The Divine Sock

Clarkson, KY

Yer a secret hippy, liking all colors mixed together on yer tie-dye....

Lodi, United States

How can you say no?

Thumbnail by Catscan
(Zone 7b)

LOL Wren!

Claire come, come to the Yellow side be free

Lodi, United States

So sad.

Is there anything sadder than an old hippie? I speak, of course, of the burned out ones haunting the eucalyptus groves of Berkeley. Their auras in faded tatters, with holes in the toes of their once divine socks.

Buddy can you spare a joint?

This message was edited Jun 24, 2009 10:25 PM

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Oh what a beautiful baby!!!! I want one of those

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL I'm in tatters.. I mean shattered.. LOL

Shey du bee

*Rollin Stones*

Catscan, you shouldn't feel blah.. you are worldly.. it's not a bad thing!

Lodi, United States

Maybe I'm jaded--but that would be green wouldn't it?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh my word, I clearly require a giraffe at once. It would help with my aura.

Harmony, I think my yellow score was 2. I have a long way to go! LOL!

Catscan, I think having such breadth to your aura simply means that you are very well balanced and see things from many different sides, and you have not let one aspect of your personality overwhelm the others. Like a workaholic green would do, for instance.

Right, now I must go spin more fiber, although the imperfection of it disturbs my aura....

Lodi, United States


Or maybe I'm a tightly coiled spring waiting to release and shatter the stratosphere with a cacophony of colour.


Clarkson, KY

Sounds like the Big Bang theory to me...
back to Berkeley, huh?

Claire, a true green DOES require one of those for balance. Aim high n all...;p

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

I finally found a moment to take the aura test.. those things never fail to amaze me.. discribed me to a teeee.

Yellow - 9, Sen Tan - 8, Blue - 9, Indigo - 7 all the rest were 2s and 3s.. weird.

Indigo is pretty close to my blue/purple, isn't it?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ooooh, Catscan: The Aurora Borealis Personified.

How prettiful!

I got the wool sample! You are hilarious! Love it!

Balance? What's that?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Balance is the state of boredom!!!! I found it, wish I could lose it. LOL

(Zone 7b)

Boredom OH! Go with me and with my my free spirit you will never be bored ;o)

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

This thread has is so fun..

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

Its a blast to read.. but i give up keeping up everyday. You are on here too much! I have to catch up too it every couple days or so. ok.. i only skimmed things but I'm going to look at this test of colors I am seeing popping up on here.. :)

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Well I took the test and I am mainly yellow 8,crystal 7, a Tan 7,s tan 8, e tan 6,lavender 7, everything else is in 4-5 except green which is only 1. Yep I am child like!! LOL

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh maaaan, am I the ONLY green??

Clarkson, KY

You are sufficient. We adore you. But you are sufficient. think what would happen to all the yellows if there were more greens?! And there is a little green sympathy out there, I believe. 7-8s...any consolation?

(Zone 7b)

Oh but Claire your Green is wonderful i would much prefer to be Green than Yellow.
My Young free spirit and love of adventure clouds my judgment and i sometimes rush into things (100 cortunix 2 years back)

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

Without 1 green who would sit down for a minute and spin?

Us yellows are out fluttering our wings.. spreading pollen... sprinkling scratch...

greens are the wheels that make the world go round..


Lodi, United States

Well, I feel for you Moxon.

It's not easy being green.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I am getting a complex for all the mistakes I've posted.. I'm really starting to weaken..
I don't understand what is going on..

Claire.. you are not the only green.. My Green and Yellow and Abstract Tan are all 9...

I need to give my poor brain a rest..

Clarkson, KY

lolol.....aura mavens, all of us!!

Lodi, United States

ZZ, you are in the midst of a burst of personal triumph and growth. That can be very disorienting:0)

Maybe you are undergoing an aura shift?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh yes, an aura shift, most definitely! ZZ, relax and take a deep breath. I'm glad we're green together.

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

If y'all lay on your tummy and breath slow, with your eyes open, that green feeling will go away.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Thank you for the understanding... I am SO not myself these days....

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

the highest color I got was the Yellow, then came in 2nd was purple, but all the rest of the colors were 1 and 2's... So I guess those dont count huh?? Yes Claire come over to the Yellow side..

BTW I want one of them babies, that would be fun..

SIDE NOTE: today is my last day at work for 2 weeks, My son is coming in and we are headed up to Northern California for a week. I will not be by a computer so if you dont hear from me, I am ok, just on vacation.... I will miss this, and will have alot of catching up to do...

