CLOSED: Free Seed for Newbies!! Come on in!! 06-26-03 New thread!!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

I think I'm the only rooster in the hen house here. I'm probably not going to influence much of anything, but that's okay with me.


Loca, I'll send you some seeds too. Let me see your list and see what I have you might want. I ort to send you cue's seeds. BUT I won't. I'll do better next time.

loca-----you aint got no want list--- so I'm off the hook with you?????

Orlando, FL

when does the next scrambled word come out i am waiting lol

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

No want list yet - lol. Too busy keeping up with you all . . .

Just send me cue's seeds. She won't mind - honest! Right Kelz?

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

:((((((((((((((( I'll Be good I promise.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Hey lycodad, you're up towards me. You're near Ithaca, right? I'm up near Oswego.

I can't watch the kidlets and drink those Ritas and mojitos. I'll have to cut back at night.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh I see trouble brewing....
Is everyone ready for the next scramble already? The last one was a tough one. Do you all need a break from them? We could oh I dont know play ...monopoly instead???

Arejay!!!! Are YOU here? I have 5 -count them, 5, red- Chinese magnolia seeds IF YOU want to scramble a word and who ever gets it, gets them. Waiting for YOU to scramble something and don't tell me what it is, I'm still weak from all that last night. Did cue ever get on here? Where she hiding? AREJAY------ARE YOU THERE?? Hey, if she went back to bed-----??????????? Anyone want to play?????

Orlando, FL

im game and ready lol

OK, where is the whole gang? Hey blondie. Hope you like red chinese magnolia vine too. AREJAY!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU HERE?????????

Orlando, FL

i love anything you know that

NO one watching us newbies?!?!? HeHeHess! Lets have fun! Who is game? Am I talking to myself here???

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I knew we go ...I turn my back for a minute and what is this?? you cant tell what it is before it is scramble Jangirl!! The word has to be scrambled to the plant or the seed in your case and then you post the word and they guess.....Have you changed the rules???? Rules, regulations following directions...Tell them please Al....Polly, Mama . Flower someone tell them they have to follow rules and directions if they are ever going to make a healthy contribution to the universe!!

No go Mekos...your turn your up, whats the word we are unscrambling?? Maybe Ill get it and win. I can maybe unscramble better than I can scramble? Maybe???

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Im watching I don't make the same mistake twice!!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Hi Polly!

Ithaca is about a two hour stretch from here, been there many times. We're about 60 miles south of Rochester, in the Finger Lakes region, still considered Upstate. Hornell is a small city (10,000 or so), but the area is definately country rural.


NO- we dont scramble the seed name. We tell what the gift is IF they unscramblethe word YOU pick. I'll put up the seed, YOU scramble a word and the winner gets the seed. BUT these rules would ONLY go for the mid-day scramble and once a month IF you guys want to do this. YOU tell me WHEN, I'll put up the seed for that scramble and the ones who would want the seeds would guess. They will know what they are getting but wouldn't know what the word you scramble is. GET IT? YOU GOT D_MAIL ANYWAY- AREJAY.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Ojh and did you see that??? A voice of reason right there is Al and Polly right with him policing the area..I like your idea Mekos are we talking weekly or monthly?

Once a week? You pick the night or day when it suits your fancy and call the scramble. Lets take a vote out there. 1- Who would want the name of the seeds scrambled and-2- who would want to know what they are guessing for then unscramble another word. VOTE everyone. Want to know what is up- or want to unscramble blindly?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

It's your scramble, mekos - YOU tell US how you want to do it - lol. A good number of your lovely seeds won't survive in my neck of the woods, but I could always pass 'em on to someone who could grow 'em!

Well, I'll leave it up to arejay, I just figured if we scrambeled my seed names everyone would know them, they are listed on my have list. What challenge would that be? So, if you know what it is you're getting, it might be more fun to hunt harder for the correct scramble to win it and like you said you can always pass it on in a trade. Or give to someone who may want it.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Ill wait for the vote we will give it till 7pm give people that work time get home and take a peek? THen at 8pm I will post a word for this one as we know what it is already...ok?
Oh speaking of scrambles ....Surprise...we have a wed scramble donation tell your friends and enimies...Wed 6pm here on the newbie thread be there!! It is a beautiful , beautiful plant.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I agree so do you want to wait for a vote or scramble it up?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Sounds good to me!! BTW - you have an awesome "have list". I'm jealous - lol. Your garden must be gorgeous!! Until the last year or so I've been strictly a vegetable/herb gardener. Anything ornamental I have is native and low care - lol. Now I am wanting to venture into more plants. Dave's has been an invaluable source of information for me, and hey, I get to meet fun and crazy people too!!

Just wanted to say, last night I laughed so hard I cried for the longest time. I rolled! That was so much fun and I'd like to see a surprise scramble once a week just for seeds and like I said- Arejay or whoever she picks will do the scrambled word for each week so she can participate also. Just a way to have fun and get new seeds, any won and not wanted, put in for some newbies free packages. That would help arejay with extra seeds. I'm all for meeting new members and having fun for the summer. NOW pick some good words to scramble, I got some good seeds here. This scramble will officially be the one for this week. The seeds are--- 5 RED Chinese Magnolia seed. Arejay is going to post the scrambled word shortly and who ever gets it, d-mail me with the address of where it will be sent. Have fun and good luck. AREJAY---back to you.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

well, Im here NOW.. and I see you all have been quite busy heaping the balme about last nights 'indiscretions' on ME... well, well, well.. you know what they say about paybacks.. yup yup.

KT1 - step away from my seeds.... or you shall be what I amend my Goth Garden soil with ;)

about last night.. I shall only take responsibility for participation, the instigation is solely the responsibility of parties that shall remain nameless.

This message was edited Jun 30, 2009 2:35 PM

They are not in my garden, they are on the list-LOL Na, I'm working on it. Lots are sprouted and rooting to go out there, so it will be one day. Thank you for the thoughts.

OOOWWWW, Hello cue_chik. Welcome to our word un-scramble for the seeds. BTW- yours are on their merry little way and blondies, mamajack and seray will get theirs in a couple weeks. Thanks for your patience, or they can choose some other pack- likedietes grandiflora- African Iris?????? What will it be??? Wait or Iris?????

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Follow the rules girls arejay says so :))))))))))))))))))))))

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh looky looky the kids are all waking up ....after a long hard night of scramble...

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

I think they were asleep when they did all of that arejay. I know that they just didn't know what they were doing :)))))))))))))))))))))))

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

oh HECK yeah, we knew what we were doing.

SEE, cue_chik did it. I told you so. I was snockered from thinking about all them mojitos. I wasn't my right self. It was cue_chik. She is a dark influence.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Who has an awesome list?? Did I miss something again?

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

mekos does. I hope she shares :)))))))))))

Orlando, FL

i think you need to go to other trade list and pick a name on there go to their have list and get a plant that way no one knows where it came from lol

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

5 RED Chinese Magnolia seed...

Magnolia mine, old southern bloom,
once planted north, you come too soon.

Magnolia mine, each branch a chain
of diamond drops through ice or rain.

Magnolia mine, though you can't wait,
your swelling buds tempt a frozen fate.

Magnolia mine, your blossoms speak
of life restored, winter's defeat.

Magnolia mine, that I could show
a flower of faith like those you grow!

first published in Lutheran Digest

This message was edited Jun 30, 2009 2:22 PM

Orlando, FL

is that for 5 winners

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

well thats an idea!!

PICTURE of red-Magnolia vine -look good anyone?

Thumbnail by mekos

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