Harlequin Bug



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Deer, Arkansas

Jonesboro, Arkansas

Cypress, California

Huntington Beach, California

Lake Forest, California

Newport Beach, California

Reseda, California

Santa Ana, California

Torrance, California

Camden Wyoming, Delaware

Augusta, Georgia

Powder Springs, Georgia

Hebron, Kentucky

Louisville, Kentucky

Lincolnville, Maine

Baltimore, Maryland

Millersville, Maryland

Stevensville, Maryland

Brockton, Massachusetts

Natchez, Mississippi

Marshfield, Missouri

Blackwood, New Jersey

Bridgeton, New Jersey

Mount Laurel, New Jersey

Arverne, New York

Astoria, New York

Greensboro, North Carolina

Boise City, Oklahoma

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Glenville, Pennsylvania

Norristown, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Wallingford, Pennsylvania

Nashville, Tennessee

Austin, Texas(2 reports)

Irving, Texas

Brandy Station, Virginia

Salem, Virginia

Vienna, Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
0 positive 4 neutral 11 negative
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Reseda, CA | June 2013 | Negative
Just found this critter this morning. It has been eating holes in our broccoli plants and now we need to find out how to get rid of them and prevent them from coming back and getting to the cauliflower and other plants as well.


| October 2009 | Neutral
First, I just discover this insect (Harlequin Bug) with a strange three-line draft on the back, two weeks ago, in a field, near Rimouski (Québec, Canada). We found two different nests, very close to each other. Nobody around me had seen this kind of animal before!

I search for it on Internet and finally find your page about it.

You can see my photo of the beast on Flickr :

When we saw it, we though it was a beetle nest (coccinelle). But it has no separation on the middle of the back. And they are no alike them. They live very close to each other, as you... read more


Powder Springs, GA | April 2009 | Negative
We have just found these bugs on the brussel sprouts. We are trying to control by hand and sevin. Not sure how this will work out. We also have cabbage but have not found any the plants.


Santa Ana, CA (Zone 10b) | October 2008 | Negative
I've only found these in one of my flower beds...the one that has Alyssum in it. Now that they have wiped that out they are working on the roses and coneflower. Cleaning up the beds in fall/winter doesn't help a bit!


Camden Wyoming, DE (Zone 7a) | September 2008 | Negative
Found these bugs eating the leaves on my cleome's
Will use a dishwashing solution on them, I hope it works


Stevensville, MD (Zone 7a) | July 2008 | Negative
These bugs seem to attack my brassicas every other year in huge numbers. They only sure way I have found to defeat them is take away what they like to eat. In my USDA zone 7 am able to plant a winter garden with the help of Remay and TLC. They won't stick around for cold weather, but the brassicas love it.


Lincolnville, ME (Zone 5a) | June 2008 | Neutral
I saw this bug for the first time yesterday. I had no idea what it was so I was researching and found a picture of it on this site. They had apparantly just hatched out. I'm assuming that it is new to this area since I had never seen it before. I showed them to some other people and none of them knew what it was either. Thanks to this website I now know what it is.


Cypress, CA | May 2008 | Negative
I have these bugs all over my alyssum's, they are sucking the life out of them. The guy at the nursery identified them for me and said to use Bayer Advanced Rose & Flower insect killer - hoping that works!!


| February 2008 | Neutral
This bug has given me a lot of grief in the vege patch, but this year I tried spraying them with a fairly strong solution of water and dishwashing liquid. It kills them in minutes but you have to go out and spray for a few days or even weeks to break the breeding cycle as they have four breeding cycles a year. first thing in the morning is the best time as they like to sunbake. Plus the solution will only kill what you hit with it, keeping the beneficial insect population intact and its harmless to your vegetables.


Norristown, PA | January 2008 | Negative
This bug sucks! Literally. For three years, I've tried to grow kale, broccoli, and/or Brussel sprouts, and these little devils, while beautiful, have destroyed them. I've uploaded a picture with damage for your edification. Most organic controls they have laughed at (will try row covers this year) and even some 'inorganic' ones! Sevin claims to control, my bugs laughed at it. BTW, they are also stink bugs.

I've also heard that you can plant 'bait crops' to attract them, then cover with straw and burn early in the season to knock 'em down. Also, they do not hibernate, so cleaning the garden well between seasons and burning refuse will help...


Lake Forest, CA (Zone 10a) | March 2007 | Negative
These little guys are...dare I say...intelligent? They're hard to kill by hand because they can see you, and have this way of walking sideways to dodge you! They ate my Zinnias.


Augusta, GA (Zone 8a) | October 2006 | Negative
These are very destructive on Brassica's. They can shred the plants in no time. Damage is most apparent on broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and collards, but they can be quite damaging to the rest of the family as well.


Blackwood, NJ (Zone 7a) | October 2006 | Negative
Sucked the life out of my cleome, beginning in August. They were prolific and very aggravating.


Jonesboro, AR | October 2006 | Neutral
I have several of these bugs (nymphs and adults) plus eggs all over my mustard and collard greens. I kill them by hand but it does not deter them. I have read about gardeners using pyrethrum plants as a companion plant to deter/repel these bugs but I have not tried this approach yet. I will try next spring and report back.


Vienna, VA (Zone 7a) | August 2006 | Negative
Identified by the county ag. program. Beautiful black and red-orange bug--lays small black and white eggs in two rows a dozen or so at a time on the underside of cleome leaf--abslolutely devastates cleome!
Asian Longhorned Beetle
(Anoplophora glabripennis)
Broad-tailed Hummingbird
(Selasphorus platycercus)
Asian Longhorned Beetle
(Anoplophora glabripennis)
Broad-tailed Hummingbird
(Selasphorus platycercus)