Orange Ladybird



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| October 2008 | Positive
This is my first time on this site, so I will be informative as possible.
The Orange Ladybird was found on a car windscreen washer jet this morning 07/10/08 in our car park at work. The weather was windy,drizzle,rain & warm. Maybe it was resting from flight???
It has 16 wite spots on it's back. I replaced it back on some vegetation for safety.


(Zone 8a) | September 2008 | Positive
This is said to be a rare Ladybird, it's habitat being mostly woodland. Numbers seem to be on the increase.

The adult feeds on mildew, mainly on Sycamore trees. Mildew grows on honeydew excreted from aphids, it will also feed on honeydew and young aphids in spring when there is no mildew.

Thought to overwinter in leaf litter, of which I have plenty. Leaving places such as under hedges with plenty of mulch and leaves under trees will help.

The colour can be quite yellow earlier in the season, I did take pics of one in the plum tree in June but it was shaded and it kept running around so not good pics! It was also a smaller beetle, size varies from 5-7mm.
Common Whitetail
(Plathemis lydia)
Horsefield's Bronze-cuckoo
(Chrysococcyx basalis)
Common Whitetail
(Plathemis lydia)
Horsefield's Bronze-cuckoo
(Chrysococcyx basalis)