What have you ordered for 2009 - Part7

South Hamilton, MA

When they beat the Mets in the series?

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

A Bill Buckner shirt is fine.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

Funny - it is a Manny shirt that is now lowered to yard work attire which means a short life span.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

That explains how you do all that work - performance enhancing drugs are infused in the shirt.

South Hamilton, MA

Not Buckner's fault. Manager had been taking him out bottom of the 9th since he could not bend over. Did not do so that last game, so lost it.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

True. I understand he wanted him in there as a favor to the veteran. Usually was taken out for defense. He was a very good player. Too bad he is stained forever.

Thomaston, CT

But in a good way for Mets fans---my stepdaughter & hubby will be at tomorrow's game. Bill----very nice trees--great size. Patti----the photos were great---loved the Indian Summer tulips. I received my order from Seneca Hills today---everything looks nice----hepatica, corydalis, & agapanthus.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Thanks Robindog, I agree, great trees Wha.

I got a box from Ensata that I had sort of forgotten about from a March 17th order. I now have to get them entered in my journal and make tags. They will be quick to plant. 13 sibs and 1 ensata. Very pleased with the rhizomes. Patti

Thomaston, CT

Sound nice---photos when they bloom, Louise!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Fedco had a seed and Tree sale today. DD bought Brian and I a $50.00 gift cert. for our Anniversary Thursday.....we got:
Plum Trees 2 for $22.00
Flowering Quince $12.00
Clethra $11.00

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

here is todays damage... I behaved myself today... proud of me?


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

That's it? Are you feeling ok?

Osteospermum - sounds like a woman in midlife crisis trying to meet up with a person of a different gender ......

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I finally placed an order with Avant just now.
Viburnum carlesi 'Diane' http://www.avantgardensne.com/catalog/product.cgi/4833/P1/default/N/0
Plumbago auriculata 'Imperial Blue' http://www.avantgardensne.com/catalog/product.cgi/3466/P1/default/N/0
Phlox divaricata 'Blue Moon' http://www.avantgardensne.com/catalog/product.cgi/4951/P1/default/N/0
Humulus lupulus 'Aureus' http://www.avantgardensne.com/catalog/product.cgi/3254/P1/default/N/0

I have no idea what I am going to grow the Humulus on - so I better figure it out quick! :)

I still would like to place an order with Lazy SS Farm, maybe that will be my b-day gift to myself. ; )

Edited for links.

This message was edited May 9, 2009 8:17 PM

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I was looking at the plant files to see if there were any good inspiring pics and look what I found http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/56313/
Now I remember that picture is why I wanted it! Victor I want mine to look just like that! How do I do it?

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Too funny, Victor is always an inspiration.

Meredith, I love that Viburnum.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I can't wait to smell it! I wonder if it will still be in bloom when I get it. Probably not, but a girl can hope. : )

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm trying very hard to be conservative this year. All I have are 7 roses. I was so overwhelmed last year. I still have plants I grew from seed out on the patio. Would you believe some of them survived still in their wintersowing baggies? so I do have some new perennials to plant if you look at it that way LOL I may buy a few things as the season goes on, but this is a maintenance year.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have some penstemon that overwintered in 4" containers... I am shocked I see some movement on those as well... Michele doesn't like to plant ity bity plants... so I wanted to hold on to them for her for this year... left a few out and brought a few in... the ones outside might have done better

I am amazed your seedlings survived in the baggies though

South Hamilton, MA

Coleus (Tabasco) not planted as yet. In another week it may be safe.

Thomaston, CT

I have annuals to plant---coleus, nicotiana, marigolds---I'm searching for some angelwing begonias.

New Boston, NH

I get so bonkers in winter I start ordering and forget what I ordered and double order and tripple order some items.I was out of work with back trouble and ups,fed ex and us post kept coming and I was praying it would end as I ran out of empty spots to plant.

Oh boy - I am going to have to start just a pepper garden.... See it coming....

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

LOL, gamekeeper on the double and triple ordering!!! Haven't done that yet, but I can see the day coming...

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Allison, I was at Lowe's just this past Saturday and got one of those Lollipop Gerberas there, the one called Mango. I had a hard time choosing just one! I wanted one of each!

I planted a Queen Victoria Louise poppy last year that was coming back earlier in the spring, and for some odd reason it just up and died. What a disappointment. This year I have wintersown some Coral Reef poppies, so we will see how they do. They have sprouted and are doing well so far, but I have not planted them in the garden yet. Still too small, and won't bloom till next year at any rate.

Cute jammies, Celeste!

Bill, you'll love that Euphorbia 'Bonfire'. Really nice plant. Here's a pic of it.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Closer shot....

Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

You know, Patti, I like the Picasa Web albums slideshows much better than the photobucket ones, which show the pictures too small. I think I will switch.

Great JM's, Bill! I will have to get some from David. Great prices for what you get.

Allison, you did behave. What fun is that? Pretty colors on the both of them.

That humulus is gorgeous, Meredith! I want one, too, but don't know where I'd put it, either.


Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

the two lollipops I picked up were mago & coconut ... I will say this I cut one of the coconuts on sunday morning for the table... still looking great in the vase

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

i recieved my shipping charges for the 5 jm from davidsans - only $48 - he may have given me a break on the price though.

picked up the incrediball hydrangea yesterday and a couple vibs

Thomaston, CT

Not bad for shipping large trees---I stopped at the nursery to pick up my blue angelonia---they saved pink for me instead---all the blues were gone--not sure if someone paid them more for the blues! Anyway, I also bought a hardy oxalis---didn't know there were any---and some plants for containers---Persian Shield, bacopa, trailing petunias, & million bells.

South Hamilton, MA

One of the 2 coleus has died. My fault, I was careless in trying to get it hardened off.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, sad about the coleus, Iris. I have a bunch coming soon. I will have to be careful about hardening them off.


Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

well i stopped at lowes yesterday to wander - say they had vib mohican $14.95 it was about 2 ft tall - the one i got from lazy s&s was about 6" tall - it now has a companion - they also had dwarf mound blue spruce that i'd been looking for - that also found it way to my truck

then i stopped at costco - they had 4 ft. tall viridis and inada shirade jm's with great form - i did NOT bring these home - already have them although inada shirade has a better form than the one i'm training right now.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

You have to watch that "wandering" Bill

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

Just in from Bentley Gardens (he's a fellow DG'er, and sells from his website, and on the Hosta Libraries Auction):
30 Black Mondo Grass Plugs
Iron Gate Supreme
Risky Business
Kiwi Full Monty
Blue Kiwi
Winter Lightening
Red Dragon
Earth Angel
Fire Island
L.S. Dimpled Darling
Rainforest Sunrise
Rootin Tootin
Blue Mouse Ears

Coleus from Rosy Dawn:
Lancelot Velvet Mocha
Roaring Fire
Trailing Plum Brocade
Trailing Red

Tropicals from Brian's Botanicals (He's bwilliams on DG)
Colocasia Elena
Colocasia Illustrius
Colocasia Black Marble
Musa Margarita (this is supposed to be the yellow version of Siam Ruby Red!)

Now...lol...onto the Daylilies:
From Paul Owen (Slightly Different Nursery)
Cherokee Pass
Celebration of Angels

She's a new up and comer: Kim McCutcheon
Jaguar Smile '09
Starry Eyed Pirahna '09
Nacho Inferno '09
Purple Eyed Pirate '09

Various vendors from the Lily Auction, I've received:
Pat Garrity
Dandy Dave
Grams Dream
Mildred Mitchell
Chief Four Fingers
Piano Man

There are still about 30 of them out there, a few more Munson's will be heading my way soon!

From Dutch Gardens:
Stippled Ripples (Jap. Iris)
Canna Stuttgart
Adios Nonino (Lily)
Treat (Dahlia)

Brent and Becky's:
Castor Bean seed packet
Dahlias: Bishop of Llandaff, Fascination, Classic Summertime, Esther, Classic Giselle
Lillies: Kentucky and Suncrest

I've got every DL planted in the bed I created last year.
The dahlias are potted up.
The hostas are potted up until I clean up the bed/area that they will be going into.
The Coleus are potted up until I get the pots out from the basement and make them their new homes.
The tropicals are staying inside near the grow lights until this wacky weather straightens out!

Other than that, most of the work is done :-)

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

I hope these links work! I would hate to enable anyone else :-)
To see Kim's other daylily introductions:
To see Paul Owen's introductions, and other DL's for sale:
For all of you Coleus lovers:
For all those looking for tropicals:
For all of your Hosta questions, and for some auctions:
To help enable everyone into the slippery slope of daylily addiction:
For more hosta and DL junkies:
For all of you bulb enthusiasts, or budding enthusiasts:

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Wow - some haul, Thom! You'll be busy.

Interesting sequence - Risky Business, followed by Striptease and Full Monty!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

"The dahlias are potted up" ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Wow, Thom...what a haul!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

12 more hostas coming to Cowtown. Mostly minis and smalls to border my steppy stones and shady paths.

Cracker Crumbs (2)
Ginko Craig (2)
Hope (1)
Kifukurin Ko Mame (2) - (doesn't that sound like its related to the Yabadabadoo JM?)
Limey Lisa (2)
Tick Tock (2)
Undulato Albomarginata (1)

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