Back to your regular scheduled thread...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

MissJestr Have fun on your vacation and stay safe. Take lots of picture so we to can enjoy it

(Zone 7b)

Miss jester have a great vacation!!!
My vacation is plained for the end of July going on a week long camping / trout fishing trip.

Glad to have a fellow Yellow here you know how i feel {:~)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I was amused by my non-yellowness (I got a 1) so I thought I'd go back and look at the questions. I had some "sometimes" answers. Here are some of my thoughts, and probably explanations as to why I can't join the yellow side!!

It is very important to me to be able to play, have fun, exercise and be with people.
- not "very" important. Play comes last. Work comes first. And I'm usually happier alone than with people, except for a very few people, and even then, I need my down time. So the answer to this was "no."

I like to laugh and cheer people up.
- I like to laugh. I'm not very good at cheering people up. I get serious too easily. I said "sometimes."

I have or have had a tendency to regularly overdo at least one of the following: drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, sex, exercise, chocolates, sweets or overeating.
- not really. At least, not "regularly." I guess. Maybe chocolates. Sometimes.

When there is conflict, my first impulse is to run away or avoid the situation.
- definitely not. I try to get right in there and work it out.

I need physical exercise or dance on a regular basis.
- not really "need" but I like gardening. But not such that I could answer "yes" to this.

I like to be creative, artistic or work with my hands.
- I answered "yes" to this because I like my spinning and fiber art stuff.

I enjoy physical work.
- I answered "sometimes" to this because really it's only true in the case of gardening.

I tend to look younger than my age.
- I answered no to this.

My feelings can be hurt very easily.
- I answered no to this. I'm fairly thick-skinned overall.

I wish people could just play all the time.
- Oh gosh no! Nothing would ever get done!

I like to be spontaneous.
- Heavens no!! I like things planned. Carefully. Detailed-ly. Very rarely spontaneous. I prefer it that way.

So, you see, I am sooooo not yellow!

But what's funny is, I realized that my favorite color is green, my computer background is green (with a sheep picture on it), my desk accessories are all green (blotter, filing tray, etc), I have a green rabbit on my shelf here at work, and a white rabbit with green spots. I have green hand-cream at my desk. I have a green leather folio that I take to meetings. My mug is green. And I wear a LOT of green, especially celery green, lime green. I'm just green. I can't help it!! At home, the office is full of green things, and the kitchen is full of green, and I have bought lime green paint for my office but it's not done yet. My car is also green.

I'm seeing a theme.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)


My niddy noddy (inexact) says 346 yards of yarn on the blue/orange/tan stuff I showed earlier.
My new McMorran balance says 225 yards.
I am waiting for my lighted fishing line counter.

I tend to believe the niddy noddy more than the McMorran balance because the wraps are varigated, as is the thickness, but I still expected the 2 numbers to be closer.

(Zone 7b)

Finally we are back to the lovely yarn {:~)

Richmond, TX

The yarn is divine; it has life! Does it have its own aura?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well, are the yarn colors representative of its aura? I'm not sure. I think the spinner/wearer might imbue it with aura.

Lodi, United States

It is important that the yarn not clash with the aura of the the wearer; but no, the yarn does not, in itself, have an aura--unless the ungulate donor was particularly charismatic.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

All of my ungulate and ruminant donors are particularly charismatic, of course. When I send you yarn made from my own flock, I can send a photograph and personality assessment with said yarn. The current superwash/bamboo/nylon yarn is not from my own flock, so I am unaware of the auras of its donor(s), however, I suspect the bamboo has a green aura.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I tend to look younger than my age.
- I answered no to this.

This was dead wrong Catscan.. you look 10 to 20 years younger than your age! I'm not just flattering you.. When I told Krystal you were close to my age.. (you know that tone of voice that sounds like a deep growl?).. insert here.. NOOOOOOOOOOO.... SHUT UP! was her response.. although it made me feel prehistoric, it was proof positive I'm right this time!

So yeah, don't make me get the camera when you come home from your incredibly physically demanding job in triple digit heat all day and take your pic... cause I will, and then everyone can see.. after an entire day, covered with dirt, you are still a knockout.

Yes, your feelings can get hurt easy.. that is not a bad thing.. Let me correct your answers!!

Lodi, United States

Well--ZZ you are reading or writing too fast. Moxon answered no--which we know is a lie. So I do not think we can trust her on the rest. She probably lies around eating bonbons and directing the house servants with a languid wave of the hand.

I am MUCH older than you ZZ--I am traveling in that direction so fast I am approaching terminal velocity.

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