Merino, Australia

Well , here we are already at the 1 May.. Not long to the shortest day , then downhill to Christmas.
Who took the year away ? It seems no time since we were discussing all the summer blooms.
A little rain here overnight. It is quite cool but the sky is now clear. Yesterday started out very chilly but turned out as a lovely sunny autumn day.
I bought 2 orphans. A tuberous begonia and a Sedum spectabile.
They look a bit tattered but the begonia will be losing all it's bits anyway as it goes to sleep for winter. The sedum I will repot and leave under a bush for the winter.
The lable says it will tolerate cold but I think it needs some TLC for a season.
I have just been out talking to the plants. I like to inspect the garden in the mornings to see what is going on. The Angels are still growing well and getting more buds. i have been picking up all the fronds from my hares foot ferns as they fall. Poor things get quite naked for a while but soon start shooting again. I have 2 with larger fronds that don't seem to lose them but stay green all year. My Zantedeschias are all starting to wilt now and a couple have seed pods. I am awaiting the emergence of the hellebores now to see if they all survived the dry summer. A couple seem to be evergreen but the others are not.
Better go over and put up the signpost for people to find us. I like this photo so much. I thought I'd use it again as the time of year is right. ( it was taken in the park at Bright and shows my favourite time, Autumn ).
Happy gardening. Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
townsville, Australia

Jean your oldest is a 61er like me, and might I add and exceptional year to be born lol. He/she must be a lovely person lol. All children must be the same many a time mine have told me to act my age, ugg what do they know. No you are not ancient, my goodnes you are probably feeling younger than your kids, due to the fact that you enjoy your life so much more. So no don't act your age, you act how you feel on the day, some days i feel 105 and then others i feel 21, and i act according to what i feel at the time lol.
The photo is beautiful, because we don't have Autumn as such that sort of scene does not really happen up here.

Merino, Australia

Sorry Shelly. the next year was a better one ,he was born in '62. I was only a baby myself then Ha ha.
Isn't it funny how your kids suddenly gain a brain around 30 or so and decide they know so much more than you ever did ?
They were horrified when I decided at 50 that it was time I went out and travelled around Australia on my own
I was given all sorts of instructions for doing things and how to look after myself.
Who do they think raised them on her own ?
Seriously though. it was very nice to know they were worrying about me.
I decided a long time ago that I would be 35. It was a good year and I've stayed that age. I just wish my body would go along with the idea.
Better go out and do something productive. Maybe pull a few weeds out. With the rain we had, the weeds have gone mad, little b******s.. Now where did I put that Roundup ?
Be back later.

Creak creak ...hi here I am, and the last few days I have felt over 100 ...we take our health for granted don't we?
speaking of health sammut? (elaine ?) I hope it isn't your health that has changed your life path at the moment ...whatever it is, may it be wonderful ...we would sure miss your great humour and creative spirit if you are missing for too long.Hurry back.
lesley ...you have been having a rough time time ...I hope everything is on the up for you, I am sure the garden is a great comfort to you ...the day I cannot get out amongst the plants that I love, you may as well send me off to the compost factory. So to any of you suffering or feeling the dreaded aches and pains,flu, colds and icky stuff that winter enhances ...a big warm cyber hug.
So much has happened since I have been gone, there is no way I can say all that I would like to ...just that it is wonderful to see all the chat ,pictures etc ...keep it up!
Jean did you say you may have a pod? ...if it has set it will grow pretty quickly, if not it will drop off in a few days.Good luck! ^_^ I remember the joy I felt at the sight of my first seed pod ...you know they come in all shapes and sizes depending on what angels are involved. your glasshouse angel has round pods. The Old Sydney Apricot has long ones that look like furry cucumbers. The versicolor look like a long skinny bean.
Speaking of beans ...someone mentioned broad beans ...did you know some people of Italian roots have an allergic reaction them ...it is in their genes. They are big meaty beans and lend themselves to a great number of delicious dishes.
The long weekend in QLD is for????
Gosh I don't know about all of you but it is very cold here ...we get the wind off the Blue Mountains,so it always has an icy wind chill cold. Brrrrrr, has anyone stayed at the Hydro Magestic up there? I have many years ago ...I was watching "The Shining" the other night and it sort of reminded me of that place, (I loved eating dinner by the open fire there) however even though I loved it, I could not wait to leave because it felt kind of "spooky" ...watching that movie really gave me goosebumps, don't worry since the update up there ...I think it is very different now ...but I don't love it any more, completely changed ...modernized =(
Well what are you all up too this weekend? ...I have to go slow ...sooooooo frustrating, but it is getting better.
hi to all of you everywhere ...so cold in some parts of brisbane already? that does not bode well does it. Guess you had better stock up on cocoa jean ...get out the extra doonas everyone.
helen look at my dear little parrot blooms ...so pretty in the morning sunshine ...the bigger plants don't have blooms but have grown quite big. Beautiful happy little thing.

