Common Brown Earwig



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Queen Creek, Arizona

San Diego, California

Muncie, Indiana

Gearhart, Oregon

Seaside, Oregon

Yankton, South Dakota

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Gardener's Notes:
1 positive 4 neutral 0 negative
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San Diego, CA | October 2017 | Neutral
My family hates these bugs 1 they are gross when killed and 2 they eat my grandma's roses and every time the babies play in the yard with their mini shovels they find one near the roots of our grass so this gave me more information about where I can find them in the house to kill them. Thank You Dave's.


Ebensburg, PA (Zone 5b) | July 2016 | Positive
I have so much problems with these horrible bugs. They chew holes in my tropical plants especially my Angel Trumpets.
What do other people do to get rid of them???


Norfolk, VA | June 2012 | Neutral
We hang our plastic watering cans in a dogwood tree, after the dog chewed one up. Imagine my surprise to discover about 50 of these guys racing around in one of the cans! They were a good 5' off the ground, where a branch comes off the main trunk of the dogwood. When shaken out onto the ground, they quickly wriggled under available rocks, flowerpots, etc. No race for the tree trunk.


Muncie, IN | August 2011 | Neutral
When I was kid,I read someplace that earwigs would find you sleeping,go into your ear canal and eventually burrow into your brain....this sounds absurd to me,but comments are welcome because at my job in a metal reclaimation center,I see alot of earwigs around old pop and beer cans...we have roaches too,but the earwigs are more common than any other bug.....pacrat


(Zone 10a) | January 2011 | Neutral
Earwigs don't look as if they can fly, but this earwig flew onto a sheet set by a Mercury Vapour Lamp, set for attracting moths, at Gelantipy in Victoria. Its wings are folded neatly under a hard covering and are invisible when it is stationary.
When we spotted this earwig, it had helped itself to a smaller fly-like insect, which it was holding in its pincers (I have never seen the pincers in use before). A bit later I noticed it again and it had transferred its prey to the other end and was feeding on it.
Cinnabar Moth
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