Narcissus Bulb Fly, Syrphid Fly



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Barling, Arkansas

Indianapolis, Indiana

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Indianapolis, IN (Zone 5b) | May 2007 | Negative
aka Lampetia equestris

These are visible and audible here the 1st of May, like clockwork. They fly & mate and lay eggs for another 3 or 4 weeks, depending on the weather. They can always be found in the sun, even if it is just a teeny patch in the woods.

It has one set of wings, and though it looks like a honeybee or bumble bee, it is truly a fly.

The bulb fly deposits eggs at the base of daffodil foliage and after 10-15 days, the eggs hatch & the larva follow the foliage down to the bulb where is spends the summer and fall munching on the daffodil bulb. Each female lays about 40 eggs. Each maggot will eat everything he can easily get to, so if bulbs are very close together underground, he will eat many. The bulbs will be ruined, if not outr... read more
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