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townsville, Australia

Chrissy your little parrot is looking very happy, my last survivors are looking much happier now that i have learned not to worry about them so much.
Jean i am afraid to say mine are the same, i get more lectures of them then i ever gave them lol. I too raised mine alone, and i was a baby when i had them, 22 with 4 kids, luckily i found out what caused it and refrained lol. I have no idea how i managed with out all the so called infinate wisdome they try to give me now lol. But you are right it is kind of nice to know they care even if it is annoying some times. Samantha is my least nagging child, probably because she has 2 of her own lol.
I have never tried a broad been, i might have to give it some thought, I think it was Brian that mentioned cooking them in garlic and butter, that sounds quite appealing.
It is our labour day weekend this weekend, NSW is in august and i have no idea when the rest of the states have theirs. But ours is Monday Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I am going fishing again, gardening some more, and off to the markets yet again, they will be sick of me soon. Mya i will leave you something, maybe lol.
I will not be back till Tuesday, so have a wonderful couple of days one and all.

Gisborne, New Zealand

Hi you all, Chrissy I,m so pleased your neck is coming right, Computors and sore necks are not compatible are they.. Try to refrain from hoisting around too many of your angels, gee those pots do get heavy.. I have just moved mine to a more sheltered area, not that they deserve it, they have been most dissapointing only the pink one and the white one flowered the others look like rejects.. They now have the winter to get their act together and come up with spectacular results next season Otherwise???
I have spent the day trying to clean up my little veranda,, ait has been raining all day so have taken everything out into the rain for a wash and a watering.. Just as well the broms can go waterfree as their pots are really light weight. I tend to only make sure the plant centres have a puddle in them..
Jean my helebores are putting on heaps of growth so flowering won,t be too far away.. Temps here are still quite warm but all the autumn leaves are looking a picture.. The leaves on the oaks across the road in the park are now making their way cross the road onto my front lawn and into my gardens so plenty mulching coming up I guess..
Brian I have put B.Bs on my shopping list so will pass comment when I,ve tried them:-))
My Daughter and her husband and 5 kids are off to the Gold Coast next week for a holiday, 2weeks I think, lucky them.. They work hard though and it is well deserved.. Their ages range from 21 down to 6 and they are going to have a ball.. Hope the Coast survives them!!
Back later Lesley..

Thumbnail by Awchid
western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi to all ,
The reason I will be away is Monday I am of 2 days silent retreat then I am booked a month in the High lands at work shops trying things I always wanted to try ==Pottery and quilting and a few other mad things.
The Hydro M is very spooky there is things thate goes bump in the night often the lights turn on in the middle of the night and you hear foot steps in the halls but the grounds are beautiful and nice walk ways to get away from it all.
I love the blue mountains but hate the hills in Katoomba my favorite places are Oberon and Hartley
There is so much of our history in the mountains every town tells us a story of hardship and pride .
I think my new path is going to to be a learning curb in a lot of differant ways .

