Compassion for Gardeners with Pain - #4

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

I have one med that is $1000 a month, do I win this prize? haha

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Oh my goodness how awful Cathy. It makes you feel like you have been raped and robbed all while you are sick and suffering already. Our country needs a universal health plan of some kind that will actually help people like us. We work our fingers to the bone for years and for what? Oh my here I go again. What would make you feel good when you are sick and wanting to scream? Give us some input here and help us come up with something fun.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Smashing pumpkins? really sour candy that makes my eyes water. funny socks that make my kids groan (favorite pair has monkeys on them) giant sun hats for the garden, potato chips and onion dip (can't eat it anymore) manicures and someone to wash my hair, pedicures. I wish someone would shave my legs for me, isn't that gross but it makes me exhausted. my sister's turtle ice cream pies (rare treat). i love weeding - wish I could do it, I pretend it is an old boss's hair - she drove me nuts. I used to have a foam hammer at work that I would bash the computers with, I LOVED that hammer. I had a chicken when you squeezed it, the neck popped up and it squawked. I left them for my special friends, since they had to stay there.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hey I know exactly what you mean about shaving the legs. Hehehe. That is one reason not to like summer, more leg shaving.LOL. I absolutely love the idea of pulling the old bosses hair. I will have to envision an inlaw but I like the idea alot and will try it out first chance I get. I need a chicken and a foam hammmer. I also like cute socks and my girls think they are so tacky, How funny is that? We have something in common. I have not bought any lately because I have been saving money to go on new house, for years now it seems. But I wear bunny rabbits on Christmas and halloween on easter and they roll their eyes at me. But I wear them in boots mostly so it is for my own warped sense of humor. It is not likely that anyone else will see them. If I am in an accident I will be more worried about my ratty old underwear than what color socks I have on.LOL. Not to mention the dirt under fingernails from gardening. Hey, I just had an idea! How about a goofy sock swap. I do not know anything about how these swaps work but it would be fun. Gotta go to bed now meds kicking in and I told hubs to wake me up early to go fishing. I need desperately to clean house but I will only have a short time to fish with him before it gets too hot for me. Love and prayers, scraps

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

ALL RIGHT!!! Talk about getting ones mind off of pain and problems! What fun ideas can we come up with? Love the cazy sox idea. I'll crochet the ones i share. Used to do that ages ago for all the younguns in the family.
Love the foam hammer idea too. I've lots of people and objects and feelings i'd love to thump away at. Someone told me once that was good therapy.
I'll be thinking too.
There was so much stuff i can relate to but will address it tomorrow. I need to go and try to sleep so i can get some sunshine tomorrow. Good night all, Have a great day tomorrow.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh my heart is broken and I just cannot stop crying.
My precious Bluebirds were a Black Rat snake meal last night. I fount it in the nest box resting this morning. took the box down and carried it with me (so it wouldn't get ae=way) to find my big branch loppers to chop it up. found the 4 babies inside, but no Momma. the darn thing still n=moved for about 10 minutes in spite of having the top 8" cut off.
I feel like a murder, that I didn't protect them enough. Cant stop crying.
the parents came and filled their beaks with meal worms as if to feed the babies, but no babies to feed.
I am so heart broken. In addition, My pastors wife brought me a Robin Fledgling yesterday at church that she had saved before her cat got it and it dies. I am surrounded with death and failure. I just wish I could sleep for a few days an make the world go away.
I am hurting,m lonely, feeling guilty and sad.
Please lift me up in prayer to come out of this dark place. I do not want to do anything stupid, but I really do not want to feel this physical an emotional pain any longer.

Love, Sheri

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Oh Sheri, my heart goes out to you! Some days it seems like we are climbing up by our fingernails only to get knocked back by life. I hope you can have a good cry...sometimes that's all there is to do. And I hope you feel a little better today. I'm sending you my prayers.

mulege, Mexico

Time to stop lucrking a speak up.

Shen, My heart just aches for you . It is so hard to lose precious ones, especially when we think we are supposed to be keeping them alive.

My prayers and thoughts go out to you.


St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Gentle Hugs from me to you, sweet little birdies.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh Sheri, you need a REAL hammer! You are not a murderer. You did your best at being you, the snake was just being a good snake (but bad for bluebirds). Do have a good cry.

Will Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird be able to raise another family this year? Also, I don't know if you've seen this article:

Marna wrote another article about bluebirds that might not be referenced in that article since it came after it, I think.

