Flowerpot Cafe 21

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

Good to hear you are feeling a bit better Zany. Hope you get stronger everyday! Enjoy you fresh crab salad beautifully presented by Candee. Hands off Blossom, it's Zany's crabsalad ok!!!

Blossom...... Queen Elizabeth is not amused...... LoL!
Oooopps! sorry I forgot to make your hat for Plantgeeks plant stall.
I wonder how that went ...... Plantgeek, did you sell much?

Candee, I hope the surgery goes well tomorrow, good luck and be brave! We'll be thinking of you and hope you come to chillax at the cafe' afterwards. It's always sunny here!!
Sorry about your tomatoes, will you sow some more?

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Yummmy! I do believe that was the best Crab salad ever.

Candee, I'm hanging in there and expect to hear that everything is Aces with you and Steve tomorrow.

Blossom, I won't tell that half the salad was missing ;`0 there was plenty there for both of us.

Terri, what holiday is tomorrow? Whatever it is have a great one.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Am sure all will be fine, had 2 surgeries on that arm already and I am hard to keep down so will surely chillax with ya'll since it is gonna rain and I should not be doing nothin anyway !!! Don't worry bout me take care of urselves you are the ones feeling down!

Been busy trying to remember how to make a DVD LOL, been a long time but got a big TV and wanted to see my flowers in big screen TV and think I almost remember !
Hope you enjoyed the crab salad Zany and feel much better now!
You have the holiday tomorrow Terri, I am just off for the day!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Umm begging many thousands of pardons from the Queen Mum.. I just realized ya'll dont have prezidents!! You have become so pank blooded terri, you got me forgetting you was on the other side of the water!

LOL! SO Sorry! Its the redneck in me.. it escaped!....no offense pleez!

I still dont know if the Derby was yesterday or what! I have been definitely baking in the sun too long this wekend!

Terri will have to educate us er me in her holidays over yonder! You may have to smack me on the head with a ruler to do it! Be gentle though please.

I have prepared her Majesty s another bouquet...but it will not be ready until tomorrow.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

You are right it was the derby blossom, don't panic yu are fine!

london England, United Kingdom

LOL!!! Blossom, no offense taken.
I think it was the Derby yesterday. We didn't win LoL!
No smacking allowed in the cafe', I'll get you with the snowballs outside in winter!!

May Day bank holiday is the first Monday in May. In the olden days it was dance around the Maypoles but you don't see them much these days!! It's nice to have an extra day off work with a long weekend.

Hope you figure out the DVD thingy for your flower pictures Candee! They will look fabulous on the big t.v. screen.
We all feel low sometimes, but luckily have friendships here to cheer us up. Thank you!
You get a good night's sleep and don't go digging in the garden when you get home, like you did last time.!
Good luck.

Sleep well everyone. Get well soon Zany!

london England, United Kingdom

Hey Blossom, You are going the wrong way! http://www.allaboutweybridge.co.uk/aaw/oatlands_school_maypole.jpg

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh, I'm not down and out. I bounce back pretty well and usually don't even realize stress has me in it's grip until I get sick. The rest of the time I am too dense to realize I might be having a problem. Then by the time I realize the stress has built up I am already on the mend again and am rather surprised to realize I had been stressed to begin with.

I found a new (to me anyway) vice today at Costco. Dark Chocolate with dried pomegranate in the center...yummy goodness indeed!

I just got off the phone with my son. He is in quite a bit of pain but that is actually a good thing at this point because it indicates there is no permanent nerve damage and he was able to walk with a walker from his room to the nurses station on his own. It is a real relief to know he can walk! He's a strong young man and will push himself through the therapy rather than lay about feeling sorry for himself. I'm proud of him.

