Divine socks, auras, spinning, and other assorted chatter

Lodi, United States

porkpal--are you still sulking? Because if you are, it is in vain without a pedal size revelation.

I have it on good authority that Moxon is practicing triple ply with the inclusion of what can only be termed a "novel" element. I am not sure, however, if she is licensed for it.

Beauty is lawless.

Richmond, TX

Sulking - ? Ah, yes, that's right I almost forgot in the face of such divine hues and textures. SULK!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Come on my Porkpal friend...dont forget the sulking cause... I have more flan in the fridge if you need it... made a fresh batch today for Billys homecoming... I will share.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Catscan let the sheep out of the bag....or is that a cat? Well, it is a triple ply, which means that it is 3 strands spun together into a yarn. Two of the strands are my own handspun - one is turquoise and one is a darker blue. The third strand is an unconventional element. It is actually a commercial nylon yarn called "Featherwisp" and it is composed of two strands itself! One is a hairy strand and the other is a ribbony strand. It's 100% nylon. So, that yarn that I spun is 2/3 of my own handspun single ply threads, and 1/3 commercial for the third thread. All three were then spun together into a single strand using my wheel.

Here is a picture of the Featherwisp yarn.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here is a pic of the two strands of which the Featherwisp is made.

And yes, I do have a license because I am a barnyard fairy and anything with the word "wisp" in it is automatically licensed on that account.

Edited to correct sentence ending with a preposition. It was too early in the morning.

This message was edited Jul 12, 2009 9:09 AM

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Richmond, TX

Supported by MissJ and reinforced by her flan, the sulk continues. The new yarns only make me covet the divine socks all the more. Sulkers unite, all we have to lose is our cold feet(?)

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL Porkpal, you have evolved to such an inspiration, I'm tempted to sulk... :)

I love the wispy stuff, but it's so commercial Claire, surely you can produce the wisp? The colors are divine...

Thankz for that tip MsJ... I see they have a tiny mouse here at the truck stop!! Next trip inside.. I'll get one... Now to be able to type on this tiny keyboard :)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Moxon is having a dimwitted moment. The reason all my numbers in yardage have been coming out wonky is because my second measuring device measures by the yard-and-a-half, which is how I set it!! (not by the yard).

Therefore, Catscan, the naiad yarn is probably closer to 320 yards. Not in the 200's as previously posted.

Moxon needs to grab a clue from the clue bag.

The second hairy yarn is about 210 yards.

And it's all going in a package, right now!

Lodi, United States

It sounds like you have been busy gathering wool, Moxie dear. To both nearly leave a preposition dangling AND set your measurements off by such a large degree is worrying indeed.

Now, having resolved the single string theory of everything (why did no one think to ask a spinner before?), you must summon all your mental acuity to integrate it into a multi-dimensional, multi-string theory of everything else. Which should include books (hint, hint)

I am sulking. ZZ is having all the fun, while I sit here in Lodi. Almost no one understands what a really terrible contrast that is. I am sure if I weren't holding her chickens as ransom, she would never come home. (She could always send for Cody and he is too big for me to restrain, but the chickens! Well I have a Border Collie, so they are mine.)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

One theory at a time....it taxes my resources to think too deeply without a steady supply of fiber in hand.

I am trying to find something to sulk about so that I can join all of you in the group sulk, but I am coming up empty handed. it's hard to sulk when one has a spinning wheel and friends who knit! LOL!!

[[...zee package, she is compleet, yes? Ve vill send by special yak serviss...zis iss highly confeedensyal....zee speshal reedings material iss enclosured, yah? Vot is zee speshal vurds....oh....Ze llama has eaten ze banana. I repeat, zee llama hass eaten zee banana. Over]]

Lodi, United States

"Friends" who knit? "Friends"? An ugly cloud of fiber infidelity hangs over this exchange....

This message was edited Jul 12, 2009 12:43 PM

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Uhhh....my mother knits....she's my friend....you know.....she is my mother....ummmm.....not to be outdone by your knitting prowess, dearest and most harmonious Catscan.....

[[zee llama hasss spat zee banana]]

Lodi, United States

Your mother? Really? Sniff...

I so want to believe that. I mean, I know we never made any promises about being exclusive...but I thought...well...it just seemed so natural...I mean, you, me, the fiber, the pointy things, even Stephanie Pearl-McPhee...it just seemed to flow....