Coushatta, LA

Hi Jean,Yea,it nice to be able to enjoy beautiful angels.Where i live not many people have them or know about them.Well enjoy and have a great day.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Just popped in for a cup of tea and some of Jeans "goodies"

We had a little sprinkle of rain this afternoon. I had hubby putting bricks around a garden bed and he finished it before the rain.
What a difference those bricks make. Looks so much better.

I am helping a lady with her Open Garden tomorrow. She has me selling plants. Smart woman...she knows I will be buying them too.

Have a good weekend. It's a long weekend here in Queensland.

Christchurch, New Zealand

I like hanging out with folks of maturity & wisdom, makes me feel like a girl in comparison.
I am 'only' 40 mumble.
MeeMum is 63 & every year for the last 5 years has done the City to Surf walk - 12km & her time gets faster every year!
I would never dream of giving Mum advice on taking care of herself.
I still like to ask her for advice :)
I am enjoying being able to show off my gardening knowledge when we visit - but Mum knows heaps of things that I don't so we both learn something.

Christchurch, New Zealand

here are some more camellias for the counter in the cafe...

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. the sun is out on a cold morning, but the day will be lovely.
Dalfyre, you are catching up to we older personages. If we stay the same age as we like to be, you will be up to us in no time. Love your camellias in the bowl. .
My granddaughter rang me last night to say she is coming to Vic for a visit to boyfriends family. She wants to come and see me which is lovely. It will be a shock for her to see such a small place as she was born and has grown up in Perth. Here we have only tho pub and a shop.
I will get to 'see' my coming gt grandchild as she is bringing her ultrasound pic to show me.
Chrissy, if you liked the movie "The Shining", read the book. So much more in it and creepy. I love Stephen King's books.
Today is going to be a day for being outside, as there are still a few plants to be cut back or removed. My large wallflowers are way past their use by, so they are coming out. I will replace them with a few different shrubs that won't need any care. It is so amazing to see how quickly the grass is growing here now after the rain. The hills are all green now where a day or two before, there was nothing but dry brown. A very good year for Roundup, I think.
We have had a few mice coming around but hopefully the cold weather will deter them. There was something in the ceiling making weird noises a few weeks ago but after throwing a few baits up in the area, whatever it was has gone or died. A neighbour said there had been some brown rats around so it may have been one of them. Ugghhh.
We did have a lot of native swamp rats a few years ago, but they stayed out in the paddocks where they belonged.
Talk about ploughing up a place though, those little creatures were able to dig over the paddock in no time as they made their tunnels looking for grass roots. It is still very bumpy to walk around there , although the swamp rats are long gone.
With all the gum and pine plantations around, there are more roos and wallabies than there used to be. I do like seeing the little wallabies as they feed on the roadside. . Hubby has just told me that it is 4C now. A heatwave after the -1C and 2C lately. It is bearable because you know the day will be nice.
I see that there are lots of tiny self sown seeds coming up out the front. Probably wall flowers.. There is a carpet of baby Californian Poppies that I will be thinning out later. I love their bright color.
Hello Marleneann. Fancy having you selling plants. Hmmm, How many will you buy ?
Cody, enjoy your day.
Hello Lesley. , How are you going now ? Taking it easy I hope. You will be getting this chiilly weather too.
Hello Shelly (Q) enjoy your long weekend and all you others from Qld too.
Kat , A turkey dinner for the long weekend. ?
My fingers are cold, it's time I went back to the heater.
hello to everyone that pops in. I will leave something nice out for you all.
Coconut Cakes

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Nearly forgot the Hot Choclate, Chrissy. Can't have you all getting cold now.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Coushatta, LA

Hi Jean,hope your day is better then mine.Me and my son have Strep Throat.We have had our shots and taking meds.It's just getting over the yucky stuff.We hope you have a great day and enjoy.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Merino, Australia

Get well soon Cody. It's not nice to be ill, but you do have some company with your son there.

