank You so much Corey !! I love tomatoes....Plain tomatoes,cooked tomatoes tomato sandwiches....I have never met a tomato I didn't love!!

Thumbnail by arejay59
Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I wonder whicfh of has a longer HOT part of the summer? I'm in Zone 8a, where it never gets really COLD.

But also, it never gets really HOT, and nights are almost always cool even in July and August.

I have yet to learn whether tomatoes or pepers can be grown here.

BTW, will you be in the "tomato & pepper swap" run by hmacdona in Canada?
They sound like tomato gurus.
Come join us! 3rd Annual Tomato & Pepper Seed Exchange


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thats a good question Corey!! I dont know if you can grow tomatoes with out any cooler weather,,,but I would sure could take coolers of ice out like they turn lights on and start little fires to keep things warm in Florida when it gets cold!! Thank you for the invite...I will be over to see what is going on over there...

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I didn't even think of that! I was saying we did not have enough HEAT accumulation, but you're pointing out it may be too mild (warm) for some of their needs!

Now I have TWO things to worry about! :-)

I do plan to try. Somewhere I got the notion that cherry tomatoes may be less heat-needing than big tomatoes ... I thought I would start there.

It certainly seems to be a big and well-organized swap. There were 85 people at last count. I think the deadline is around Nov 1 for sending our seeds (to be received in Canada by Nov 15).

Heather (I guess not a guy after all) uses a "centralized" system where we all send seeds and "Want" lists to her, and then she sends back to us as much of what we asked for as is available.

I'm about to change my "Want" list to include squirrel-repelling hot peppers.


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Just add lard to the hottest...pepper flakes and smooth it on...Im not sure the lack of heat is the problem (sun...maybe) is it sunny there? It is cold here a matter of fact if you look at mapquest we are directly across from each are the tomatoes that are still on the vine

Thumbnail by arejay59
Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

I still have a few tomatoes, too, Robin. My Supersweet 100 cherry tomatoes are over 8' tall and still producing well. I have a few Big Beef still on the vine and edible, but that may change fast if we get a frost within the next week or two.


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Thats funnny! I planted 20 tomato plants and only 3 are growing well, but only 2 have started putting on tomatoes. I now have 4 tomatoes between 2 plants.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)


Do you still have seeds available? I love flowers and herbs. I have always had the regular plants like my mom had: zinnia, geranium, hibiscus, etc. I'm interested in some of the more specific plants that attract hummers and butterflies, and the pretty blooming plants. I would love perinniels, but would like annuals too. My 'want list' just keeps growing! LOL

Thanks so much! ! ! !

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> Just add lard to the hottest...pepper flakes and smooth it on...

Thanks, but ... I hope you mean "coat the bulbs" and not "slather lard over top the soil". That makes sense: glue the pepper to the bulbs.

I see Crisco in the cupboard, would that work, or should I look for real lard?

RE: tomatoes & peppers
>> Im not sure the lack of heat is the problem (sun...maybe) is it sunny there?

The "summer" is actually sunny here, just not hot (barely warm by NJ/CT standards). I suspect that coastal WA is both cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter than Maine: prevailing winds come from the Pacific and moderate everything - and dump rain on everything until you get to the mountains ... then its almost "high desert" by comparison.

Far north, but mild. I'm only a few miles from part of Puget Sound.


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Not on the bulbs Corey ...I dont think the bulbs would be able to breath...hmm do you put the pepper flakes on the bublbs before you plant them? My squirrels knock on wood are to lazy to dig down for anything they climb the birdfeeders so the lard or yes crisco works for me...
Not on the bulbs though I dont think...

Crit yes still have seeds all kinds.Attracting hummers seems to be the favorite of most!! Look at the first post it will tell you what to do...
Marti that was my plants last year..I started 400 everyone knows the story...I picked maybe 3 tomotoes... THis year I planted two dozen maybe and the one I planted off from everything else in with my hebs as you can see my basil in the picture was the best off all of them I have pick like 12 off it already and three or four more if I am lucky...Soon yellow cherry tomato plant which I love the fruit of it..I dont know the true name for it..are so delicious..I dont know if the saved seed will work or not but Im going to try!!!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> Not on the bulbs Corey ...I dont think the bulbs would be able to breath...hmm do you put the pepper flakes on the bublbs before you plant them?

This is my first time planting bulbs, ever. As a kid, Mom did the planting and I did the digging, mowing and unskilled weeding.

Are you saying to actually smear lard or Crisco on top of the soil? The squirrels and I are both going "EWWWWW!" (But whatever works ...)

I've just been told elsewhere that cats or squirrels may touch pepper flakes with their paws, then rub their eyes ... then scratch their own eyes out trying to get rid of the burn. I think I've heard "scatter pepper to repel pests" a few hundred times, but that was the first time I heard "scratch their own eyes out"


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Ive never heard that...My cats just stay away from it...Have you used pepper flakes before?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I haven't yet. But I'm having trouble looking at foods I bought in the store and thinking "scratching its eyes out".

Maybe the peppers that are 25-billion on the hotness scale, as a fine dust and lots of it when the soil is dry ... but flakes of normal food-grade hot peppers? Under a chicken-wire cage?


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Great plan!! Yes I use the hottest pepper flakes food grade I can find....the chicken wire cage is brilliant!! I had a frost last night and id did not kill the few blossoms I had left !!!

Thumbnail by arejay59

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