If someone else is working on a cardigan for you, Moxon--you really need to let me know. I would feel like such a fool.....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

My mother knitted me a scarf....she said it caused her much frustration, but of course, being her only child, she did it cuz she loves me and all that. You know, how it is, seeing as you're a mother too. I think she's gone on a knitting hiatus now, because when she visited last time I showed her how to do wet felting. She was quite taken with it....I think she's doing placemats now. It allows her the freedom to express her creative side and not have to use her reading glasses for reading patterns in small print.

It's OK, you, me, the pointy things and Steph, we're all in this together...flowing with the fiber....feeling the crimp....

Nobody else I know would ever consider knitting a cardigan. That is far too large and complicated....I mean....it has sleeves and everything! A couple of people in my spinning guild know how to do cables. The rest of us sort of sit in an awed and awkward silence, feeling clumsy. I knitted a square, well, a rectangle really. Except, I haven't figured out how to cast off yet, so it's been on that needle for about 2 months. I'm such a noob.

(ooooh, what's that box in the background of that picture?!)

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Lodi, United States


Watery smile.

I believe you.

I should have known better. Just be careful about people who cable in public. It seems innocent enough, but it is flashy and can be used to draw in the innocent. Oh look! I can cable. Just think what I could do with more fiber....And then Wham! Bang! your hard spun stash is over at their place waiting to be knit into a Classic Tree of Life Aran Sweater than will never be... at least not yours.

Of course there are honourable cablers....I myself cable....but rarely in public and then only discreetly when under a deadline.

The stable is ready. Bananas abound. The llama may kneel.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Wiping away a tear at the use of the letter u in honourable.....be still my Canadian heart.....

I think the public cablers envision themselves a cut above...you know...displaying their talents in unfettered and ostentatious ways, just to make everyone feel incompetent and force us to look up to them with jealously beady eyes.

The llama has cushed.

Clarkson, KY

beautimous, ladies.....i lurk, i knit, i fleetly flee, i fly....
so looooonggg, fair weeeeelllll........

Lodi, United States

Grownut! No! Come back! You are the only one with dainty feet. Who else can we use for small amounts of first class fiber?

Moxon! Make her come back!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

GROW!!! This is unacceptable behaviour according to the Code of Fiber Fantabulousness, Subsection 3 (lurking), part B (continuous involvement), paragraph iii: DESERTION! Even though I know you prefer to be under your rock, you cannot just fleetly flee and fly. We need Grow feetsies. Just like we need Dahlia feetsies.

(for the record, paragraph iii below)

iii) Whereupon and whereas, such members of the barnyard committee with fiber privileges assigned thereto, shall have the right to be independent and carry on of their own accord, it is hereby decreed that they shall, unequivocally, be present for frequent spells of merriment and fiber frolicking, unless completely medically unable. In the event that such committee members have rocks under which they choose to spend copious quantities of time, most acceptably for knitting purposes, or for the purposes of considering their feetsies, they shall nonetheless make their presence known on a regular basis and provide input on all matters of fiberosity. Accordingly, any such member that does not make the proper appearances and participatory remarks and generally persist in letting their presence be known shall be punished according to Code 4(C)(ii), sock lashings.

Grow, do you need yarn sent?

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

umm, no subsections for sulking?

Lodi, United States

I'm sure there is a subsection for sulking. Sulking is an important and integral part of the fiber experience. Our sulkers are the finest of the fine. The cream of their generation. Upstanding, outspoken and supremely piteous.

We salute them all!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well of COURSE there's a subsection for sulking but I can't rewrite the whole code here. It's probably a copyright violation. And I don't think Grownut is sulking, so I didn't have to expound upon that section. I believe all sulking being done is being done according to code, at least unless there are some sulking misdemeanors going on, of which i am unaware.

Three cheers for the sulkers.

(Zone 7b)

Ha~Ha~Ha~Ha~Ha Yall keep me laughing on this thread.

ZZ glad your having such a blast i believe we are all jealous of your free spirit .

Sulking cause i can't knit a cable and i don't have fibrous animals {:~(>

Lodi, United States

Ah, another has joined the sulky throng!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

No Grow, Come back... You were a cornerstone of us sulkers along with Porkpal abd Harmony... Please come back.... We need to stand united... Let me pass the flan, Billy ate it all but I promise I will get busy in the kitchen, a new batch with fresh eggs tomorrow will be available.... Please Please come back...

Lodi, United States

Grownut. The sun has gone to bed and so must eye-I?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

It has suddenly occurred to me, the reason that I cannot sulk! Of course I cannot sulk! I have the divine sockies!!! Bwwaaaahahahahaha! (doing the silly mindless dance)

Back to spinning....

