Red-shouldered Bug



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Canoga Park, California

Daytona Beach, Florida

Deland, Florida

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Haines City, Florida

Jacksonville, Florida

Ocala, Florida

Perry, Florida

Venice, Florida

Columbus, Indiana

Spotswood, New Jersey

Elmont, New York

Toledo, Ohio

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Arlington, Texas

Austin, Texas

Mc Kinney, Texas

Waukesha, Wisconsin

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Gardener's Notes:
1 positive 5 neutral 3 negative
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Spotswood, NJ | October 2015 | Neutral
I have lived in this same apartment in New Jersey for 4 years. This is the first time I have seen these bugs and now they are entering my apartment through the bathroom window. I will be spraying them with a detergent/water solution to decrease their population.


CANOGA PARK, CA | May 2014 | Negative
Ever since the weather has warmed up these bugs have been surrounding my car! I park by car near several large Oak trees but they seem to like walking all over the asphalt. Just hope I don't find any inside my vehicle!


De Land, FL | December 2011 | Neutral
Witnessed a red shouldered bug traverse a spider web.


Oklahoma City, OK | June 2010 | Positive
I had no idea what these bugs were until I happened upon a link while looking up the name of the tree I have in front of my apartment. (Goldenrain). I've spent the entire spring calling Maintenance to spray, but the insecticides never worked. I decided to experiment with soapy water, though it seemed an unlikely arsenal.. but it killed them within seconds! In my experiment, I squirted about three tablespoons of classic (no bleach additives) Dawn dish detergent in a pitcher, filled it with water, poured it on the flower bed and watched the little beasties die. Now that I see it has worked, I'm going to the hardware store, buying a sprayer, more Dawn, and going to town on them!


Arlington, TX | July 2008 | Negative
Arlington Texas July 2008 - We have been overwhelmed with this pesky bugs this year. They are everywhere in my front yard, by the thousands. We don't have any soapberry trees around, but we do have a large maple in the front yard. About the only way I have found to get rid of them is the old Texas Two Step. If anybody has any tips on how to get rid of a large number of these bugs, my cat (they get all in her food and eat it) and I would really be grateful.


McKinney, TX | June 2008 | Neutral
I have been wondering about this bug for two years now, and thanks to claypa (kisses to you) I have finally found out that it is a red shouldered bug (go figure the name!) I also have pics of the nymph stage that I will post seperately. I live in North Texas on a creek lot that has about a dozen Western Soapberry trees. These bugs are obviously attracted to the berries that fall. I have read that they can be easily controlled, if desired, by a concoction of soap and water. But how great is this natural solution to the soapberry mess? I love life's cycle. We humans should just get out of the way. Thanks again claypa!


Toledo, OH | June 2007 | Negative
I live in Toledo, OH and i purchased my home about three years ago. When I moved in it had this dark red mulch. The first time my wife started pulling up the mulch she had a large amount of bites that actually lasted close to a month. The Jadera bugs were originally were very small, maybe an eighth of an inch in length. Now they're up to 3/4 of an inch. I'm hoping that someone out there knows a good way to get rid of these bugs.


Venice, FL | March 2007 | Neutral
Just want to know how to get rid of these bugs? Do they eventually disappear. I have what I think is a Raintree near my pool.
Thank you for any help you can give me. I have hundreds of them.YUK!


NW Qtr, AR (Zone 6a) | August 2006 | Neutral
In the entomological literature, it is often referred to as the golden raintree bug or redshouldered bug. In the ecological and evolutionary literature, it is usually called the soapberry bug.

The bug is mainly black, but it has striking red eye and 'shoulders' (actually, the edges of the pronotum). The dorsum of the abdomen also is bright red, but most of it is covered by the wings, except in the short-winged, or brachypterus, individuals.

Ranging across the southern United States from Florida to southern California and south to sub-Amazonian South America.
(Danaus plexippus)
Black Butcherbird
(Cracticus quoyi)
(Danaus plexippus)
Black Butcherbird
(Cracticus quoyi)