What have you ordered for 2009 - Part7

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Patti, I will definitely remind you next year about the primrose show at Tower Hill, that is if I can remember to remind you. LOL! Memory is like a sieve. Good to know I didn't pay too much for that Symphytum.

Bill, I see you cannot leave a garden center without buying something, either. Been there, done that!

Thanks, Jo Anne, I will keep that in mind.

Here is a pic of my purchases from Tower Hill.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

And here is what I got at Lambert's on Saturday.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

looks like nice stuff

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Wow Patti you must be exhausted from all that!!
Those are some nice plants Karen! What kind of Stachys is that? I can't make out the rest.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

I am still in bed and didn't make it to the end of the game last night. I am thrilled that it is still raining today, what a relief to not to have to dig again today.

Karen, your 'Axminster' is bigger than mine too. Nice haul.

Wha, you are bad, but when you do the major working that you are doing you are accomplishing, you deserve treats or a shrink.

Do any of you know people like I do. who buy carloads of expensive plants and never get them into the ground. Or friends who have major planting done and never water or weed. I have a friend who always asks me about plants, and begs for some of my divisions, but never manages to pick them up. My rule now is that they can come dig and cart on my schedule. I watched some lovely Sibs that I had dug and stored for them just die when they never picked them up.

One reason my beds keep getting bigger is that I have eyes too big for my own good and then I end up with too many divisions that I need to plant somewhere, so I dig more beds. I ran into some old friends at the nursery on Sat. We didn't buy anything, a record for sure. Not that I didn't see a couple of things. My friends had a pile of seeds and plants in their wagon. They asked if we still had a garden, and DH just rolled his eyes and said we had many many thousands of bulbs up now and that our garden was huge. So they wanted to come out. I am hopeful that they will want plants in the fall. But they said they were coming out on Sun/Mon and no sign of them yet. They live 3 miles away and he is working on a house two driveways away. They obviously don't have the garden lust that we all do! Patti

Thomaston, CT

True---some folks aren't that dedicated---I would die if I couldn't garden---it's truly a physical thing with me. Patti---I had to order the Hepatica 'Lithuanian Blues". All 4 of my grandparents came from Lithuania, & I still plant things I remember from my Grandmother Eva's gardens.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Patti it really upsets me when people let things die from intentional neglect :( wha the "Let's Dance Moonlight" is zone 5. A little risky for me at this point. Of course once we riiiiiiip out the driveway I'm going to push the zonal envelop in the dahlia/rose bed that's going in ^_^

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)


Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

They might as well burn there Benjamins!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I just ordered these DL's from Hallsons
Fortysecond Street
Hush Little Baby
Rosy Returns
The astilbes are in question

Thumbnail by ge1836
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)


I was looking over my Avant Garden wishlist yesterday to decide on what I had to have.... and of course one of the things was out of stock. So I ended up placing a small order with High Country Gardens because they had it available still. How are everyone's plants from there doing? I remember them being iffy.
Here's what I ordered:
Origanum 'Amethyst Falls' Item # 73051 http://www.highcountrygardens.com/catalog/product/73051/
Gladiolus oppositiflorus v. salmoneus- Wildflower Salmon Gladiolus- Item # 54606 http://www.highcountrygardens.com/catalog/product/54606/
Verbena 'Annie' #96522 http://www.highcountrygardens.com/catalog/product/96522/

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

OMG glads that are hardy to Zone 5. They're beautiful! Are they true to their picture? Does anyone else have these?

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

ROBINDOG, My DH teaches English to a wonderful Lithuanian man on Nantucket. He came to Wisconsin via Holland and Ireland on an agricultural visa, then migrated to Nantucket to work as a carpenter which was his training in Lithuania. DH went to Vilnius last fall for rowing, loved the city and the people. So I bought the plant to surprise Gintaras who comes each week to study and always walks through our garden when he arrives.

Ge1836, That double looks wonderful. I am trying hard to not order any more DL's this year and wouldn't you know one of the bonus plants that I received this spring was a DL called Omelet Ruffles which looks like a sweet pale ruffled one.

I have just a few plants yet to come. A Mason Hollow small order and some coop ferns and hopefully some coop dahlia's that seem to be "lost" at the moment. I placed a small summer bulb order from Brent and Becky a while back which I thought should be here by now, plus one lily order that is having trouble with inspectors, what ever that means.

There has been difficulty in getting a person to conduct the
phytosanitary inspection which is necessary to ship the bulbs
I hope they pass and have no Lily beetles!!!!!.