Clarkson, KY

You've been spinning here the whole time, Claire.....and a beautiful and highly legalistic yarn it was.....so is this thread a skein?? hank??

My thanks and love to all of you.....

Yes well...owner of (seemingly) the only small feet on the forum, I seem to also have the dubious distinction of being the only one who doesn't wear SOCKS!!! Barred from the Divine by my own dubious predilection for pedal nudity....alas, alack!! Had that fine hippy veneer I acquired as a Fighting Duck (FD, y'all) taken properly I could have worn them winningly with any of a wide variety of sandals..........so yes, I covet. Yes, I sulk. But 'tis a sadly non-conforming kind of sulk...sulking at my own unsuitablility for Divine Sockdom....

The spinning and the yarns and the socks and the sulks are all, to my wee mind, Divinely inspired...joy (ermmm) being a many splendoured thing an' all...and if Santy-Claire were granting of wishes, I'd certainly wish for summat to knit into a Divine Scarf or two (t'would be sacrilege indeed to covet socks and not wear them!!) in wintry greens and blues and indigos....but I haven't the right to ask...lurker that I've become....backslider....

Catsy-love....if you just noticed the sun's having gone to bed...after midnight...so must've you been a long time goOne...(nuttin like mixing the Sound of Music w/ CSNY.....laaAAAaaa!!)

MisJ, Frans, Har, Porkpal,......I shall consider you my mentors....for ....ummm....sustained interaction if not caliber of sulk (t'would be wrong of me to aspire...)

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

FLAN, Flan, it's all about flan...

My newest invention.. well not really mine.. I just made chocolate fudge freezer pops & orange sherbert with my goats milk, they were both sooo easy and trust me, they are NOT fat free!

I have NEVER tasted orange sherbert so good... it tastes like an old fashioned dream-cicle
So skip the Flan.. go with the freeaer products.. haha

And Claire... thats wasn't very nice.. doin that dance in front of all us sock sulkers ;-(, but I bet it was fun ;-)

Richmond, TX

RIGHT! (I think...)

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Oh Fran.... Sherbet to sustain us sulkers... That is a COOL Idea and one I can get into...I am running to the freezer section.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Grow.....do you wear mittens?

Fran.....thanks to you, I now covet sherbet for breakfast.

Clarkson, KY

lalalalalaaa!!!! yeeessssssssssssss...........

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I am now at work and still coveting orange goat's milk sherbet and chocolate fudge pops. Instead I am having iced coffee. But not made with goat's milk. I wish I had a goat lactating right now, but I don't. I shall therefore SULK! Fran has found a good reason for me to sulk. I am goatmilkless. Bring on the flan.

Grownut, pardon my ignorance, but what on earth is a fighting duck? My ducks are all lovers, not fighters.

I am very glad to hear that you wear mittens. You never know when a knitting fairy might need a project. I will keep the wintery blue/green/indigo thoughts in mind.

(Zone 7b)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~SULK~~~~~~~~~I neither have Goats to extract the delicious milk to make the divine sherbet ~~~~~~~
I sit and Mull in my coffee at my utter despair at having none of these glorious things~~~~SULK~~~~~~~I shall go to my new Grey Calls and ~~~~~~~Sulk~~~~~~~Where my feet shall be cold and i will go hungry~~~~Sulk~~~~~{:~>

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)



I believe the sulkers won today.. (fran is slurping down her very orange sherbert.. it is melting in the humidity)

Richmond, TX

Fighting ducks? Did I miss something?

Does sherbet go well with flan?

We sulkers need all the nutritional support we can get.

Clarkson, KY

University of Oregon, Fighting Ducks ---the hippy movement still lives on, thriving there still, I believe....comes in after UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz maybe as school still most caught in the 60s...Psychedelic Psocks n 'Stocks would fit right in......oooops, I mean DEEEvine....

cowed by the moral superiority and superb stamina of the P&L SULKERS.....WOWIE!!!

sherbet sounds ummmm.....deevine....

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

ahem mi mi mi
♪♪ Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite thinnnnnngs

ps Peppy Le Pew is now hanging in my garden. I think he/she counts as livestock. I'm SO EXCITED I CAN'T STAND IT!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ehhhrrrmmmm......I recommend not trying to feed Peppy....at least not hand feeding....you may have certain...regrets....

I totally love the song. Grow must be a good singer, seeing as she has the hippie tendency. I do believe it's hippie and not hippy because I am the latter, having eaten too much flan and custard, whereas Grow is more in the camp of the former, I think.

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