What have you ordered for 2009 - Part7

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

You are not out of your mind gamekeeper, you just really wanted it! : )
I am proud of you Dahlia (about being good) I wanted to fill my butterfly garden with dafs and crocus so I had something to look at in spring - instead of mulch. I think it's going to have to wait until next year now. I went a little rose crazy this year my tally is 6 now. Lol and I had told myself when I first moved here I wasn't doing roses again. : )
I got my J&P order this afternoon, I wasn't expecting much from some things I heard about them - but I am pleasantly surprised. They have decent sized root systems and they are supposed to be own root varieties. I took pics but I probably won't be able to post them til tomorrow. I am very busy tonight. Plus my hardrive is full so it is going to take me a while to back up and load the new pics. I can't wait until July when I will have time to get on dg more. :)

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Oh wait if you count the twomini roses that are going to die soon if they aren't planted I have 8! Lol

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Anita, Bluestone is having a sale?!!!! Darn it! I'm broke at the moment!

Allison, I checked out what HCG has on sale, and I liked a number of things. Maybe I can sell some plants so I can buy more! He, heee!!! Those agastaches you got look great! I happen to love agastache myself. I got 'Tutti Frutti' last year, and it's doing great. I am really pleased with it.

Wow, Victor, that sure is a good size JM, Victor! What did you pay for that?

OMG, Jen, that centauria is outstanding! I love it! I bought a plant of that last year from a local nursery, and it died on me, and that was before winter came, too. Was so disappointed. Maybe I'll try again this year.

I have gotten a lot this year so far. Last week I received 2 DL orders from the LA. Got many planted already and have a few more to plant. They were ones I ordered last fall and scheduled for spring shipment. I was pleasantly surprised, as I had totally forgotten about them. What a ditz! These are the ones I got:



Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

My Rosy Dawn order came today. Looks great, as usual.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hey Nuts, the bluestone sale is over so you needn't worry about your wallet.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, bummer! Well, I couldn't buy anyhow. Got bills to pay.


Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

received this today to replace one that did not make the spring

Thumbnail by wha
Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

this is what the under side of the leaves looks like - it is eskimo sunset - more shade the better

Thumbnail by wha
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

Karen my Tutti Frutti did not return this year... glad yours is doing well... there was another orange one I planted last year that did not return as well... but desert sunrise is gong strong

oops clicked send too soon..

yeah for the coleus Victor!!

Bill those colors are great!

This message was edited Jun 4, 2009 5:46 AM

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Very nice, Bill!

Sorry to hear about your 2 agastaches that didn't make it, Allison. If at first you don't succeed....


Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I bought this Iris from Shreiners last fall.
Baboon Bottom their pix is on the right,
whats blooming is on the left.

Thumbnail by ge1836
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Maybe the color didn't turn out right in their pic?


Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

OHHHHH That would never happen!! LOL

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)



Thomaston, CT

I received 2 DLs from the LA---'Carnival Mask' & 'Clearing the Fog'---just planted them---they were in very nice shape. Here is an oddity---these blooms are on the same plant----the one on the right is 'Batik'---the left one is some kind of plicata----weird!

Thumbnail by ROBINDOG
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Ge that one on the right IS goegeous. The oneon the left is pretty too. I would definitely be bummed if I was expecting it to look like the one on the right though. They don't look anything a like. I am feeling similarly about my Hawaiian Coral Peony that just opened. It does not look coral tome. It is still pretty but the flowers are a lot smaller than I had imagined as well. I am hoping it is because it is young and newly planted but I don't know anything about peonies.
Oh and I realized I have 9 roses all together. I looked at my list again. : ) HOpefully they do well organically because the reason I was not wanting them is I hate to use chemicals. It's bad enough I have to treat my Hardy Hibiscus and Lilium.
I had a very busy day today but thankfully I had already prepared spots for the 2 new ones that came and I went out and got them in the ground after dinner. Hopefully they are allas beautiful as I imagine. The Chicago peace I got planted in early May already has buds on it. And the Tahitian Sunset has some small ones too. I am getting excited! : )

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

neat Robin

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Color misses are just part of gardening I guess.

Thomaston, CT

I hate to spray my plants, as well. Didn't realize something would attack the hibiscus---I actually forgot I planted one---hope it's still there!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Meredith I find organics (manure, compost, peat and bone meal) work just fine for healthy, happy roses in my garden. I need to use peat cuz my soil is quite alkaline.