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. We've had a little more rain this morning. The plants love it. Chrissy so good to see you back. Sammut you have a wonderful time on your new learning curb. We're never too old to learn. The boys are going for their first Auskick lesson today. They're really excited about it. Jean are you still getting some rain don there? It's cool here but not as cold as you. The days have been beautiful. about 20-25 lovely.You people in Queensland can keep all your 30 degrees I love the cooler weather. We're going camping for the long weekend in June. There will probably be frosts by then but the days should be absolutely beautiful and we can have a campfire. Where has the year gone? Well had better go, will try to get back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Coushatta, LA

Thanks Jean,i will.Have a great day.

Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl

Good morning to all our lovely tea room folk ....oh how wonderful to be almost "normal" again ...the sun is out, but it is still only about 11C here so I am waiting for it to warm up just a bit before wandering around (due to soreness.)
Oh yes jean I read The Shining way before seeing the film ...at the time the film did not live up to the book in my opinion ...however I truly enjoy the movie now ...perhaps because of the Hydro Majestic vibrations.

I stayed for a weekend and it really had a spooky feel to the room in which we slept, so I guess the movie felt very different this time around. I really loved it!
Speaking of scary movies, I was wondering what everyone's favourites may be ...don't you just love them?
I think my all time favourite scary one is "Deep Red"
It was not a huge movie out here but has a cult following overseas.
Another I loved but can't remember the name of one that was a veggie diner that had a veggie menu, in reality they were serving minced people ...they were bought undone when a vegatarian fish finger was found sporting a ring ...I love scary movies that are really funny, ""The Lost Boys""" springs to mind.
"The Uninvited" is another favourite ...an oldie in black and white ...fantastic.
So there is a question for you, if you are stuck indoors for any reason.
Ok the Garden ...I haven't been outside all that much since I did the neck thing ...so there isn't much to say about that except that my Iochromas are going very well ...even in the cool temps, I am thrilled, the Brisbane lilly bulbs that cestrum sent are leafing out ^_^
I have lots of flower buds on my new crosses but I think they won't make it in this early cold ...never mind, gives me lots to look forward to next Spring.Lots of little bulbs poking their leaves out ...
trees starting to colour up ...some naked already after the icy cold winds ...you can keep your warm winters, I love the changes and relief that the seasons bring ....have a wonderful weekend, to our dear friends up North enjoy your labor day long weekend ...our Labor Day here in NSW is the first weekend in Oct., I hope you have a wonderful time!
Iochromas (cuttings and plants) ^_^

Thumbnail by
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Dalfyre those camellias are beautiful!

Brisbane, Australia

Hello everyone. great day here too... crisp morning but still warm. I have been out pottering and doing the washing..Yesterday morning I found the empty pot that my snake lily with the knobbles had been in..tuber was completely devoured by my very good friends...even the knobbles had gone..just leaves left. Everyday, there is something these varmints eat or destroy. I think I could rewrite Eric Carle's book, "the Very Hungry Caterpillar". ..eg.."On Monday, they devoured ten XXXX, on Tuesday, 15 ZZZZ..etc..I'm sure you get the idea. However, I am just as determined as they are..hopefully I will find a way to garden with them..the desirable plants.. turkey take-away..are being moved into cages or under heavy mesh...that is, when there is any left!!! Wire does not work as they can scratch it off or peck through the holes. I ordered freesia bulbs which will be turkey magnets! They will have to be in a big pot in a cage. I think the fact that our place is so jungly and the food from the chooks makes this turkey paradise. They try to dig under the sides of the chook run which is movable so I have to drag heavy planks and bricks etc to put around the edges. The problem with holes under the sides is that it makes the chooks vulnerable to snakes and hawks and kingfishers. The chooks are locked up at night in solid wire cages.
Anyway, it's nice to have a long weekend and so far, fencenman seems to be away. if only I had some long star pickets to put mesh and wire along the fenceline and grow a creeper. maybe that will be today's task. last time I had this opportunity, i went and bought some screening stuff and he was back in the garden before I got home. I did put that stuff up though when he was next away. he seems to have a sixth sense when I go out to garden..suddenly he is there. he's not even an old man..young family, in his forties..so old is not a factor. It proves that people must be just born this way. I'm just a frustrated would-be acreage gardener...Happy gardening all. Cheers, kat

