Divine socks, auras, spinning, and other assorted chatter

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Her teeth really began to come in last week. Sheep only have teeth on the bottom jaw, and the top jaw is like a hard, ribbed palate. They grind against that. Her teeth are super-sharp because she hasn't had a chance to wear them down yet. I think, like a baby, she is teething as they come in, because it must be uncomfortable. She just chews on anything - paper, cardboard, plastic, yarn, etc...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Anyone have spare yarn (even old small bits from previous projects?)

Worthy cause here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1006856/

A children's non-profit group is needing yarn for a little project for a festival in October. I sent them a bunch. If you have yarn lying around that you don't know what to do with, or maybe you don't even like the color, why not send it in!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Wish I did but I gave all mine to the Linus Project, they make blankets for sick kids.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Ok I know this has nothing to do with the divine chatter and it may belong in the recipe section, but I wanted to share it with all of you that work outside.

I found this recipe while on vacation, and yesterday while working outside in the garden, decided to try and make some out of the fresh Lemon Cukes I am growing. I had to buy the limes as I have no lime tree... But is was refreshing to say the least, and kept me hydrated, which is important out here in the desert.

24 oz or 2-12 cans, of club soda
1/4th cup fresh lime juice, (I used 5 limes)
1 cucumber ( I used 2 small Lemon Cucumbers) sliced thin
Combine all in a pitcher with ice..

The recipe says you can add 1/2 cup of gin before serving.. (I have not tried it with the Gin...)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I've been huff, puff, hufffin, puffin working on a new patio and missed ALOT! How do I get on the list for Divine Sockys?!?!?!? I MUST HAVE divine sockys. Dahliafeets are exactly 10 inches long eachly so easy/peasy for divine socky makers ^_^ (Also Dahliafeets are waaaaaay easier to measure with than that other guy's feets). shhh don't tell anyone but I'm afraid to take the colour test. What if my colour doesn't exist?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

DAHLIANUT!!! So pleased to see you! Glad to hear you have a new patio. What fun. A great place to sit and have little liquid refreshments whilst contemplating one's dahlias, imaginary chickens, and the divineness of sockies.

I am absolutely sure that your colour exists. Do not be alarmed. Feel free to take the test. You may quite possibly be a rainbow.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well the good news is that I exist; the bad news is that I'm a Sybil. {{{{{ to all the red overlay peoples}}}}

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh dear. I am sure a pair of divine sockies would help you overcome the red overlay. It would make you feel all warm and lovely. But what is the base colour (over which the red overlays?).

Do you knit?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Indigo was 8, Lavender was 6. Violet 5, and a couple others were 4. Either a Sybil-psycho-girl or my colour doesn't exit. No worries dear Claire cuz I usually always flunk these kind of tests. Maybe I'm too sparkly? Did you take your test with the divine sockys on or off? I bet that makes a difference ^_^

Lodi, United States

Oh No! Dear dahlianut is showing the same wishywashy, failure to colour commit tendencies that I have. So sorry.

I believe red overlays are neutralized by green based divine socks. Although only demi-divintiy is possible due to Moxon's refusal to summon up Rumpleskiltsin and get on with turning all that fiber into gold.

Not that I'M complaining, mind you, cause I'm getting my very own aquatic bundles of divine fibery goodness. I am only thinking of others......

It is so like me:0)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh NO dear Dahlianut. Where is your green side? I am a full green (12) and am looking for my fellow greenies.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Green 2 but I feel greener than that, especially if it's lime sorbet green. Maybe my green sparkles were resting when I took the test.

Lodi, United States

Looking back in the thread, MissJestr's punch appears to have theraputic levels of essential limey green. Might try making some up?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Catscan do you feel sparkly? Maybe we're silver ^_^

Lodi, United States

I do feel rather silvery. And my laughter is like the ringing of tiny silver bells....I often just sit and laugh quietly to myself, just for the pleasure of hearing it.

What are you looking at?

This message was edited Jul 10, 2009 8:07 PM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Catscan you are most definitely a silver. I noticed there were no questions about sparkles or wings or tinkly bell laughter or singing with the wind. All these important silver questions were missing.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Do either of you tend to wear clothing items with those little bells on them. I am wearing one of those sort of Bohemian skirts today with graduated dye colouration and swirly embroidery on it, and it has a waist tie that used to have little tinkly bells on it, but I had to cut off the tinkly bells because they irritated me. I have another one that is sort of tie-dyed and I had to take the bells off it too.

Catscan and Dahlia, the silver aura twins....that is quite delightful indeed!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I don't wear bells because then I couldn't hear the bells in the trees if they are playing. I do wear and like those little metal doohickeys (like on bolo ties) on the ends of shawl fringes that make a nice clickitty-clicketty noise when you move.

Lodi, United States

I believe bells are superfluous. Varking the dahlia, as it were.


