Atlas Moth



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Fort Worth, TX (Zone 8a) | March 2008 | Neutral
Attacus atlas emerges from the cocoon without any working mouth parts. All the sustainment they require is stored from it's days as a caterpillar. Therefore they live only long enough to reproduce and then they perish which can be anywhere from 2 days to rarely any longer. Their few days is like a hundred human years, so it is a full life even so.
The Atlas Moth Caterpillars reach about 5 inches in length and have a green body with long spines covered with a white sticky powder. They feed on a variety of tree foliage including Willow and Poplar.


Fort Lauderdale, FL (Zone 10b) | August 2006 | Positive
The Atlas Moth is considered to be the world's largest moth.
This Atlas moth was mating when this shot was taken. If you look to the lower left you can see part of a wing of the moth it was mating with.
The Key West Florida Butterfly Conservatory is an excellent source of exotic butterflies from around the world. It's an enclosed air conditioned facility with it's own breeding laboratory.
Yellow-collared Scape Moth
(Cisseps fulvicollis)
Herring Gull
(Larus argentatus)
Yellow-collared Scape Moth
(Cisseps fulvicollis)
Herring Gull
(Larus argentatus)