Barmera, Australia

G'Day All.
Chrissy back in the Brug thread I asked some questions and never received an answer. Since you are looking for a reason for not doing any hard work until you are repaired, perhaps you would have time to look at them now.
G'Day Chrissy. You must have missed this from above so I have brought it down.
Are the Brugmansias self fertile or is a different variety needed for pollinating? What are the usual pollinators? Are we lacking the natural pollinators so it always has to be a manual operation. Is the pollen ripe at a different time to the stigma being receptive in individual flowers? Are they like the Avocado where one variety has ripe pollen in the morning and the stigma is receptive in the afternoon and another variety vice versa? In this case of course you need those two varieties in a planting to get fruit.

You need different brugmansias to have seeds ...for example if you have a Frosty Pink and you cross it to itself or another Frosty Pink then nothing will happen.If you cross any hybrid to another plant of the same hybrid nothing will happen. If you cross seedlings from the same pod then that will work because although they have the same parents they have a different gene mix. Some pure species are said to be self fertile such as arborea and sanguina.Some hybrids seem to "take" easier with each other, it is a bit of trial and error. As to the pollen ...it seems to take much easier in slightly cool humid conditions ...that is why it is usually done early morning or in the cooler hours of dusk and evening.Pollinating in my opinion is much more successful in Spring or Autumn as I think the hot temps work against the seeds maturing successfully, however I have found that the pods pollinated in the shade of the canopy rather than exposed to the sun are reasonably successfull in warm temps.
Sorry brian I must have answered this in another forum or something.I have no natural pollinaters here, I have always played the birds and bees with my angels.The pollen seems to be very fertile when it is fluffy enough to look like a little bit of chalk powder on your fingertip when lightly touched. I hope this is an understandable explanation.
Hope this helps.

Brisbane, Australia

After today, I think I am over turkeys. They must be getting ready for breeding season..so many things dug up! I cleaned the paths and while I was repotting bulbs they had dug up, they dug the soil out over the paths again..then while I was doing that, they dug out the gingers, the geraniums and so on..so little got done other than trying to find plants that jad been dug out. I also found some near dead bromeliads right down at the bottom fence..we have a fence halfway across the gully and even though our place keeps going, it is mountain goat and snake territory and deep shade..so we only go to the halfway fence unless we tie ourselves to a tree. I just keep finding pikes of dirt, holes, potting mix and turned over pots..sometimes I find a stray plant, with or without roots. My advice if you see turkeys anywhere near your place..get them out. i guess they must be getting ready to mound so I will probably find them doing it all agin tomorroew. They can even move heavy metal grilles on top of things. Nothing stops them..one nesting turkey might be bearable, but I have about twenty out there at any one time. Maybe i should just concrete the lot!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi All, quick cuppa then I'm off to bed.
Chrissy, nice to see you back on board (keyboard)
Jean, the opening picture is lovely. And as always, thanks for the yummies. I must be careful now, not to put wiehgt on over the cooler months. Looking forward to stews with dumplings! mmmmmm
Sammut, Your life changing experiences sound lovely, and I'm soo jealous! I'd love to do pottery and art and go stay in spooky hotels! You go girl! I lived in Katoomba for awhile, and my ma lives in Lithgow, so a reasonably regular visitor to the blue mountains. Its been roadworks for quite some years though!
Kat, after reading in another htread about the snake lilies, I went outside to check mine. One wilted leaf had a large brown ball next to it, and another, smaller wilting leaf still had one attached. As i touched it, it fell off! Now I know how my snake lilies got out of there pot! I threw the two bulbil thingos up the back in the brom bed to see if they take there. What position have you got yours in?
re-turkeys, I found this query while googling for answers for you. http://www.bestrecipes.com.au/forums/showthread.php?t=829 . The palm frond thing might work?
Hi Marlene, brian, Shelly (Qld), Dalfyre, Cody and Colleen. I am glad you are feeling better Colleen. I'm feeling better myself today, and it makes life much brighter.
In saying that, I'm off to bed! Got to get my sleep to keep in peak conditon you know?
Sue he he.

