CLOSED: Free Seed for Newbies!! Come on in!! 06-26-03 New thread!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

and lovely is not the word!! to unscramble!! Im going to have to find something for these Kelly twins to do ...hmmm let me think. I will research that a bit...

Orlando, FL

well, i think i have laughed pretty hard in the last couple days and i have to leave for now so this is to all my new friends
As always, when I need advice I turn to my most newest friends.

I do this because I know you will always be candid and honest with me.

I need your opinion on something that has been bothering me for some time now..

I am counting on you, so please don't let our friendship influence your answer.

Does this bikini make my butt look big?

Hope this put a smile on your face !


Thumbnail by blondhavmofun
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Cue won't want 'em. They're not "dark" enough for her liking . . .

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

You go girl with your research and all!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Better be nice to KT1 she could be the next detonator!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)


Hear that one, cue?

Your butt looks fine to me, blondie. All in the right places, but the color should be blue.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Blonde...really if you are happy with it!! Who else matters???

Thanks arejay, this is just so much fun. What time you going to bed tonight????? You reading cue?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Did I mention we have a plant for this Wednesday? Did I mention it is beautiful? Did I mention it is an anonymous donation? Did I? There is an Angel Among us!!

Did you mention any clues?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Well I was thinking maybe I would lost a little longer than usual...what are you all nuts? I am telling nothing..Do you all here me NOTHING. You just know there is always someone watching. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice, shame on me!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Yeah, Robin . . . what time you hittin' the sack? I'll have to plan my watering around your bedtime so I can help pollyk and Al keep an eye on everyone . . .

. . . or maybe I'll just join 'em?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I am going to finish my longgggg awaited packing's. But..I will be back and someone is watching this bunch.

Wiping tears from my eyes again.

I'm still looking for stevia plants- What happened to them. Are they rooted yet?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

You growing your own sweetener, too? I'm really moving to your garden now . . .

Hear that, Robin is going to be gone for a long time?

Hey, who's watching?

Someone suggest a nice relaxing drink for robin to try tonight. She needs to go to bed early.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL, yeah, Im watchin!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

arejay sending you another mail

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Watch out girls (and Al) . . .

I think the favorite (flower) is watching us - ROTFL!!!!

Does someone else need a drink, too? Do we have a tattle-tale out there we need to work on.

Go get her cue_chik.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I don't drink. It's too much fun watching you all!!

I was referring to flower. You need to help cue.

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Are we talking about a threesome here? I haven't had an offer like that in years! I'll try to keep the site clean, ladies. At least they aren't sending me sexy pictures by D-Mail.


We're talking about getting the newbie watchers drunk early tonight, so we can play. Are you going to bed early or going to watch tv or something? You and polly need to try those mojito things early tonight.

Where did everyone go? Is there a sale on Irises today or something? Is everyone out shopping or just napping?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I think they're just watching - lol.

I have to go pick my puppy up from his vet appointment, so I will see everyone later this evening . . .

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey you all I always watch this thread even when I don't join the conversation :))))))))))))))))

Indialantic, FL

Mekos - I have a stevia plant growing in a pot. It has gone to seed -- can you use that kind of seed? Is there any other kind? The plant itself is tall and leggy. . .can I cut it back and mail it to you? Instructions, please!

Here is how to make a Mojito. Place 2 t. sugar, 6-8 mint leaves (peppermint) and a little club soda in a tall glass (highball). Stir (muddle) to dissolve sugar and release the mint flavor. Squeeze the juice of a lime which has been cut in half into the glass, then add
half of the lime into the glass. Add 2 oz. light rum (Cruzan, Appleton, or Mount Gay) and
stir again. Finish filling glass with club soda. Garnish with mint sprig. Serve over ice. This is similar to a Brazilian drink in which you mash the lime and lemon with a mortar and pestle, which is half the fun!


You know when I moved to Savannah everyone told me this was a party town. And it's true. But you guys have this place beat by a long shot. LOL Drinking again!! And what was this side room scramble for such a beautiful plant/seed. And who besides me is totally confused with the new rules. And I guess with the official Newbie drink who cares. Right!! Go for the Appleton! Mash the lime and lemon before the second drink.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

15 seconds for perseverance, I can't believe it! We don't stand a chance against these kidlets! I am feeling ols, old, old!

I'm with you Mittsy. We might as well just send them the plants. LOL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Boy you guys waste no time....I notice Duchess made it..did you corrupt her too already? It wont matter seray if we just give them to them they will be scrambling and sending again while we aren't looking.. I know of the Kelly twins you gotta watch them every minute and Al I recruited him to be a voice of reason and authority and look they have ruined him...
Dutchess I owe Mekos Stevia I used to grow it!! I did this year too but..I have one very small seedling and I cant cut it to root it it is too small... She isnt the only one waiting on me for Stevia,,, If I could find a big pot of it I would buy it..... no I didn't say that shhh cut that out twins putting words in my message...
So Mekos if you get Stevia alot of it don't ferget me. I have dried Stevia you can put it in your Mojitos sweeten it up make it look pretty...

Thanks duchess, I sure would love that, can I send you help with postage? I've looked for that plant a long time, finally gave up and now it's here. You are a doll. But with the drinks, I don't drink, not yet anyway. I may start after this forum. We were all just playing around last night, just bored and found some fun brewing. No rules changed, we just started a seed give away at random and decided to do it weekly, no particular day, it's Robin's choice on days to do it, we just gave it a dry run last night and it was too much fun to forget it. Sorry some didn't know, just spur of the moment. People should check in at all times to get goodies, you never know what is waiting around the witching hour. I just got stung you guys by a BIG bumble bee on my thigh. I need petting.

Orlando, FL

is the bee okay hope he doesnt die lol

This message was edited Jun 30, 2009 7:33 PM


Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

You guys are terrible LOL. I think thiis thread is having the most fun. You don't see any of it on the others.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh Poor Jan!! I wish our herbalist were here there is an herb that you can rub on that it takes the sting right out....what is it?
Mittsy Seray, Flower,Pam,Dutchess, Polly and all the rest of you over 45 we are going to have to get up really early...they are really young and seem to have boundless energy.

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