Our town is having a Spring cleanup this week and will haul away any old furniture or appliances, electronics etc. for free. I had an old TV and microwave to get rid of and hadn't made it to the refuse center yet so this will save me time and money too. They charge $25 dollars for any TV or monitor at the center. I noticed as we came home this afternoon that a lot of folks are taking advantage of the towns offer and there are huge stacks of stuff in the alleys. I had to put blinders on so I wouldn't go hunting for trash to treasure items...gotta fight that pack it home urge. We are trying to simplify and cut clutter and adding "treasure" now is not part of that process. But it was hard seeing wood tables, chairs and I don't know what else out there for the taking and not even stop to look. By morning I am sure that anything of use will have relocated to someone else's home. There are a great many people here that will make sure of that...but I am not going back out to be one of them... I'm not...I'm NOT! Now I am hoping it will start raining so I can stick to my decision...

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Zany, Is it raining? lol.
Sorry to hear about your son's condition, is he the one who went to the Far East? Pleased to hear he is responding well to treatment. Hope you are feeling better today?

Candee, Hope the surgery went well and you are comfortable at home now????????

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Reverse!! LOL!

Catch ya'll later, I got boooocoooo work to do!

See ya in the GPS later!


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Back home and droppin in the cafe to say howdy. Raining like crazy here and almost dark outside, very gloomy.
Hey Zany wish they would do those pick ups around here, but in the county we don't ever have that option. I know they do it in town on occasion and I always see some dandy stuff sittin out, but must refrain same as you as I have enough stuff just sitting round as it is. Glad to hear your son is improving. You certainly have a lot to be of grave concern, just take it a bit at a time and don't overwhelm yourself with stress.
So, anybody heard from elle? Hope she hasn't gotten sick taken care of those kids!
Sure is nice to have the cafe to drop by on such a miserable day. They are saying it may rain straight through this week as well.
Here is the apple tree in blossom at the cabin, was the only ray of sunshine we have seen for a while.

Thumbnail by haighr
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Raining out this morning. Not heavy but still wet and gray. I guess it is suppose to be this way most of the week here. I don't really mind it though. It keeps the forest green and the grass growing.

Candee, the apple tree is beautiful. I'll be looking forward to sone fresh apple pies here at the cafe come harvest time.

My brother is the one who moved to the Philippines. He loves it over there and has planned his retirement there for years. He keeps trying to convince Bob and I to join him when we retire but I can't handle the heat and it is too far from all the grandkids for me. Besides, why leave this beautiful area of redwoods and mountains when we love it here.

Elle? Where are ya hiding?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi all,
Glad you are home Candee. I've lit the Chimenea on the patio for you to keep warm while you rest today!
Lovely apple tree over yonder, good job we have such an excellent pastry chef here, Candee's apple pies are really somethin'.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh thank you Terri, that is just toasty warm and inviting and just what I need. I am all kicked back with my feet up and enjoying the warmth of the flickering flames!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I love the Chimeneas. I wanted to buy a huge one for the patio here but they wanted more than I could afford for it. One of these days we will have to make a trip south and maybe I can get one in Tijuana.

Well, I guess I should get into the shower and get ready for work. For some reason they won't pay me if I don't show up. Keep that fire burning and I'll come back to enjoy it tonight.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Those chimineas are great, I wish I had a spot for one.

Well, just popping in for a lemonade, a qwick read and gotta scoot...

Secret project going on! Might shock the hubby! For once I am not breaking something! LOL!

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks! Glad you like our new Chimenea for the cafe' patio!
Happy hour cocktails are now being served outside. Candee, I put a little rum in yours lol!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Zany - glad that you are well enough to be able to get to work.

Candee - glad to hear that your surgery went well and you are back at home, relaxing with Terri's cocktails (BTW - Terri - you can add some rum to mines too)

Both Candee and Terri said that they have never tried persimmons before - I brought some to the cafe last year, but they must have forgotten. Here it is on the menu again. These are the Fuyus - the hard kind that you can eat when they are crunchy. The coloring goes nicely with your Chimeanea, Terri.

We have twice a year miscellaneous pickups here - great way to get rid of stuff. I have to admit that I have picked up a few things, but I am definitely getting better at saying NOOOOO.....to potential treasures.

We have been lucky this past month - a right mixture of sunshine and rain.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I got a great acquisition on the curb today.. would you beleive, 8 peices of half way decent privacy fence! Been fixing what needed on it and surpised the hub with it.

