CLOSED: Free Seed for Newbies!! Come on in!! 06-26-03 New thread!!

Here is a clue. Cue_chick YOU need to d-mail arejay and see if it's ok for me to do this right now.

I'm laughing so hard I'm about to cry. Now I see why arejay likes this game so much. I was suppose to go to bed a long time ago.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL.. I think Robin is probably in bed...

Good she won't know what we're doing tonight. Hurry up someone before she finds out and crushes me.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ok.. I got it....

paeonia tenuifolis??

How do you people get words undone without a picture or name to find them? I had to have blondie to help me a few days ago. She won't tell me how she did it either. But yes that's it. I'll mail them in the morning.

Orlando, FL

the correct word is
paeonia tenuifolia
cue chik has an s at the end and it ends with an a noo ss

Seray and momajack, don't tell anyone and I'll get you some too in a couple weeks. We won't tell arejay about this little incident tonight. RIGHT everyone?

typo. the a and s next to each other. What is the flower cue_chick to be sure.

Blondie, you get some too. Now lets go to bed.

What did I tell you? I knew she would unscramble it in record time. Congrats Cue_chik!!!! I'm too old to haul more containers in anyway. Arejay will die in the am when she sees what we're up to so late. Enjoy that flower and send us pic if it comes up. Thanks for the fun Mekos!

NIte NIte :)

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Pink Flowering Almond...LOL


Mum's the word for me. LOL

That's it. Congratulations. BUT I will get all of you some. They are beautiful. I sent out some in trades as extras, didn't know they would be so popular. I know blondie's add, and cue_chik, seray and mamajack d-mail me yours. This has been so much fun, I'll have to see what other kind of seeds I have that no one wants.( when arejay goes to bed tomorrow night) SSSHHHHHHH!

Orlando, FL

PlantFiles: Fern Leaf Peony, Double Fernleaf Peony
Paeonia tenuifolia 'Rubra Flora Plena'

OK BLONDIE! WE get the message.

Orlando, FL

lol wake up i am wide awake now lol

AREJAY's gonna skin me alive.

Orlando, FL

why wait for her we can do it for her

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

rotfl... well, we just having a little fun...I dont think she will mind

Orlando, FL

i am glad i am not working tomorrow so i can hear her reply

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

next thing ya know DG wil be full of threads and scrambles... it will catch on...and then we gonna be in trouble

Orlando, FL

where oh where did mekos go she must be hiding

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

What are you all still doing up? Isn't it like almost 1 am there?

Everyone is in trouble when Robin wakes up!

I can't wait for this one . . . ROTFL!!!!!!!!

Go to sleep everyone!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

neener neener neener...he ehe he... and just where were you Missy? I was missing my one half of the Terrible twins!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I was awaterin' the garden of life . . .

It's too hot here...


Edited to say good night all... going to bed now...

This message was edited Jun 29, 2009 10:06 PM

You water gardens at 1:08 am ? It's cue_chiks fault. she was the one looking for that hibiscus. That is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Robin, we are going to have to take turns staying up all nite to keep an eye on the kidlets, just look what they have been up to since we went to bed!!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I am not sure yet... because I way overslept and I need more coffee. But, as soon as my eyes are open and my mind is, Im not sure gathered is the word, but none the less you all could be in deep trouble. I know I left someone in charge. Polly maybe....Im not sure if I am supposed to reward you all for doing something creative with your free time, or ignore bad behavior or punish each and everyone involved for not getting permission. KT1 I think you are the only no maybe both KTwins are safe.... I am going to have to go see my therapist and get some direction here ....I know there is something he needs to help me with in this . Just try never mind don't do anything until I get back.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

mekos - no, but I water gardens at 10:08 pm!! LOL!! You all are Eastern Time. I'm (right now) Pacific Time. When you all set your clocks back in the fall, I will be Mountain Time. See, we here in sunny AZ don't observe Daylight Savings Time. Apparently it's because it's already so dang hot here, plus it wouldn't get dark 'til like really late if we did. OK - I need to go to work now. I'll check in on the saga later . . .

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Now see I was a good girl and didn't get involved in the scramble. NOW send me my Rita !!!! :)))))))))))))))))))))

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Okay - I'll buy you a drink, but you've got to promise me you're not going to do anything foolish this early in the morning!


Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I am not making promises that I might not be able to keep :))))))))))))

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Works for me!


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I just have to state, I was NOT in charge of the kidlets last night. Don't be blamin' me for all this funny business.

IT wasn't my fault. Cue_chik made me do it. I told her to ask you first, she said to go ahead and do it, she was in charge. And in the mean time d-mailed me the word. I didn't even know what that word was. You know me arejay, I'm just plain out dumb on this stuff. I thought almond was something in a cake. I was in a moment of weakness cause she wanted those seeds. I'm sorry arejay. It was ALL her fault. I was trying to be good, I promise. That cue_chik is always doing something to get me in trouble. And that is my story. (until I can think of something better).

I'm making ammends, for me and cue_chik. I'm giving mamajack and seray and blondie and cue_chik ALL seeds . Do I still need to keep shoveling ? You know I'm sorry arejay. WHERE YOU AT CUE_CHIK? WHERE YOU HIDING NOW? HELP ME OUT HERE< I COULD USE A LITTLE HELP ANYTIME NOW!!!!! Still shovelling.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

So...I guess we now know the rest of the story...the KTwins is one well behaved twin. Hmm your off the hook for this minute Jangirl...but I am still processing could change....
So glad to see you here Al. As you can see there needs to be a strong Male influence now and then!!
And Polly up don't go off duty...
Flower ummm I don't know yet.I might have to take that green piece of seaglass back out of the box.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Ha ha ha!! Too funny. Cue gets you all in trouble and now where is she? Huh? Probably sleeping since you all were up SOOOOO LATE last night. Sorry, Robin :^( It's hard for me to keep that twin of mine in line sometimes . . .

Mekos - I think you need to send me some seeds too (even though you all lost me a loooonnnnnnnggg time back and I don't even know what seeds we're talking about - lol).

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