Black-and-yellow Mud Dauber



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Vincent, Alabama

Queen Creek, Arizona

Barling, Arkansas

Deer, Arkansas

Malvern, Arkansas

Marion, Arkansas

Bear, Delaware

Boca Raton, Florida

Lutz, Florida

Niceville, Florida

Oldsmar, Florida

Warren, Michigan

Blooming Prairie, Minnesota

Greensboro, North Carolina

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

Beaverton, Oregon

New Caney, Texas

Orange, Texas

Paris, Texas

Santa Fe, Texas

Danville, Virginia

Marysville, Washington

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Gardener's Notes:
1 positive 3 neutral 0 negative
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Paris, TX (Zone 7b) | May 2009 | Positive
In Smith county Texas these little guys are pretty common and are not vicious unless feel endangered. Most wasps and bees at my home on the lake shore are friendly if not intimidated. I find that if I am calm and not brandishing something at them, they can become quite friendly.

Large Bumble bees, however, can be aggressive if feel their hive is in danger and instead of going crazy when they start checking you out, just squat down and be submissive until they are assured you are not going to be a menace and they will go on about their business.
.....or maybe I've just been lucky!!!


Niceville, FL | September 2006 | Neutral
These things are the reason i don't walk around barefoot anymore. i stepped on one a couple of years ago and the sting from that felt about ten times worse than a yellowjacket. Generally though they don't sting. As I said i stepped on this one so of course it defended itself. I just don't like to see their nests all over my house.


Beautiful, BC (Zone 8b) | September 2006 | Neutral
If there's water or mud around during hot weather, you'll probably find a few of these around. They fly in with their landing gear down like a 747. I've never been stung by one but I've heard it's as painful as a common wasp. I had a number of them circling my water fountain and muddy soil for most of the summer. I've also seen them eat wood - I guess they mix it with mud.


NW Qtr, AR (Zone 6a) | August 2006 | Neutral
Eggs of mud daubers, are laid singly on hosts in cells in mud nests provisioned with food, sealed and abandoned. Larvae grow up to 1 inch long and are cream-colored, legless and maggot-like. They pupate in cocoons within the cells and overwinter in nests. There can be several generations annually.

The black and yellow mud dauber, Sceliphron caementarium .. constructs a globular nest containing one cell to several cells, which are provisioned with paralyzed spiders.

Adults are commonly seen in wet spots, in preparation of creating the balls of mud for building their nests.

Pest Status: Mud daubers (Sphecidae) and potter or mason wasps (Eumeninae) are solitary wasp species; although capable of stinging, they are rarely aggressive.

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