Coushatta, LA

Here is a picture of the mans ducks that we got our from.

Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Hope you all have a wonderful day today. I already have two arrangements of flowers. will post a pic. The boys are very excited and have been very secretive about what they made for me at school. Will find out later. It's very early in the morning and still dark. Quite nippy this morning but hopefully will be a lovely day. I'm not going anywhere today but hopefully will see son no2 and his littlies later. Son no1 couldn't get here this year but he sent the flowers from his family and sent one from the boys as well. Well everyone have a wonderful day and will be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
barmera, Australia

This is the one from the boys.

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Hello everyone.
I am not going to be long on as visitors are expected .
I will just put out this beautiful Mothers day cake for all the mums.
I do hope the fellas have all remembered to give their mums something lovely .
Have a very happy Mothers Day. I hope you all get lovely flowers and plants

Thumbnail by 77sunset
western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi hope evey ones having a great day mine started good I was hopeing for a plant lucky me I got 4 and a new statue garden solar light blouse and box of Darrell Lea .
Its cold overcast showers expected here -----------sammut.

Thumbnail by sammut

Happy Mothers Day everyone!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hello all, Ive had a busy weekend. 1st we went to town to get some chores done, then we went to visit helen (Coffs harbour)! I bought two sets of wagon wheels off her for a great price. (happy mother day to me) thanks helen. Helens property is quite lovely, and she has a view to die for, and a huge cliff or mossy lichened bush rock at the back. Very nice. She will miss it when she move.
When i got home, i garden for a couple of hours to get my palms planted, a hibiscus moved, some agapanthus oiut and some mulch spread. It all looks nice.
Then I went to bed with a migraine at 4pm. Booooooo!
Today, I bounced up and made Hubby some eggs on toast and he headed off to do some maintenance on his truck and I started my painting. Mmmmmm. I'm not mad keen on it! I'll need to do three coats to stop the previous colour from leeching through, and am going to buy a better paint roller, as the one I bought is a peice of c$#p!
Its now gotten very cold, and we've had a couple of heavy downpours, so no need to water the plants tomorrow.
I also picked up an Ebay brom form the post office on saturday and got it potted, and hubby bought me one at the Big Banana on the way home, so i have done rather well with the garden gifts!
Enough about me. Thanks for all the pics of the daffys Cody, they look lovely. i like ducks. I also like your wild bunny. Too cute.
Sammut, your brazier guard looks great! job well done. I wish i could jump on the magic carpet with you and go help out lesley, but I've got work tomorrow. Maybe next weekend, oh, no, I'll be painting for at leats the next.....mmmm...year!
Jean, thanks for that yummy chocolate cake, and the mothers day one too.
Colleen, lucky you, two bunches of beautiful flowers! I think you must feel very spoiled indeed.
Shelly in Melbourne, I didn't realise you guys were already getting frosts! Brrrrr! Frost cloth sounds like a great idea. My sister in NZ swears by it.
Helen (Wonthaggi) beautiful brom picture. thanks for sharing.
marlene, I wondered about your boug too. I've never seen one grown in a hanging basket. What a good idea.
Thanks chrissy for the info on the Kentia palms. I did get a bargain then didn't I? I think I know where I'll plant them, but for now they are tied up in the shade houe so they dont fall over.
Lesley, it must be getting cool over there too? Maybe a beany will do the trick, keep your head warm and hold your hair on. he he.
Finally, Hi Pam, good thinking with that frost cloth. You wouldn't have need for that would you? Where in central NSW did you live?
Ok, off to watch destination NZ

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Sydney, Australia

Hi All!
Back from Sussex and into work for a few hours then Budgies fed and watered!
Cab Sav and music time now. Illegally downloading music at the moment but
not feeling guilty at all as I've bought more CDs from hearing things I've downloaded.

Spent some of last night laying prone on the roof.
Decided it was the weekend to block access for the possums. It was quite weird laying
on the corrugated iron roof at dusk. Picture this. We have two chimneys. One in the
kitchen and one in the lounge. As far as we were concerned we had only heard them
in the lounge. The kitchen chimney on the western side, lounge on eastern.
Here I am laying on the western part of the roof waiting for them to come out of the lounge chimney.
Dusk falls. I wait. And wait and wait. Getting bored waiting, I turn around to see a pink nose sticking out
of the kitchen chimney. Started to freak out at the fact they can come at me from both sides!
It was the adolescent and he saw me. Waited another 15 mins before it dropped to the roof and
walked to the eastern corner of the house and just sat. I figured it was waiting for mum.
After 10 minutes of impatience I shone the torch at the lounge chimney and was greeted by a pair
of beady red eyes. She was out in another 10 so to work I went. Spent some of the day on the roof
cutting chicken wire to suit. It was only on a thought that I bothered to do same for kitchen chimney!
Anyway They are gone now. Back to where they came from.
So survived the ordeal without falling from the roof.

After dinner I decided to see if I could spot the Bandicoot. There it was. Bigger than I thought.
Don't mind it digging around in the yard so it can stay at the moment.

