CLOSED: Free Seed for Newbies!! Come on in!! 06-26-03 New thread!!

OOOWWWW, I found the name. It's a Ixia -Corn Lily. That is kinda cute.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

You have all been busy today and I have to say pretty well behaved. I'm tired tonight so Ill talk to you all in the morning.

Nite John boy.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Nite Sue Ellen

Nite cue_chik

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Ohhhhh!! THat was so nice...I got a package from Pensicola Florida today. I don't know what it is or who sent it. Well I know your name is Carol but.... Who are you? What did you send me? Thank You what did I send you?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Welcome .
I am new to Dg too. I wanted to let you know,some of the others here at Dave's would like to offer you 10 or more packets of free seeds. Just to say welcome and to "pay it forward" because so many of the DGer's helped them when they first joined.

Here is a link to the thread with instructions for you.
Hope to hear from you, have seeds in the packets just waiting for new owners. Also, be sure to join in the fun on Saturdays at 6pm on the same thread we do a word scramble and give away at least one plant!!
See you soon,

Hi Mamajack

I think they would. I have some beginning to bloom in another area. I'll check out the colors etc.


Orlando, FL

quit being so impatient, you have plenty of time, take a vacation, you can come down here and climb a tree to get your orchid and enjoy the time away and maybe when you get home you will have a surprise lol


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Wow, I just took a trip through my want list...LOL.. am I morbid or what??? ROTFL... eh, who cares... it's just me being me

Wow I just checked it out myself. I want that fancy red tropical Hibiscus myself. Can't remember the name. You know the crepe looking flower. Where can we get one?

Dragon's Heart!

Hey friend of mine, I GOT THAT HIBISCUS you are calling dragon's heart. LOOK on my have list. I'll send you a picture.

This message was edited Jun 29, 2009 11:24 PM

Orlando, FL

mekos you have everything lol

Is this it?

Thumbnail by mekos

OK, WHO wants it? Should we unscramble something for a win? What do we think?

Looks like it. Is it a new hybrid from Hidden Valley. I think Clark was the hybridizer.
Hard to get?

Orlando, FL

Hibiscus Hybride i won

Sorry, you already unscrambled one this month, blondie, any one else?

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

hibiscus hybride. i won. hahahahaha

Orlando, FL


Orlando, FL

Get By With a Little Help From Depends.

It's a new hibride but don't know who did it. I got some a while back and have some left after planting. I'll get arejay to scramble something and who ever gets the answer can have these seeds. How's that? Any takers?

Pretty Mekos! We all want it. How many do you have?

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i really don't want it as it won't grow outside here but it sure is pretty.

Sounds good Mekos! You know how good I am at unscrambling things Mamajack. It'll look good in your garden! :) LOL Although I have been studying. :)

Why won't it grow there Mamaj?

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

it will freeze slam to death. lol

I have about 10 seeds left. One good pack for the winner. I'll d-mail arejay and she can post something tomorrow if she agrees to it. OK?

It's winter hardy in zones 9, 10, 11, 12. Still interested? Could be grown in a big container and put inside for winter.?!?

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

oh no. i won't start that again. too old. and too much carrying in and out. it lives outside or it will not fit in with the scheme of my garden. my garden is named the garden that texas can't kill or flowers of fate whichever you prefer. sometimes some things live unexpectedly but this one i know won't. a younger person needs this plant. lol.

What's one more dang container to haul in the greenhouse. LOL I'm 8b. I'm saying this knowing full well the only thing I can unscramble is my laundry. But cue_chik has this on her want list and she can unscramble anything as you know. She's also in 9B.

OK UNscramble this one and I'll mail tomorrow. paeoniatenuifolia It is 2 words. GO!

I like the 'Flowers of Fate' Has a ring to it. :)

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Mekos.. you ave dragons Heart???? I'll sell you my soul for it!!!! LOL... no, seriously, i will.

UNSCRAMBLE the word, and it's yours. I hope arejay don't get upset with us> who is suppose to be keeping an eye on us all? Is it ok?

The closest I could get was peonie nufolia maybe the t is to me. LOL

Cue_chik is supposed to be watching. LOL

IT's a bushy flower.

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