The Divine Sock

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL We want to see your socks Catscan.. I'm sure I speak for the group here...

I agree with Catscan about what your socks say Claire.. I see devoted.. determined and real.. :)

What is it about the tiny Seramas that scare the begezzers out of the bigger ones?? Was that a crack up or what??!! Can you believe how big the Ameraucanas are that were in with them??? Wild...

Richmond, TX

Catscan's socks, Catscan's socks, we demand to see Catscan's socks!

Lodi, United States


Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I know you hate taking pics.. you are off the hook for 24 hours.. LOL OR until you wear them over here and I get to take the pic!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

It's tomorrow now. Where are the socks?

Marshmallow wants to see them!

(Zone 7b)

Tomorrow? It's not tomorrow it's today Claire have you been eating to much flan? LOL

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I want to see the socks...

OH and share with you an Divine cooking intervention I am sure was a result of dreaming about the socks.
Billy and I were making our supply of substance CMoxen Flan last night. I had floured and greased the pan, and in my absent minded mind, (while dreaming about soft fuzzy socks) I put the hot chocolate mix down (mind you not any kind, it was Land of Lakes, Triple Chocolate with chocolate flakes) down on the counter by the flour. As I turned to mix the eggs, Billy said "Look Nanny, I helped" I turned to see he had dumped about 3 tablespoons of the hot chocolate mix into the pan. Hummmm being not one to waste, I coated the flour with the hot chocolate, and dumped the rest with the flour and sugar mix.....
Fast forward to when it came out of the oven, normally I let it sit and cool, but the smell was overpowering. So Billy and I sat down at the table to have some warm chocolate flan with whipped creme... OH my fellow sulking friends, we have substance Flan of the most awesomest kind....

(Zone 7b)

Okay i give in i missed the post if there was one on this recipe MissJester would you kindly share the recipe.
I have heard so much about this flan i must try it {:~)

Lodi, United States

Ah Ha, Miss Jestr! I have been searching for the mystical essence of chocolate and had about given up. Just adding some cocoa to replace part of the flour worked--but it lacked the chocolaty intensity that my addiction needs. Now I know.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Yes Catscan, do not replace any flour, I just added it. The hot chocolate mix is strong, I would say use about 3 tablespoons, and the chocolate flakes tent to settle down to the bottem for an added chocolate flavor.
As for the recipie Harmony, I need to find it, Cmoxon posted it, it is not the egg custard recipie, but similar... Even us Non Becky home eckys can do it...

Clarkson, KY

It's up above here...actually found it!?

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

My hero Grownut, I have it printed off at home and stuck on the fridge

Clarkson, KY

heh. luck. I can never find stuff like that when I need it for myself...

(Zone 7b)

Missjester did you say it wasn't the egg custard recipe? Thats the one i just printed and there is no mention of flour or chocolate in the recipe?
Do i have the wrong recipe?

did you notice i ignored the talk about this recipe until MissJ mentioned chocolate and whipped cream ;~o

This message was edited Jun 23, 2009 12:47 PM

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Harmony I have been following the sage of the flan and drooling but they have been experimenting with it. I forget where the said about the chocolate experiment. DROOLING!!!!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

No it was the recipie for the flan, the link up a few messages goes to the egg custard... I am on the hunt for the recipie, unless CMoxon gets here before me.
The recipie does not call for chocolate, it was a mistake that turned out for the best...

(Zone 7b)

I have not been here in months so i missed all the experiments :o(

(Zone 7b)

Thanks MissJ i would help you but i have no idea where to look

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Harmony how are you feeling how?? Just remember not to over do it in this heat.

Lodi, United States

Sigh. It was on beadmom's duck thread under custard pie--the Anglo Saxon apellation. Where is beadmom?

It's great for when you have extra eggs...not that you would ever be in that situation, Catscan. ;-)

For today's pie, I altered the recipe below slightly. I reduced the sugar to 1/2 cup, and I used 6 small eggs (because some of my hens lay little eggs!) and I also added 1 teaspoon of fresh ground nutmeg and eliminated the turbinado sugar topping, which to me makes it custard pie, rather than crème brûlée pie. Next time I am considering adding a splash of Amaretto...

Crème Brûlée Pie

Grease and flour a 10-inch, deep-dish pie pan. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Put the following ingredients into a blender and blend on low for about 30 seconds or until all ingredients look well mixed:

2 cups goat milk (can substitute regular milk)
1/2 cup flour
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
4 eggs

Pour into pie pan. Sprinkle with nutmeg, and gently sprinkle with turbinado sugar. The turbinado sugar will stay crunchy on top of the pie through the baking process and mimics the flame-kissed top of creme brulee. The batter will be quite runny, so take care when placing in the oven. Bake for 40 minutes. A sharp knife inserted into the center of the pie should come out clean, and the sliced area should stay open and not look watery inside.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Yes that is it... Thanks Catscan. It is good substaining eats and Billy just loves it...
After the pan is floured, shake some hot coco mix on it, and then add about 3 tablespoons to your egg mixture with the flour and sugar...

(Zone 7b)

I'm Much Better Wren thanks for asking i have to go back for a follow up xray soon i had a spot on my lung.
Doc wants to make sure all the pneumonia is completely gone.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Good just do not over do it.

Now back to the sulking----where are the pictures of the socks.

(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the recipe and i will try it soon as i can round up the ingredients and yes i will be adding the chocolate.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL You guyz.. Look up.. Look up into the Flan.. the recipe is already on this enormous thread.. See Post #6721305

Wake up and smell the Flan!

We must have Flan!

I made Flan Cakes by accident.. by making German Pancakes with Vanilla Soy milk

Lodi, United States

Nope--that is the custard recipe. Flan is a different animal altogether.

(Zone 7b)

I believe #6721305 that is Claire's egg custard recipe and not Cats Flan recipe :o)

(Zone 7b)

Sorry Cat we cross posted :o)

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

How does flan cake taste?????

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Like Heaven...... really like heaven... I am not sure on who created it, the one I have at home says Claires evil Flan, (I think) but all I know is it is heavenly and a great way to use eggs if you have alot...

Lodi, United States

All flans are Moxon's unless otherwise designated.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

wait a minute!!! does that mean if we make one we also have to make one for her and mail it to her???
I can not see a flan going through the mail--would not be a pretty site. LOL

Lodi, United States

Excuse me, my aura is showing:

Thumbnail by Catscan
Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

It's divine!!!!!!! Oh Happy Day!!!!!

Lodi, United States

I believe Moxon, as a sign of her Canadian condescension, will allow others to eat her flans while retaining all rights to their desemination.

Actually, I think she got the recipe from someone else....

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Oh Catscan it is truly a great day...

I bet you could do one of them huge christmas stockings I had made for the kids growing up that I would like to have one for Billy... I mean these stockings are huge and the thought was to wear them, but with the different kids names on them, I could not pull them off...

Thank goodness Cmoxon does not want me to ship them, I would be shipping 2 to 3 a week since I cant keep it in the house with Billy around...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Cat love the color.

Richmond, TX

Ah! The sock lives! The legend of the divine sock goes on.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Porkpal, are we still sulking??? or am I the lone sulker??

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Are we sulking or stalking to catch us a pair of socks? That is the question!!!!!

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