Flowerpot Cafe 21

london England, United Kingdom

Hi elle, nice to see you today! Your Iris look lovely, Thanks for bringing them to the cafe' gardens.
At least with the rain the flowers all get a lovely drink. LoL!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hi there elle, what a nice breezy looking iris patch. Rain here too so don't let it bother you, put your feet up and relax if you can.
Are we ready to start a new cafe thread?

Terri, I don't know why you worry and bother with those stinkin parrots, if they want to leave such paradise, well I say let them!

This message was edited May 14, 2009 12:25 PM

london England, United Kingdom

Ha ha ha we LOVE the parrots Candee!

A new thread would be delightful my dear, Thank you LoL!
I was going to do it, but you beat me to it...... go ahead..... don't mind me........ I'm just part of the funiture around here!!!

Please do, I'm only joking y'know!!

This message was edited May 14, 2009 5:47 PM

london England, United Kingdom

What have you put in your bra today? LoL!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

LOL, I love your bra!!! Made my day. I don't have anything to start a new thread, just thought it was time as we are getting quite large in this one. Please handle it!

london England, United Kingdom


I don't have anything ready either. The parrot looks a bit ruffled today, he's not talkin to me!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I had some entertainment to watch at the kitchen window this morning while scrubbing the sink...This view is sure an improvement over the blank white wall I had at the last place!

Thumbnail by Zanymuse
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

What a fantastic view. Lucky you!!!

Loved your rhyme too.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks soils. I am enjoying feeling good again!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, goodness I missed a lot. Thank you for all that wonderful advise on my new blue hydrangea. It is still in the pot. Hope to take some cuttings to make more!

We have had a very long and bad week with the other half suffering an on the job injury and me having to literally go the extra miles... over 1000 of them just to pick him up from his job and get him home and go to the doctors to take care of him and then myself having worn myself plumb out. I did get over my cold, but then today had another dental appointment, so just call me a swollen faced chipmunk for now and that will tickle my old funny bones just dandy.

Dont look like much gardening to go on here for a bit. We also got 3 more inches of rain in the last 24 hours and it is still coming down.. so man the life boats, lets get our critters in line 2 by two and put the pots and containers on board! LOL

Glad all of us sickos are recovering and nice to see elle has returned!

So ok, are we moving to a new Cafe? I know there is bound to be a nice new one all spanky brite and clean just down the road so who is linking? Everyone, grab an ore and lets get rowing!

The heck with the dishes here too terri, COLD WATER will get them for sure! LOL Woof!

Row, row row your boat.. eeks look out for that


duck! RIBBET!


Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Welcome back blossom - sorry you had to do all that extra travelling. How far away from home does he work?

OK All - Once we move to the new cafe, I got a dance act all lined up for the opening!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Its never the same on any given day. I just thank God this time he was IN the country!! Some days that job of his is a real pain in the elsewhere.

The things some of us got to do to make a living.. and yeah, in case your wondering.. its what we call customer service... international...and least now he no longer has to go to Canada. Whew! He has had a change in territory.

Ok, grabbing ores here, on the count of three! 1- 2 - 3 - boink!

To the new cafe we row!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
Great views Zany, glad you are feeling good again!
Blossom, soz about all that! nice to see you back.

All aboard the Cafe' Cress boat !

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Oh Sorry Dianne, didn't mean to blank you there mate, LoL!

I'm looking forward to your dance routine for the opening night at the new cafe', how excitng!!
We haven't had a live show in quite a while.

Here's a rose for your hair, Dancing Queen!

Sorry about the delay with our newly renovated cafe'.......
We are waiting for the electricity to be connected. .LoL!

Goodnight all.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Fresh brew for you.

daff nee!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Louisville, KY

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...The juice is on.
And your wayward bud is back. Sorry for the absence. Things have been too busy and Iv'e been whooped- one book released 2 wks ago, another on the way, spring, festivals to sell my plants and books, work, and to top it all off, menopause hit about 3 months ago. I'm finally getting better sleep with the help of a homeopathic remedy and herbs to cool the heat. Holy crap, when they said hot flash, they weren't kidding.

I haven't forgotten y'all. Where else on earth can I go to get such a lovely lumpy bra, or a parrot with attitude. Perhaps I should put the parrot in my bra.
I could never find better fish to fry than here.

Blossom, what happened to your hubby?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh, plantgeek, he kinda had a twist and fall. Could not pilot his ship since he hit the poopdeck and I had to take him to the Pain clinic. He kinda garnered himself a royal pain in the sitter. He will be ok. Heard the doc stomped on his foot to transfer the pain!

Nice you could make it aboard. Looks like you got a fine fish there mate Lets get the outboard cranked up and catch up with terri!.

Hey terri, wait up, geek and I are getting dinner here and I am going to start a new thread for water features and plants.. look for this boat there and will catch you around the bend at the new cafe!

I cant wait to see all the dancing. So grab your fancy bras and parrots and lets zoom!

(I will edit back and link the water features as soon as I get it up and running here.....)

To the bog...


This message was edited May 16, 2009 9:59 AM

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Plantgeek, great to hear from you, we missed your freshly squeezed fancy juices!

Choose your transport, boat, flying teapot , bus or sleigh!! and lets go to the new cafe'


Help yourself to drinks, see you there later for the show!

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