Christchurch, New Zealand

Kat you need to borrow a dalmatian...
mine are avid hunters & have munched many a low flying or unwary bird.
Those turkeys wouldn't know what hit them.
Although the chooks would be in mortal peril as well.
Chita was born in Brisbane,
we imported her to NZ when she was 8 weeks old so I don't think she barks with an Aussie accent anymore ;)

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Coushatta, LA

Hi Weed_Woman,hope you had a great day.It is nice here today.Not to hot yet but it is heading that way.So take care and enjoy.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. A bit hard to see this morning, as we have fog. It will be another lovely autumn day so I will be poking around outside, looking for things to do. I would rather be out in the garden even in the cold than just sitting around inside. I may plant one or two little things that are sitting around in pots. . I have a large hebe that needs trimming too. Chrissy, glad you are almost normal again. It's no fun having painful bits.
My Glasshouse Angel is opening flowers still and the Suavolens is covered in flowers. Frosty Pink is stating to open too. The Iochromas are almost as big as some of the Angels now. We have had frost down in the town and out in the paddocks next to uo us but so far the cold has not worried them. .
Hello Marleneann, how are you going there ? Are you into the winter 'cold' yet ? Ha ha.
Kat, a good idea from Dalfyre. A large dog would do wonders for your feathered garden 'helpers'. Perhaps your girls could move inside with you. . A bit hard to move all the plants in though. You may have to build a very high stone wall and be a secluded community of one house. . That would fix fenceman too.
Hello Sue. Are you getting your brom kingdom done ? You must show us pictures as you go. My broms seem to be doing well in the cold so far. One has started putting out a new pup.
Dalfyre, your dogs look very cheeky there. I think they would really enjoy Kat's turkeys as playmates.
Hello to Lesley, our two Shellys, Helen( my parrots are doing well ) ,Mya, Steve, Brian and anyone else peeping in.
Hello Cody, have a lovely day.
I have something nice for you all to nibble and am going back to the lounge to warm my fingers.
Have a lovely day all and enjoy your gardening.
Chocolate Banana Cake

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Those are very nice looking Dalmations, Dalfyre. Seems like a ggod idea. As fenceman is away, I could inspect what he is doing again on another part of the fence. he is building a small reatining edge for his garden but he is buiding it right on the fenceline so part is on our side.

This message was edited May 3, 2009 4:44 PM

Brisbane, Australia

Absolutely lovely day here. I could hose for half an hour yesterday too,,whoo hoo. we really are blest here with our weather, aren't we. I was watching Billy Connolly exploring the Arctic Circle and they only have a few weeks of no snow and ice. Not much gardening there, I would say. I am also doing a Flat Stanley for a friend in Texas. Have to take photos of Stanley in as many places as possible.
I love long weekends..as it means I still have weekend left to do things. I have bromeliads to plant and epies to move around...and at the moment, I don't have anyone watching or dominating the landscape..so..whoo hoo again! take care all. Happy days! Cheers, Kat

Barmera, Australia

G'Day Katciao
Have you thought that your neighbour is only doing these things because of your reactions. Try the other tack, tell him that you think his landscaping is a wonderful idea and that you might do the same. Then on the piece right along side his place a plank that is the same as his starting point and by moving a bit of soil make it look as though you are copying him but this time the landscaping will extend into your yard. You don't have to do any more just start and leave it at that and see what his reaction is.
Brian (AKA Dorothy Dix)

Just popping in to say have a happy Sunday everyone ...
back later

Thumbnail by
Coushatta, LA

Hi Jean,and everyone,hope your day is going great and enjoyed it.It was a very nice day here today.I will take pictures of my baby ducks and geese tomorrow.Well have a great day and take care.


