Giant Hornet

Vespacrabro germana


This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Lula, Georgia

Halifax, Massachusetts

Mooresville, North Carolina

Middleburg, Pennsylvania

Crossville, Tennessee

Gloucester, Virginia

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| August 2009 | Neutral
I posted these pics just for information. I had a nest of them in my roof. They were pretty worrying, but didn’t bother us and as I live in the UK I knew the winter weather would kill off the colony and any queen that survived wouldn’t re-use the nest.

I imagine in the warmer parts of the US they are a year round problem so I can see why the comments weren’t endearing!


West Pottsgrove, PA (Zone 6b) | November 2008 | Neutral
Native to Europe, nest in standing dead trees and attics and rafters of buildings. Attracted to porch lights, they rarely sting except to defend their large nests.


Lula, GA (Zone 7b) | August 2008 | Negative
I just saw this hornet catch and eat a bee - as shown in the photos from TN. This was after he attacked a tiger swallowtail butterfly on Joe-Pye weed -- they tumbled out of the flower and the BF got away. Amazing. Now I know what the devilish critter is that challenges us like he's an attack jet.


Crossville, TN (Zone 7a) | August 2008 | Negative
I HATE these bugs. They are probably some of the most aggressive monsters I've ever encountered.
I'd rather have a yard full of Kudzu than a handful of these guys.
They swarm our land after our fallen fruit and I've caught them eating my bees. The photo I posted is of this monster eating one of my bees.
They will make a bee-line for you from 30 or more yards away and chase you for at least 6 acres (they do it to me all the time).
They swarm our porch lights at night and are constantly coming in the house.
I'm sure they have their place in nature...somewhere... but for my place it's a foot planted squarely on their heads. :-)
If you can manage it without being attacked first... read more


Halifax, MA (Zone 6a) | December 2007 | Negative
This species of hornet tends to strip the bark off Lilacs and Maples. It girdled 3 of my Lilac bushes.
Blackburn's Hawk Moth
(Manduca blackburni)
Wood Stork
(Mycteria americana)
Blackburn's Hawk Moth
(Manduca blackburni)
Wood Stork
(Mycteria americana)