The Divine Sock

Lodi, United States

Hi greykyttyn.

I use either metal (easy to find) or wood or bamboo (the yarn doesn't slip off them as easily so they are a bit more manageable when double pointed). Almost all the ones sold in the US are 7 inches--which is a bit short, but much longer and you can stick yourself in the hand while working a round. Any shorter and the yarn will slip off too easily. I think the long Dutch ones are probably for making sweaters etc. Most traditional Fair Isle and Garnseys were originally made in the round on double pointed needles and then cut open to insert the sleeves (shudder)--now most people simply knit them flat and seam them or use circular needles. US double pointed needles also tend to come in sets of four, while in other countries they come in sets of five--which makes it much easier to keep track of where you are in the pattern. I always buy two sets of four, so I have enough to do a five needle sock, even if I lose one.

Sock knitting is really very easy. And there are several ways to do it. I do top down, but some people prefer toe up and there are several knitters who give instructions for doing them using two circular needles. The hardest parts are:

1) Establishing the stitches (you have to be sure you don't twist the round on the first couple rounds)

2) Letting go and mindlessly following the instructions when turning the heel (it doesn't seem to make sense, but it is simple if you just do it and don't try to understand).

3) Making the gussets--again very easy if you don't think about it.

4) Seaming the toe with the kitchner stich. Dead easy but totally non-intuitive. This is the reason some people prefer the toe up method.

I am not a great knitter really--but once I realized that circular knitting on double pointed needles is no harder than knitting on any other needles, I mastered it easily. Really, anyone can--but it does look impressive when your doing it.

Moxon is the custard queen.

This message was edited Jun 21, 2009 11:50 PM

Richmond, TX

Egg custard might be suitable sustenance for a sulk; unless, of course, there is flan!

Lodi, United States

Both are nutritious and require minimal energy to digest--perfect for the active sulker.

(Zone 7b)

Sulking? I do not Sulk i'm too busy to sulk maybe come winter which i hate as much as i do the hot summer i may considerer it.

Beautiful Socks i love the colors they remind me of the rainbow socks that were popular in the 70's anybody ever wear those toe socks?

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

my teen wears loud colorful toe socks.. she thinks this generation invented them.. Even when I tell her it was a fad "way back when" she claims.. these socks are different.

The new part is.. she has see through "chucks" so she can change the color of her shoes everyday via the color of her socks.

Richmond, TX

Ah yes, we could all have those modern socks, but they aren't DIVINE socks - sulk!

Lodi, United States

To some it is given to be busy--to some, to sulk.

"Do I despise the timid deer
Because his limbs are fleet with fear?
Or would I mock the wolf's death howl
Because its form is guant and foul?
Or hear with joy the levert's cry
Because it cannot bravely die?"

E. Bronte.

How's the custard working for you, porkpal?

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm too busy.. toooo busy!

I'm too busy for my job.. tooo busy for my job..

(to the tune of.. I'm to sexy for my shirt)

Oh no... now I'll be humming that tune all day.. LOL

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I miss Marshmallow. She is at home with Kelly and I am at work. I am sulking now too. But the custards and flan are at home in the fridge. Dang.

Harmony - I never had those rainbow toe socks but I had friends who did. I think my mother decided they were impractical or something. I had a sheltered upbringing!

Lodi, United States

Haven't they done studies that show that productivity goes up when you bring your lamb to work? I think it is called the "Mary Effect"?

If not, someone should.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

claire had a little lamb
she took him to work
everytime the boss would come
the lamb would do the jerk

(Zone 7b)

Claire I'm so glad Marshmallow is doing so well {:~)

Oh those toe socks were a nightmare i had like 5 pairs of them

Yes i guess unfortunately sulking does not fit into my schedule and but thats me if i'm not on the phone i'm answering Emails or i'm tending to animals or doing something in the garden.
I had 4 baby doves hatch this morning and my chicks should be hatching any day now.

Lodi, United States

Moxon--have you seen the caladiums flashing on the upper right of the forum? I'm thinking sock yarn.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

WOW!!!! That is a nice color!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ooooh! I see them now! Magenta/pink/green/cream. Interesting. Gives me ideas for the roving I will be getting back next weekend from the processor. I will be so over-fibered. I can't wait to post pics! LOL!

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

OMG, this thread is going to be 50 pages long before I have time off so I can read it!! LOL

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Ok I am now among the sulking sit in or out which ever, I have some flan hidden in pocket just for the cause....

CMoxin, I am coming to sit on your porch, not only for a pair of the treasured socks, but to enjoy your cooking and your view... I am thinking you will take pity on me when I have been there for a month, and not moved a muscle....

Great Yarn and colors and awesome socks....
Nice to see my flan turns out like yours, and yep the cinnamon use does make it taste like rice pudding.