Take care of yourself so you can continue to care for others, please. WE care about you.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Birdie, You are such a sweetheart to even be concerned with feeding the birds. So many people do not even try. You are not at fault. it was the snake that was the murderer. You took him out for it too. You are a lot braver than I would have been to tote that box to the garage with a snake in it. I would have been calling the hubs or using my shotgun. I would never have toted a snake. probably not even a dead snake. I was a tomboy but that was where I drew the line. Love and prayers, scraps

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

LOl...not only did I "tote it to the garage" ..."we" went thru the house, and down the stairs to the basement, then out the garage door.....but then I used to have a mated pair of Corn Snakes (which are also rat snakes), so am not afraid of them...^_^
g'nite hon....Sheri

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Goodnight, Sheri!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Thank you to all my best friends here. I so appreciate your caring and support. Today did not begin very well for me, but it sure got better. There will be more Bluebirds, and probably more snakes, (though hopefully not together at my place again!)
I am so very blessed to have friends like you to help me thru rough times. (There are plenty people that would think my getting upset over critters this morning was totally dumb. I know that you all undrstand emotional pain, no matter what sets it off. I thank my God for you.
goodnight my sisters ^_^

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

OK you ladies, and gents if we have one, lets have some fun. Enough pain and sadness. I am going to start a poem and I want you each to add a line that rhymes. Just to get off this sadness. Thinking***********Ok here goes.

If Pain was a ---------- I would -------------------!!!!!!!!

If pain was a Flame I would extinguish it. (scraps)

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

If Pain was carrot peels, I would grind it in the garbage disposal.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

If pain was a boulder I would pulverize it (but these don't rhyme!)

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

If pain was a dollar,
in wealth we'd all holler!!

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Poems don't have to rhyme, but Birdie's is great! what a thought.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

If pain was a gain,
how our sad times would wain!

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Think of the good we could do with all those dollars, maybe find cures!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

If pain were a mile,
We'd walk a long while!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

and if pain wasn't showin,
we'd really get goin!

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Well, well, well, what a poetic crew you guys turned out to be. I love it, I love it, I love it, who knew. Maybe we should keep it up and publish it Ladies and get us some of those dollars. I love al of them but I need the dollars most of all. As I am sure you all do. I have to stay home today because I am sore and stiff from staying on the river too long yesterday. I need to keep the washer going also or I will be naked and that is not a good image at all. I have been cheered up for sure with your poetry this morning. I like being on a positive note to start my day.

If pain was a dollar I would spend It,
Online and overseas in hopes never again to greet it.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

If pain was a flower, would it have pollen power?
or if it were a fish, would it fit fried up on a dish?

HOw bout if it was a star,
We could watch it...oh so far!

Now wouldn't that be nice!
pain being a star, away, away...oh so far.....

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I'd like if I could reach, and stand!
Then I could march in a brass band.

Instead I lie around and type,
Trying not to carp and gripe!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Laughing, laughing, this is fun.
I'd bet my whistle, we'll never be done!!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I'll bet my whistle? (I guess it's gristle.)

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

I love it ladies, you are doing great at this.

If Pain was a flower I bet it would look like a Thistle!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's prick would hurt like a heat seeking missile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hey, Look at it all together. Not bad at all. A days work from all corners of the country.

If pain was a Flame I would extinguish it.
If Pain was carrot peels I would grind it in the garbage disposal.
If pain was a boulder I would pulverize it.
If pain was a dollar in wealth we'd all holler!!
If pain was a gain how our sad times would wain!
If pain were a mile We'd walk a long while!
If pain wasn't showin we'd really get goin!
If pain was a dollar I would spend It,
Online and overseas in hopes never again to greet it.
If pain was a flower, would it have pollen power?
or if it were a fish, would it fit fried up on a dish?
If pain was a star,We could watch it...oh so far!
Now wouldn't that be nice!
Pain being a star, away, away...oh so far...
I'd like if I could reach, and stand!
Then I could march in a brass band.
Instead I lie around and type,Trying not to carp and gripe!
Laughing, laughing, this is fun.
I'd bet my whistle, we'll never be done!!
I'll bet my whistle? (I guess it's gristle.)
If Pain was a flower I bet it would look like a Thistle!
It's prick would hurt like a heat seeking missile!

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Ok let's do another one.

If pain were a critter a snake it might be,
Hanging around torturing me.
Or perhaps a porcupine with prickly quills so sharp,
Aimed right at my tenderest parts.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh my , oh my, how I wish it could fly,
Then pain, you old booger I'd flick you goodbye!

mulege, Mexico

If pain were poo
it would be fertilizer for you
and me too.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi, katie! (waving!!!) (that's not part of the poem.)

Pain leads to drugs, lead to fog in the brain,
Either fog in the brain or runaway pain.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

If pain was a critter what kind would he be?
A boa constrictor that squeezes the life out of me.
If I were a critter I would be a giant hawk,
Who could swoop down on pain easy as could be.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

We're nuts or looney , some others might say,
But oh how this helps us to make a nice day!!

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Take a stronger pill, the doctor did say
I'm feeling all woozy, but the pain went away

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Woozy is as woozy does --
There's nothing in my brain but fuzz!

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)


I love these!!

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Fuzzy wuzzy, always near
even in my ears, can't hear
watch their lips, now focus hard
brain is like a lump of lard.

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