Stink Bug, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Chester, Connecticut

La Fontaine, Indiana

Litchfield, Maine

Ellicott City, Maryland

Gwynn Oak, Maryland

Ijamsville, Maryland

Owings Mills, Maryland

Windsor Mill, Maryland

White Pigeon, Michigan

Flemington, New Jersey

Marlboro, New Jersey

North Brunswick, New Jersey

Trenton, New Jersey

Canton, Ohio

Columbus, Ohio(2 reports)

Guysville, Ohio

Aliquippa, Pennsylvania

Columbia, Pennsylvania

Elizabeth, Pennsylvania

Homestead, Pennsylvania

Hummelstown, Pennsylvania

Lebanon, Pennsylvania

Millersville, Pennsylvania

Morrisville, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pottstown, Pennsylvania

West Chester, Pennsylvania

Clarksville, Tennessee

Culpeper, Virginia

Midland, Virginia

Penhook, Virginia

Roanoke, Virginia

Wytheville, Virginia

Shepherdstown, West Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
0 positive 1 neutral 14 negative
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Kalamazoo, MI | January 2017 | Negative
Jan 7,2017. I have had 1 on this day. I had some on previous days too. This was in my bedroom. They look disgusting. They also have been on porch in summer. The dogs don't even attempt to go near them so they must emit an odor they can smell. I haven't seen them in my garden yet, though they might be there. Ugly little things.


Canton--Football HOF, OH (Zone 6a) | April 2014 | Negative
This bug invaded our property in 2013. They do enter the home for the winter, and just appear (or in my case, drop out of nowhere) in very unexpected indoor places! Our cat took a sniff of one, watched it move for a bit, and then left the room, as I tried to urge her to have a "snack"!


Hummelstown, PA (Zone 6b) | July 2013 | Negative
BMSB has been a problem in my area since 2009 with the worst years being in 2010-2011. Since that time populations have subsided some but this pest is still a problem. I find them in my fruit trees mostly but also in vegetable and simply along the house with many making it inside during the winter months.


Trenton, NJ (Zone 6b) | September 2012 | Negative
i found these bugs invading Ewing, NJ this Fall season. they come in hundreds. they come for shelter inside your house during noon hours. they can crawl beneath the screen also.
one GOOD thing: a spider will suck the juice out of this pest. so there is a solution here. hope the rutgers research dept do take note of this and come up with a quick and solid solution.


Poland, ME (Zone 5a) | August 2012 | Negative
I've found them all over my hazelnuts this year (along with the f**king Japanese Beetles). Found some useful info here:
I will try dusting with diatomaceous earth and see it that slows them down at all...


Ellicott City, MD (Zone 7b) | September 2011 | Negative
Brown marmorated stink bugs are an invasive species from China. They will eat just about anything. I have found them on my citrus trees, corn, tomatoes, apples, pears, peaches, berries, figs, loquats, and even habenero peppers. They are an agricultural pest on the eastern seaboard, and have the potential to cause problems with the Midwest crops and Florida citrus if they ever make it that far in large numbers. They reach their high point in mid September and I have found hundreds of them on my back porch during this time. They invade homes during the winter to keep warm, and if they manage to do this every year they can live for several years. The nymphs are small and black and cannot fly, but they turn brown and grow their wings as they reach adulthood.

They are all over th... read more


Gwynn Oak, MD (Zone 7a) | April 2011 | Negative
I hope this helps. I realized last year the stink bugs ate up everything EXCEPT my hot peppers. This year, I'm gonna make some pepper spray and see if that works. In my house, I catch them in empty plastic bottles and toss them out.


Midland, VA (Zone 7a) | April 2011 | Negative
Nothing positive about these bugs. They invaded us last summer and all winter we have fought them inside, only way to get rid of them in a way they don't stink up the house is grab them in a tissue quickly and flush down the toilet. (Don't EVER use an electronic flyswatter on them, the smell is horrendous!)
We kill on average 6 a day throughout winter and every warm day we find more and more. Our garage is full of them, cars, I opened up my computer to dust the inside and found them in there! IN MY COMPUTER!!!!
I am so tired of these things. I don't know how we will ever get rid of them!


Flemington, NJ | January 2011 | Negative
Stink bugs are a big problem in our home as well as in all the homes on my street. We have been under siege the last three years. Pest companies have sprayed to no avail. We have vacuumed thousands, sometimes five hundred a day. Thank goodness for our in wall vacuum, neighbors have tossed their plug in vacuums because they smelled so bad from the bugs. It is January and I still see three or more a day. I hope help is on the way.


North Brunswick, NJ | March 2009 | Negative
We started getting them in our house last year and if we get the least warm day in winter, they appear. The knock up against the lights in the ceiling fan & are very annoying. I did have them outside and they seemed to like my 4 o'clocks and hanging out in a huge snake plant.


Anne Arundel,, MD (Zone 7b) | February 2009 | Neutral
I didn't notice them in the garden but have found five or six in the house this winter. Here's a site that requests reporting your finds by filling in a few questions.
and sending the specimen


Marlboro, NJ | February 2009 | Negative
I found these for the first time in my home (central NJ) this winter (Jan. 2009) (3 so far). I found one inside a cardboard box that I brought down from my attic around the holidays. I may have seen one or two in my garden last year, tho I'm not positive. I've been reading up on them, and it sounds like they are a sure pest in the garden and their territory is spreading! Does anyone know what their "stink" smells like? I'm afraid to crush one!!!!


Morgantown, WV (Zone 6a) | October 2008 | Negative
Have been inundated by this bug this fall--I live in a log cabin (oddly painted white and logs stained black!) in a small town in WV close to VA border. Have had NUMEROUS of these bugs landing on and invading house this fall...Oddly, I have not noticed them in my gardens here but perhaps there's nothing exciting for them to eat. I thought it was the white/black colors of Charming Cottage attracting them, but co-workers in another zipcode have observed similar infestation. They smell horrible when squashed, and appear "out of nowhere" in all parts of cottage, kitchen and upstairs in BR. Extremely annoying and I don't like to spray.
I am posting to add to distribution list, but have not seen them on any plants in perennial or mixed perennial/veg gardens here--just on( and in!) the ho... read more


La Fontaine, IN (Zone 5a) | August 2008 | Negative
these bugs are definately not picky with thier eating habbits. I have observed them in great numbers coming in with the harvested grains in mid northern Indiana the last 5 years. Along with others these stink bugs add a great deal of proteen to americas grain harvests.


West Pottsgrove, PA (Zone 6b) | August 2008 | Negative
The Brown Marmorated (marbled) Stinkbug is a recent invader in America that has the potential to become a serious agricultural pest. It was discovered in eastern Pennsylvania in the last decade or so, and is spreading. They're not too picky about what they eat, and they enter homes for shelter in winter.
Eastern Pondhawk
(Erythemis simplicicollis)
Laughing Kookaburra
(Dacelo novaeguineae)
Eastern Pondhawk
(Erythemis simplicicollis)
Laughing Kookaburra
(Dacelo novaeguineae)