American Tent Caterpillar



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Vincent, Alabama

Barling, Arkansas

Paron, Arkansas

Pomona Park, Florida

Fayetteville, Georgia

Thomson, Georgia

Ashkum, Illinois

River Forest, Illinois

Jeffersonville, Indiana

Benton, Kentucky

Ewing, Kentucky

Hebron, Kentucky

Melbourne, Kentucky

Norridgewock, Maine

Frederick, Maryland

Oakland, Maryland

Silver Spring, Maryland

Benton Harbor, Michigan

Florence, Mississippi

Ocean Springs, Mississippi

Saint Robert, Missouri

Silex, Missouri

Hudson, New Hampshire

Denville, New Jersey

Battleboro, North Carolina

Marion, North Carolina

Oxford, North Carolina

Glouster, Ohio

Meshoppen, Pennsylvania

Newburg, Pennsylvania

Pine Grove, Pennsylvania

Port Matilda, Pennsylvania

Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania

Conway, South Carolina

Cookeville, Tennessee

Desoto, Texas

Fort Worth, Texas

Houston, Texas

Huffman, Texas

Charlottesville, Virginia

Fairfax, Virginia

Fredericksburg, Virginia

Gate City, Virginia

Irvington, Virginia

Spanaway, Washington

Middleton, Wisconsin

Oregon, Wisconsin

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Gardener's Notes:
0 positive 4 neutral 10 negative
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BATTLEBORO, NC | May 2013 | Neutral
Today, I found one of these caterpillars on my Indian Hawthorn shrubbery.

4 of the 9 the shrubs are partially defoliated and I have been wondering why. I'll be searching for more caterpillars.

In looking up several references I ran across this interesting article:

There were two tents in the crab-apple tree in early April. A spraying of melatheon stopped their activity. That also stopped the blossoms. They shriveled up. NO BEAUTY this year from that tree.


Gate City, VA | May 2013 | Neutral
I was tempted to give them a "praise" because nobody else did. They're mostly harmless, although squishy, and their social lives are sort of interesting. One of my sisters even manages to hypnotize them into perching in decorative positions on her clothes. This has to be the only caterpillar anybody would think of using as an ornament! I would never consider spraying to poison tent caterpillars. Too easy to get rid of them before they hatch. Or, failing that, take a stick to them.


Oakland, MD | October 2009 | Negative
I remember these pests in the cherry trees that used to stand next to my dad's house quite well.
I also remember how all the kids loved to play with them... or step on them...
And as long as I live I will never forget not only how destructive they are, but their disgustingly unique smell.


Spanaway, WA (Zone 8a) | May 2009 | Neutral
I often hear about people burning them out. I have two stories: This happened when I was a girl, I am 60 now. My mother picked up a few branches with the tents attached, that dad had cut from the apple tree. She had a fire going in the fireplace, in the house, a good hot fire as I remember ! The tents were only small, and only 2 or 3 tents, sooooooo in the fireplace they went !! Well several hours later HAIRLESS, and quite alive caterpillars came crawling out Mom killed them then, but the fire had not !
When I was 35 my husband and I lived on a old dairy farm that had an old apple orchard. He was from NJ and new to Washington country life. He had managed to get all the tent caterpillars out of the trees except for one tent. It was at the top of a 30 ft. tree. When he was s... read more


River Forest, IL | June 2008 | Negative
These caterpillars totally stripped my weeping cherry tree and several Annabelle Hydrangeas. I caught a nest in my weeping crab apple before they could do damage there too. After spraying last weekend, I'm finding new leaf growth on the hydrangeas and it looks like little buds are starting to form on the totally naked weeping cherry. This all happened while away for just one week! These are terrible pests in the garden and the worst I've seen in 10 years.


Eastern Long Island, NY (Zone 7a) | May 2008 | Negative
Found one on some honeysuckle vines and took some pics of him, found out how destructive they are after I had already let him go... near my garden! Ugh!!


Fairfax, VA | May 2008 | Negative
We've always had a few tents' worth of these things, but this year, they're everywhere. Eating everything! An entire army of them is bivouacked in a tree in front of the house, located within easy reach of a weeping cherry tree. One day while mowing the lawn a couple of weeks ago, I noticed the entire tree was covered with silk trails -- and piles of the pernicious pillars themselves. Hundreds of them! After they ate the leaves off my rose bush, I decided I had to take action. So I consulted an Ortho book, purchased some liquid sevin and a sprayer, and doused the trees as far up as I could spray. The herd seems somewhat less numerous now (but then, nothing they like has any leaves left). But the previous commenter who remarked about their propensity to cause rashes seems to be on to ... read more


Wilkes Barre, PA (Zone 6a) | May 2008 | Negative
I walk daily in the woods around my home and these guys are everywhere! They are eating all the leaves and I think this year will be the worse in a long time..WOW they are awful!


Fredericksburg, VA | April 2008 | Negative
I recently had a very spectacular run-in with these caterpillars. Apparently, while they are not poisonous, their little spines can irritate sensitive skin. My garden is a National Wildlife Certified Backyard Habitat and I don't use any insecticides so when the caterpillars had finished eating my crab apple tree (which I had decided to take out anyway), and ventured out into the rest of my garden, I attempted to simply pick as many as I could off everything and drown them in a bucket of water. That part worked great, but in the process I was using my bandana to wipe persperation off my face and neck with the same glove I used to pick the caterpillars, thereby transferring the spines to my tender skin. I'm currently on a second round of steriods and after two full weeks the rash is finally ... read more


Raleigh, NC | April 2008 | Neutral
The caterpillars come out approximately mid-April in my zone 7b garden, and are quite destructive. My child loves them, and can easily find 20 or so at a time at their peak...their favorite garden plants include roses (especially buds), lettuce, fruit tree leaves/flowers and pretty much anything else that's coming up! Not fond of iris or other thick-skinned leaves.


Denville, NJ (Zone 6b) | May 2007 | Negative
I just learned how destructive these little buggers are... but I was fascinated how the little hole in the top of the tent was the entrance and the caterpillars must have been tending to the larva inside and you can see how each layer they pass through to get to the lower levels.... caterpillar condo!


Corning, OH (Zone 6a) | January 2007 | Negative
Like stated above, the larva to this moth is a serious defoliating pest.

Host Plants: Many trees and shrubs, especially apple, cherry trees, flowering crabapples and other members of the rose family.


North Little Rock, AR (Zone 7b) | August 2006 | Negative
We have two black cherry trees and both had bad bug tents this spring. They were too high in the tree to torch but when they came down the tree...lookout. We had hoped that our ducks would eat them but they did not like the caterpillars either. So, we found other means...mostly a shoe!


Benton, KY (Zone 7a) | August 2006 | Negative
The caterpillars are the destructive part of the life cycle in this species. The small brown moths do not have functional mouth only to breed.

They deposit their eggs in fruit or nut trees, and the caterpillars live in a communal web or tent...emerging in the day to methodically strip foliage from the host tree, returning at dark to the safety of the silken web.

They are destructive enough to actually kill the tree. I take a butane torch to any I find in my trees...makes quick work of them, and I've not used any chemicals that would endanger good bugs or birds.
(Clynotis severus)
Northern Pygmy-owl
(Glaucidium gnoma)
(Clynotis severus)
Northern Pygmy-owl
(Glaucidium gnoma)