Clarkson, KY

Dahlin' ---we're not Cousins for nothing.....I got 9 I think for indigo....and, though I haven't for a while, used to wear silver bells all the time....scared....?

now if I could just sparkle with laughter like Catsy....aaahhhhh....

Richmond, TX

Oh my, I was going to admit to being largely green, but now I'm not so sure I should commit myself (pun intended).

Lodi, United States

Committing oneself has certain advantages over involuntary commitment....or so I have been led to believe.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Thank you dear Catscan for the vocab lesson. I was unfamiliar with vark. It is indeed a useful and exciting word, which I shall try valiantly to incorporate into my vernacular.

Porkpal!!!! Are you my green friend? I got a 12 for green. Why do you not want to be green? Green is superb! Come, join the greenness. Please. Pretty please.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

dahlianut good to hear from you....
I have to admit, I wear bells every time I ride my horses. I started doing it in the winter, I love the sounds of sleigh bells, and someone told me Cowboys use to wear small bells on their spurs to call the spirits of the past cowboys to ride with them and keep them safe. I was given a bell and I attached it to my horses breast collar and have never taken it off. I have trained 3 horses with bells, and I love to hear the tinkle when I am by myself on the trail, it makes me think I am not alone..

Plus the zillion bells I have on my front porch I love bells...

Besides Bikers ride with bells attached to the under carriage of the bike, along the cowboy line, to keep good spirits riding with them... ( I have a few biker friends, and to a few special ones, I have been the one to give them their bells)

Ok enough about the bells...
Claire, Today I gathered up horse tail hair where it was around the pens.. Not much, but I figure if I collect it and send it to you, you would know what to do with it.. Or atleast figure something out.. LOL You are after all my crafty Claire..

Richmond, TX

It's not easy being green; I'm only a 9.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I think it's very easy being green.....the problem is finding other greens. 9 is a very respectable number! Excellent! I think ZZ had 8 green.

MissJ - I will do my best to do something crafty with it. I think that working in a legal field and being referred to as crafty probably isn't a good thing. But I'll try to live up to the name!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Do you do pottery? I remember we talked one time about the horse hair that was put on the pottery. I would like to try pottery, dont need the oven, it is hot enough to fire it in the sun out here.... But I have not tried it yet.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

MissJ - I don't do pottery. I saw the horse hair work, and bought a vase made that way, in Seagrove, North Carolina. That town is known for its artisan potters. You can drive down the main road and there are over 100 different potteries to visit. It's awesome! I bought some beautiful pieces there.

When I was in my teens, I did a pottery class for the wheel, and I really liked it. I think I would enjoy doing it again but the set-up of the wheel and clay and kiln and everything is a lot of money for a hobby. I mean, the spinning wheel is too, but then I can just pick up and put down some spinning. For pottery, you need to have dedicated blocks of time for it and a special room (because it's so messy) and such.

I'd like to try doing some mosaic work with glass and stone. I have the materials and all, but I haven't had time to get around to it. Maybe in winter.

Really, I wish I could quit work and just do spinning and fiber art and maybe pottery too, and maybe even some wood working, and then sell at the market for produce in the summer. But instead, I work to support these hobbies.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Now I can quilt, my Nanny (Grandmother) showed me how to do it when I was young. Dont do any of it now, have peices that I want to start, but just have not done it. I thought this winter I would do some, but never found the time...

Infact, in my bedroom I still have my Nannys quilt rack, simple it is, but workable.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Voila! She is dry and ready to go. I measured using my second measuring device and it gave me 240 yards. Ugh. It is somewhere between 240 and 305. Nice big range for you there! Maybe start with the smaller skein and see where you get to. I would err on the side of shorter socks, just to be safe. I'm fairly pleased - I hope you will be too. It's very soft and smooshy.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I just re-read that. Does it sound pretentious that I am pleased? It is so un-Canadian.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

A natural light shot - the others were with flash.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Lodi, United States

It is sooooo beautiful. I shall feel like a naiad with a shimmering pool of water on my feet.

Thumbnail by Catscan
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh now you're just trying to make me blush. I hope it is OK to knit with. It is the first time I have ever sent anybody yarn. The rest just sits on a shelf, staring at me reproachfully, as if to say "We're not good enough to use for anything except tying up brown paper packages."

Richmond, TX

Brown paper packages tied in yarn can be quite beautiful in their own right! But I agree with Catscan, if somewhat more prosaically, that new yarn is very lovely indeed!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Mother Bird checkin in from NORTH CAROLINA!!!!

I miss everyone so much... miss my Chickens... havin the time of my life!!

Just got online tonight.. this lil netbook is so hard to type on!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

glad you are having a good time!!!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Yaaaay Mother Bird! So glad to hear from you and to hear that you're enjoying yourself! Rock on!!

Here's today's spinning...

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

get you a regular mouse that you can plug in ZZ it is easier...

Richmond, TX

Okay, I'll display my ignorance: how come this is fuzzier than the previous production?
The colo(u)rs are wonderful!

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