Florida Leatherleaf



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Atlantic Beach, Florida

Oldsmar, Florida

Orlando, Florida

Pompano Beach, Florida

Metairie, Louisiana

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Gardener's Notes:
0 positive 4 neutral 0 negative
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Jacksonville, FL | July 2018 | Neutral
They are in abundance in Jacksonville, Florida and leave a silvery trail marking their path. I keep a salt shaker by the porch doorway to liberally sprinkle upon them by my potted plants. Stops them in their tracks.


Oldsmar, FL (Zone 9b) | May 2009 | Neutral
i have so many of these suckers around my house it's not even funny. anything you lift, especially off the ground, and you'll find at least one.


Orlando, FL (Zone 9b) | March 2007 | Neutral
As far as I know, these slugs just tear apart and eat certain plants of mine. I saw tons of these slugs over my plants here in Orlando back in October before I trimmed them.


(Zone 10a) | December 2006 | Neutral
This slug is native to the warmer parts of the SouthEast US. I found him-her living in my compost pile. Most of the slugs that I am familiar with have a smaller mantel on the first third of the animal. I have never seen a slug where the mantel covers the entire animal. So I was not sure what it was. I found a nice University of Florida site http://creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/misc/florida_slugs.htm that helped me identify it. I am not sure how much damage this creature in particular causes in my garden but I have noticed a fair amount of snail/slug damage lately.
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