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Brisbane, Australia

Those are lovely blooms, Cody. Wonderful colour! What type of rose? Were they still growing on the bush in a clump or had you picked them as a bunch? Stunning! Looking forward to duck photos. Take care all. Cheers.

This message was edited May 3, 2009 1:03 AM

Coushatta, LA

Hi Kat,thanks,The name of that rose is called Skyrocket.Oh sweetie that is still on the bush.They are pretty and has a bright color to them.I will show you the bush.It is not that big because it has not been long since it was planted.Well have a bless day and take care.


This message was edited May 3, 2009 12:28 AM

Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Sydney, Australia

Hi all.
Another Sussex weekend.
Mainly worked on the kitchen table. Don't want it to be on the long time list.
Did some potting and weeding (onion weed!) Went to the nursery to pick up my first Brug.
Does anyone know this? Friend or foe?

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Barmera, Australia

G'Day. Only guessing is it Homalanthus "The Bleeding Heart".

Sydney, Australia

Hey Stake,
Just went looking at Homalanthus and it is close in leaf size to Sapium.
These leaves are large. They came up after the dead tree was removed
so I am guessing bird dropped. Have not flowered yet.

Sydney, Australia

Jean, forgot to add that I am a huge Stephen King reader. I have read all of the earlier novels
and yes, Shining is a must to read. The book was very good but Jack does a fantastic job in the
movie. He just looks the part. My fav. was IT. Don' know why. Probably just related to boys and
adventures. Much the same as I did as a boy. Misery was reproduced well as a movie also.
Kathie Bates excellent. Pet Cemetery interesting also. Found it harder to read him lately as it takes
so long to get to the point. Have taken to reading Alistair McLean and Matthew Reilly as they get right into it.
Cheers Steve

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi all, Hi Cody, lovely roses! Chrissy, that frangi is gorgeous too.
Jean, how did you go on your last shopping trip? Any bargains? Thanks for the yummies. i hope you are keeping warm. Yes, I am working on the brom gardens, mostly just tidying up the existing ones. My enthusiam has waned a little from creating the new garden, which is good, because I was going at it like a bull at a gate. Now I'm going to plan it properly, and it will take a couple of years to get the canopy established anyway. i have some sun hardy broms that can live there in the meantime. I hung my pots of Epi's up in the brom garden too, they look great. I also put the Zygo's up there as they seem to like it also. My shade house is slowly being whittled down, and now there are mostly plants waiting for positions in the garden.
Brian, I like your idea of copying fenceman. I'm afraid i would have had a hissy fit by now. i am not very tolerant of stupid people, just ask my neighbours. he he. I'm all for live and let live, but when someone encroaches on your personal space, they're over the line, and in Kats case, literally! I mowed a neighbours driveway grass for 6 years, and he repaid me by throwing an armload of branches over the fence onto my recently finished garden bed, so the branches flew over the fence into the driveway and the driveway grass has never been mowed by me again! It might seem picky, but where would it have ended if i had done nothing? Its a running joke in the neighbourhood now, and people ask me if I need some branches for anything! cheeky bugga's!
Merlins on, gotto go check it out.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Sydney, Australia

Got this too.
My question to Nursery Man.
"What's this"
Um, Er it's a chris, cres, cras, um the mum.
Gee thanks. Thought that!
Um er it's a bit ratty. I'll give you 40% off.
Ok I'll take it!
Going back next week to pick up a 2m Banksia for $10

Thumbnail by Budgieman

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