Also near finished the table.
And bought the Banksia
And planted the Brug
And weeded
So in all I would say a productive weekend.

Helen - Yep no other way to enjoy Floyd. Wish you were here too!
Chrissy - I did spoil Rhonda - I rang her tonight! I am afraid I am a little hardened to the commercialism
of mothers, fathers, valentines etc. In fact I'm happy to let my birthdays slide by without fuss. Get annoyed
at Fathers Day etc. I am a lot like mum and fuss is not a necessity. I think she knows how I feel about her
and all the work she put in alone during my later teenage years!
Cheers to all Mums! (every day of the year!)
Here is the latest on the near finished table

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Coushatta, LA

Hi Sue,thanks i hope you had a great Mother's Day.Well have a bless day and take care,


Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Merino, Australia

Hello all. I am tired from the walk so will sit and have a cuppa .
Love that table Steve, but I am keeping my eye on the cabinet. I can just see you laying on the roof. The possums were probably having a good laugh at you.
Colleen, lovely flowers. They are always nice to receive.
Hubby has just come in to tell me the temp outside is now 3C. I really did not need to know, I can feel it.
It would be frosty down in the town.
Hello Helen, Shelly, Marleneanne and Lesley. Hello to anyone else out there. I am going back in the lounge near the heater, my fingers are cold.
I will leave you all something to nibble on with your cuppa.
Black Forest Gateau, for those who missed a piece of the Mothers day cake.
I havw moved us to here.
Habe a great day.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
sYDNEY, Australia

Hi All, Hope you all had a happy day, especially the mothers, I did, too much food, too many wines, but, great company. Been busy to-day, bowling this morning, glad to hear there are others out there, Shelly61 I watch Norm mostly on Wed. nights but am also a reserve for this team. All men, and a lot better bowlers than me. At the end of the month one of them is off overseas for about 3 months and I will fill in for him so I may improve. Anyway I did well this morning so can not ask for more. Have to run now - Happy Gardening talk to you soon.

Thumbnail by ROSEBUDGAL

What beautiful orchids! Rhonda ...and everyone sounds like they had a wonderful day ...ours was a little subdued as a the lovely lady whome we have known (the family grocery/servo/post office etc) for 18 years passed away suddenly just three days before mother's day ...she was the mother of 5 daughters and one son ...and countless beautiful grandchildren. She was there every day ...working with her husband and grown children, right up until she passed on.The dear lady had a heart attack when a burgler alarm went off (they lived above the business). It was hard to enjoy the day knowing of the grief and shock being felt just up the road ...today Maria was laid to rest, it was one of the largest funerals I have ever seen and one of the saddest ...Maria will be dearly missed by the whole area and painfully missed by her loving family.
steve you said you don't like all the commercial aspects of mothers day ...I agree, but it does not take more than a special hug or a special telephone call (maybe more than once a year) ...to let her know she is a loved mum ...mums are taken for granted a lot of the time and sometimes we would do anything to have them back for just one more cuddle.
So with that I am off to have a nice glass of Port because the sadness lingers ...I have been chatting about the angels but my heart isn't really in it tonight ...tomorrow will be better.
Goodnight to all you lovely mums ...whatever would we do without you.

Sydney, Australia

I'm with you Chrissy on the special hugs and calls. I'm afraid I am guilty
of not expressing my thoughts when I should. Bit of a hermit and need to
address it! Rosebudgal worked hard as a single mother. We tease her about
how we did without but it is only in later years that you realise the sacrifices made
and the hard work required to bring up five. We are all on the right side of the track
and doing well. I suppose if I make more contact I may get some of those plants
she is posting! Love her dearly!

I can relate to your sadness. When I was new to work the local sandwich shop
was run by a woman who was a Jew in Germany during WW2. She told me of her hardships,
of losing her parents to the chambers and of coming to a beautiful life in Aus.
She worked very hard to make a living and you have to admire the commitment of such people.
It was a sad day when she passed away. As a young, thoughtless guy it was a lesson in life!

*smiling* I know you are just a big softy steve ...your mum sounds like a special lady and a special mum (like so many) ...so does the dear lady you mentioned ... who loved our beautiful country.
I worked with a Polish lady in the seventies ...she bore a tattooed number on her wrist ...she too loved her new adopted country and worked double shifts at our bistro to make a new life here. I will never forget her face, beautiful and dignified ...but the sadness was etched there, no matter how she smiled.
Like you it was an experience that taught me to be grateful.

Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10b)

77sunset your picture at the top of the thread caught my eye, its so beautiful! I hope you enter it in the photo competition later in the year.

Do you have poor weather as well? Its been raining and hailing all week over here.


Merino, Australia

Thanks Lena. It is a lovely photo but not mine. I used to live in the town of Bright where it was taken. Our weather here is cold but not enough rain. Come over to the new thread and visit us in the Tea Room for a chat anytime. We have a couple of others from NZ.

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