PS I cant knit, crocet or any of the homeecky things you ladies do, I am in awe of you all....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

MissJ - I was not good in home ec either! You are welcome on my porch, although I would be more likely to invite you in! Unless you REALLY like the porch. I don't knit well at all yet, but I can crochet a bit, but I'm just the spinner, really.

Yes, my flan puffs in the middle and then subsides so it looks funny but that's ok cuz it tastes so good!

(Zone 7b)

Missjester glad to be in the non homecky class with ya LOL
I have tried all the knitting and sewing through the years thinking it was the womanly thing to do.
I have not the patients or the talent for it my sister would sit for hours doing counted cross stitch my eyes would cross trying to count the little squares hehehehehehe

Now baking that i can do sweet potato pie , pecan pie. coconut cake, chocolate cake (homemade not box mix), peach pie, and some others.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)


Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I can bake, and cook and have taught myself to BBQ here lately, but thats about it... I did do some canning a long time ago, I would say about 20 + years ago. My mother was the Becky-Home-ecky type, I guess growing up, I should have not spent all that time in the garage with my daddy, and maybe I could do some of it...

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

And Cmoxon, I would consider it a privlage to sit on your porch, unless it is hot and muggy, in that case I would take the seat by your window, and watch you spin...

(Zone 7b)

Same here MissJ i can smoke up a grill i tried canning but i don't know ~~~~ Give me a hammer and some nails or maybe a hoe and i can get something done.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

LOL I am in great company... So we have to rely on others for a pair of the the Great Divine Socks...

Oh woooow is me....

Richmond, TX

So join in the sulk - in. We don't want those socks of pseudofibrosity of undetermined origin; we want the authentic DIVINE sock! I'll even share my custard; it does help boost one's sulking powers.

(Zone 7b)

Yes MissJ i must sit on the porch with you and watch others create these Divine Socks *Sigh*

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Oh Porkpal, I am right behind you, with Flan to spare should we need substance.....
Cool Harmony, I think she might have a big enough porch for us...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Geez, I better start spinning more! LOL!!

Clarkson, KY

Lotta spinning going on here, lol. Just not so sure it's the right stuff for Divine Socks...differnt yarnin'...

Lodi, United States

Phew! Moxon, I thought you were out for the count.

Now, as for the pseudepigraphic Divine Sock. Its true source was indeed pseudofibrous. Because, as I mentioned before, it was but part wool and a template--a sign--a foreshadowing--of the greater sock that is to come.

All socks of supernal character reflect the aura of their recipients. So do not request that which you are not prepared to receive.

Have I made myself clear?

This message was edited Jun 22, 2009 4:33 PM

Lodi, United States

I didn't take home ec. I took shop. Much more useful.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Oh Wise Catscan, I am so ready to recieve...
I have purified my being with Flan from my very own chickens, Water straight from the well, and sunlight to cleanse the soul... I am sooooo ready....

Lodi, United States

Why yes, MissJestr, I believe you are. But these things take time and carefull aura analysis.

Now would you call yourself a gold or purple kind of person?

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Well I would say gold, more like a light gold as the color of Flan or sun.... with flecks of purple thrown in for humor....

Richmond, TX

Oh no, I despair of my aura...Alas, I must improve, a more virtuous sulk, perhaps. - Concentrate!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I am so far behind... I'm peddling as fast as I can.. WAIT UP!

I go on a "Save the Caladiums Campaign" every year with a dear DGr Pudgymudpies. We are queens of the clearance racks.. although I ordered so many last year online, I still had some to plant this year! I LOVE Caladiums!

I am an excellent seamstress,(Halloween costumes are my fav) I crochet too.. My knitting experience is very limited.. I embroider.. I love canning.. I hate cooking.(unless it's for a huge crowd)... especially hate baking. LOL I have no self control so I'd be hog fat if I baked...

I am sooo purple.. no gold here... just silver. :)

Enough about me..

I am starving now..

Lodi, United States

"The Caladium Collection"....I like it.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)


What do the socks say about my aura?!

As for my home-eckyness (or not)

I bake when I can, which is rarely, because I am so busy. Mostly I like to bake cookies and squares/bars, as well as candies like fudge and truffles.
I cook sometimes, but nothing special most of the time.
I do spin wool, I used to cross stitch.
I hate ironing and housekeeping, which is why I pay someone to do it for me.
Kelly grills, I don't.
We both do canning, but mostly for the freezer.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm gonna have to start a save the brugs campaign too... just need time!!!

Thank you for helping with the "Save the Mondo Grass" campaign Catscan.. and enjoy the new babiez.. (including the one I snuck in..) LOL

Lodi, United States

Moxon: The socks say you are lively, diverse, colourful, exciting, unconventional.....

You should see mine.

ZZ--I put them with the others--they are truely terrifying. Golly is closing his eye on whatever side they are. Maybe I should put the Mondo grass in there and he could peer at them through it.

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