Meredith, can't wait to here how you like the Origanum 'Amethyst Falls'. Looks like a winner. Patti

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

cool site for the glad.

edited to fix site

This message was edited May 5, 2009 2:03 PM

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Patti
I am enlarging my DL collection. I am waiting for LazySS and Hallsons and some annuals from Mischels and 2 co-ops
Clematice and Rosydawn and opps 3
and Perennial from KoiGardens.Thats where I expanded my DL's with Olivia B Langdon nice with purples and pinks.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks Patti. They look the same awesome colour in that pic too! I have one last dahlia order to arrive and my hosta+ order and then I think that's it. It's probable more stuff will come though that I forgot I ordered (tee hee)

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

WAIT a Minute: Wasnt it February we were all not going to order so many plants this year?
What happened with that!!!!!
My orders amount to the same amount this year and I'm waiting for the Late May sales at Bluestone, Hallsons and Gardn Crossings.
How did that happen?

You fibbed

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm not known for "self dilussion" but I guess I was in denial all this time.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Ge1836, you better remind all the penny pincher's when those sales start. I was very pleased with my G.Crossing order. Patti

Jo - I posted after you saying: Jo you said you wernt buying anymore - that was back aways.... Your right your in denial..... You have a plant disease!

Then again I have a ton of seeds and what do I do? Go to wally world today and walked out with a package of beets!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Was it a slip and fall, or for medicinal purposes? You are not responsible if they 'slip and fall' in your basket or if you MUST HAVE or you will die.

I think its more like - brain washed. I just have to plant beets! I need the seeds! I have not even planned the veggie garden yet. Whats next?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

That's medicinal purposes for sure.

We will have to start those garden meetings. Please grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

And the budget to buy it all.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

you guys are killin me

and the stamina to keep it totally weed free

South Hamilton, MA

What is weed free?

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

My mind, but not my beds. Patti

South Hamilton, MA

I can get nightmares as I remember where the weeds are.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Patti thanks for that great page about those glads! That Amethyst Falls was the one I wanted in a bad way. ; ) I think it will look good growing over the stone wall with only very sandy soil to plant in.
I am having a hard time believing they will prove hardy here. Maybe somewhere without the wet winters we get here, but I wanted to try them any way. Cuz ya never know unless you try - right?
I tried some of the Gladiolus byzantinus from Brent and Becky's two falls ago and I haven't seen one. I have some foliage coming up that is either them or dutch iris. I am thinking there is more of a chance of it being dutch iris- those never came up either. They were real cheap from Walmart so they were probably duds. Something in that area keeps coming up in February and getting burnt tips - then it just disappears. I don't know what is going on! lol But I am still hopeful with these glads anyhow. : )

Oh and I wasn't going to order anything myself! lol
I have 15 flats of seedlings growing that I need to plant too!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Meredith, that is Stachys ofincinalis 'Nana', a dwarf one. I listed the names of the plants in a post not too far above the one with the pictures. Nice choices from High Country, btw. I especially like the ornamental oregano. That's really neat!

Patti, I have to admit that I am guilty of buying plants and not planting them, or getting from friends and not planting. I hate it when I do that, but I just have so many things to do in the gardens, and half the time I buy something and don't know where the heck I'm gonna put it and don't have any beds prepared. Guilty, guilty, guilty!!!! I lost a bunch of potted stuff over the winter that I bought on sale and didn't have a chance to plant.

Today I got a bunch of stuff planted that I purchased from a local nursery about 2 weeks ago. I planted 3 ice plants, a sedum, the erodium (mini version of geranium that I got from Tower Hill), a yellow carnation and a knautia. I also potted up more plants to sell and repotted some stuff I had for sale that were in pots they were growing out of. I also have been repotted stuff that's in the larger pots just so it gets fresh potting mix (I make my own mix by using my own compost and old manure, half and half).

I am also guilty of saying I'm not gonna buy a lot of perennials that are potted this year, as I'm started many from seed, but here I've been spending money on potted plants everytime I turn around. Shame on me!


Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I think we're all in the same boat. :)

OH yeah its bad. Especially when you start from seeds. I will go take some pics. I'll be back.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have a LOTof annual seeds that I'll be direct sowing so hopefully my summer gardens will be filled with color.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

New Kerria with a creamy flower!

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

order from wildwood arrived beni hime is the dwarf and beni kawa is the tall one - both very nice!

Thumbnail by wha
Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

lazy s&s arrived as well - on the left are a batch of vibs, on the right are a couple deutzia, a Enkianthus campanulatus, and three rodgersia tubulars

also recieved 5 baby hosta from a coop

busy in the driveway today

Thumbnail by wha

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