Harlequin Flower Beetle



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Deland, Florida

Orlando, Florida

Sanford, Florida

Austin, Texas

Ballinger, Texas

Big Sandy, Texas

Blanco, Texas

Corpus Christi, Texas

Deer Park, Texas

Goldthwaite, Texas

Grand Prairie, Texas

Mathis, Texas

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Gardener's Notes:
5 positive 4 neutral 0 negative
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Orlando, FL | August 2021 | Positive
I\'ve been noticing these beetles in my garden now for the past two years on a regular basis. Tend to hang out near the compost bins. I\'m in Orlando, FL just four mile north of the Airport.


Deland, FL | May 2021 | Positive
Deland Florida
I woke up to one of these on the inside of my (upstairs)bedroom window. I just pushed the screen open and let it back out.


Corpus Christi, TX | May 2020 | Positive
Found one of these beautiful beetles on my corn this evening! Big sturdy fellow with great coloration! I guess he was feeding on the pollen tassels.
I've never been lucky enough to run into one of this so far down south but I'd read that they range all the way down to the Rio Grande.

Abducted him for a bit, got some good pictures of him as he roamed around on my arm, and turned him loose right back where I found him. I hope they lay some eggs in the wood pile; I'd love to see more of them around. They're pollinators, which are always welcome.

Here's are the pictures of him.
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Sanford, FL | April 2020 | Neutral
I had ordered some live plants from 2 companies. Shortly thereafter, I discovered this beetle on an Angels Trumpet plant that was delivered. My son found another one a few days later, also inside our screened-in balcony. I don't know if the beetles came in on the plants or managed to get inside the screen on their own, but they scared the crap out of me! Glad to know they're not harmful to my plants, right?


Goldthwaite, TX | June 2018 | Neutral
Found some of these today on some cactus flowers. There’s probably 5-6 on each flower.


Deer Park, TX | June 2018 | Neutral
I just found this beetle at the base of our pear tree. I've never seen one before and unable to find much info on the web. Unfortunately, it is dying from pesticides. Our tree is very large and old with parts of the trunk decaying and has become a haven for disgusting tree and/or wood roaches. (Hundreds of roaches!) This year, the pears are plentiful! Must be the actual winter season we had.

I will say, this beetle is quite large! 1 inch long!

Location found: Deer Park, Texas


Grayland, WA | July 2017 | Positive
I raise these beetles as pets. In nature the adults are pollinators eating flower pollen and nectar. They will also eat rotting fruit.The larva eat decayed wood and rotting plant matter. They are not harmful.


Ballinger, TX | June 2017 | Neutral
I am finding them on sunflower stems for the first time this year. It is my 3rd year to grow sunflowers. I haven't seen them move but they changed places when I wasn't looking. Don't know if they are harmful.
I live in Ballinger, Tx.


Edinburg, TX | November 2006 | Positive
Harlequin Flower Beetle (gymnetis casey Antonie) - subfamily - cetoniinae, tribe - cetoniini

We get this beetle at fruit and bait stations. Very unusual markings and I enjoy seeing them. I've never seen more than one or two at a time.
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