Late June Flowers-June is so florific!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, I am waiting in anticipation for the KK Hibiscus pics.
Onewish, Love the little fairy houses, too cute. Garden is lovely. Really like the color on your delphinium.
RRR, That is a very pretty rose.
Sally, could you start us out a new thread for July?
Water Pickerel

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Sally, that prickly pear is beautiful. Had never seen one before.

Gita, I those Epi blooms look great.

Love your picasa show Onewish.

Flowerjen, spectacular color on that cosmos.

Hart, your daylilies are beautiful and I am so happy that I can now feel free to post without a name. I rushed in so many plants since I moved here that I didn't stop to document anything!! What a shame. I am now realizing how much I miss out by not knowing what to call things that I want to show or ask about.

Here's one. Can anyone name this so that I can start documenting?

Thumbnail by ROSES_R_RED
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

July blooms here courtesy hart

Roses- prickly pear is very easy to share. Chantell gave me single pads in spring 2007 which are now a great (as in nice) clump, some all yellow and some with red/orange center as above (wayyy above)

Your DL may possibly be a mutation of the wild DL, I have one that I think to be that, and as far as I know got it spontaneously. But I am no expert or even intermediate with DL cultivars.

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