That's funky weird about the 2 different blooms on the same plant.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I use Mill's Mix for my roses.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the tips! I am going to have to try and find out more about mill mix. I tried to give them good soil, I replace about 1/3 of my sand with a soil the landscape place calls 'Super Soil' Lol Hopefully the roses like it. :)
I think I am most concerned about JapaneseBeetles. Perhaps Cucumber Beetles? I think they bother them too. I remember seeing black spot too, I just cut the leaves off that had any sign of it. Seemed to work, but if you get a lot the roses look pretty stupid with no leaves. Like the one I picked up at HD recently. I trimmed anything that looked the least bit suspicious now it is mostly stems. :(

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Meredith, I wanted to let you know that I found a great organic spray for rose munching caterpillars (and any other kind, too), lily beetles, etc. It's called Monterey Garden Insect Spray, and here's a link for it: http://www.planetnatural.com/site/monterey-garden-insect.html . It's very effective. Oh, and it's supposed to work on the sawfly larvae, too!

Robin, I bought an iris that was supposed to be Batik, and I got that plicata that you have blooming on the same plant with yours. I wonder if it's one that reverts? Not that the plicata isn't a pretty one, but it's not what I wanted.

Got 3 new daylilies from the LA yesterday that I had ordered last fall and forgotten I was getting. I got a seedling cross out of Spacecoast Raspberry Mist, one called Regency Favorite, and a bonus whose name I can't recall now.


Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Pyola works well too.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I'll bet that MGIS would work well for Japanese beetles, too. Any insect that chews on the plant it should work on.


Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Thanks so much! I saw that at a local place too. I think my friend got some for her grape vines. I'll have to try all these great products. That Mill's Mix sounds like a magic potion! lol : )

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Anyone ever have critter damage with heuchera??? I have not, and I'm considering usings lots of it around my pool. I have lost a number of heuchera over the years so I am reluctant. Last year I lost two out of three of one type (from GC), planted in great conditions - well-drained and partial sun - during the summer. This area would be out of reach of the hose so I would probably plant with crystals. The lighter ones seem to hold up better with sun. Parts of the area are shadier than others, but all areas can be consider full or close to full sun.

This message was edited Jun 7, 2009 10:35 PM

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

don't forget my lime colored one got crispy in the sun... other than that... mine are pretty much pest free

I tried cutting off yucky looking stuff last year .... in early spring... and almost lost two of them... not sure if that was the reason.. but they took a long time to recover after doing that

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Allison. I would probably stick with the silvery ones, with some others to break it up.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I bought Sashay,Tieremisu,Gingerale and Autumn Haze.
All are in part sun,
The big disapointment visually are Autumn Haze and Sashay. Colors are great when new leaves open but fully open plants are nothing to write home about.
Tireemisu almost glows in shade and gingerale is a nice back up plant but no big deal otherwise.
I also have a 3 year old Black Current ,wonderful and three Plum pudding all are great as well as Obsidian and Raspberry Ice.
Give Prince of Silver a look Victor.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

i planted a dozen or so last year and lost two - gingerale was one i lost. all where planted together so not sure why two did not make it.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks. Yes, that's my problem with them - they die for no apparent reason.

Thomaston, CT

I've been pretty lucky with huechera--even the 'Lime Rickey' looks good right now. I do have some very small ones that never grow---very neat looking, but not much bling. Have no idea of names, but here they are.....

Thumbnail by ROBINDOG
Thomaston, CT

Guess I should move them...

Thumbnail by ROBINDOG
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Victor, other than Palace Purple, I don't know which ones hold up best in sun. I have most of mine in part shade. I don't get mammals munching on them, but I do get caterpillar damage now and then, and that MGIS spray I mentioned works well for that.


Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

well i bought a few things today - 2 or 3 were close out specials so did not spend much - a little dwarf spruce call jean's dilly dwarf alberta spruce - this is really dark green, a cypress hinoki fernspray similar the to fernspray gold one i picked up earlier except green, and finally a mockorange snow white sensation that has double white flowers. evergreens are in the ground - still wandering in the yard on where the mockorange should go - have two old single flower MO's and hoping to plant close to them - maybe

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

I bought a few things too... it's the rain that made me do it!!! lol
I got my Yellow Rugosa i've wanted. ^_^

South Hamilton, MA

Re Batik it is a broken color from an erratic plicata gene. I have never seen it come out plicata, but it is possible. Source for the plant?

Weeding? I had the veggie garden "ALMOST" weed free 2 days ago. Now it has bloomed with the whitch.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

IrisMA, the source of my plant, which came out plicata, but was labeled as Batik, was Walmart. What about yours, Robin?


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