Cannot resist such great and good freebies!

Now all I need is someone to paint me some pretty parrots!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Great find blossom, bet you can paint something pretty on that fence. If I can anyone can. I'd be happy to come over and help, but not sure of which direction to head out in lOL!
Oh yes, I do recognize the persimmons, guess I was too bashful to try them last year or perhaps Sue ate them before I got to the cafe?
Arm is a bit sore so am gonna just rest it a while, see ya'll later. Have a great evening.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok, my pretty for the Queen! LOL! I found this lovely in the garden, I think it is one of a kind!

Oh yes terri, do come on over and bring paint! I would love those parrots! Those were stunning.. LOL! Well, I think i am just going to leave well enough alone for now. I need to catchup on some gardening!

See you guys tomorrow. I am bushed and need to hit the hay! I hammered on those slats on that fencing all day to get them in good repair and my swinging arm is pooped!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

They look like delicate tissues blossom and so pretty nestled in with the white phlox. I am sure you will have that fence in order quite soon and then we shall discuss decorating it perhaps with a little birdhouse or ghourd house?
Back to work today and still in the rain zones, will this ever end?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, its a thought! I do have plenty of birdhouse gourds. I am just not a great painter unless its solid colors.

Well, today, the weather looks fabulous.. least as for now. Will have to check the forecast to see what lies ahead. Already been out in the GPS dividing dayliles up and moving stuff around. Guess I will finish my cuppa and get back to playing around.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sounds like fun blossom, more rain here although just really gloomy at this exact moment, but more rain in the forecast as well. May not see sunshine for a few more days. Enjoy. I have 2 gourd houses at the cabin and the paint is really wearing off, but the birds still love them so will let them be.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

Hope your sore arm heals quickly Candee. Soz about the rain your way!
I think you are right about the persimmons, Sue ate the lot... !

Thanks Dianne, I remember now, and I still haven't tried them...
Love the star pattern you exposed with the way they are cut.
It goes without saying, I already put the rum in your cocktail dear... LOL!

Hope the Chimenea was still going when you got back from work Zany? I got the little one for my little garden!! They had a bigger one, but it looked like it would need alot of wood or charcoal to keep it going.
Good to hear you are well enough to go back to work.

Blossom,The Queen is pleased with the pretty! It makes up for Michelle putting her arm around her Majesty... lol!
I wanna gourd house!!! I'd love to see some pictures of them.
This reminds me I need to search for my gourd seeds, I've got a race to the first gourd going on with Sue in Australia, c'mon how unfair is that?? LOL .

Will anyone be sowing sunflower seeds?
Have a relaxing evening all.

elle, where are you????? those kids must be wearing her out!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

HI all!

Well, I certainly will have to remember to be more refined than Micky in meeting the Queen! Must remember to wash my mucky hands from playing in the garden first! Perhaps, Micky forgot? LOL!

I have lots of gourds in storage...

I will be growing giant sunflowers hoping to plant them this weekend. I wonder if chickens can have the seeds whole?

Yes, where is elle! My goodness she has been missing for a very long time. I hope she did not get your PC virus terri.. oh oh....not good.

ELLE where are ewe?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh, almost forgot, terri, you have mail.... D-mail that is.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Blossom, Oh I love seeing the mailbox!
Well, The Queen would be wearing gloves to shake your hand anyway! .
Would like to see your gourd collection one day! Have you made containers for flower arranging with any of them?
Glad you are growing sunflowers..... bet yours will be taller .... lol!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the rum Terri - needed it tonight to relax a little since I had a late night today with technical rehearsals. The dance studio has a May show, and I am repeating two of the dances that I did in December. It was too much to perform three pieces, so I decided to skip the West Coast Swing number. Keeping my fingers crossed that my knee will hold out until Sunday evening. Have 4 shows to do - one on Friday, two on Saturday, and one on Sunday. My arthritis is acting up and putting a crimp on everything.

I have some packages of sunflower seeds somewhere that I need to plant too.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh soils, you and I are in the same boat with old Arthur.. ugh. Well, perhaps your weather is changing. Looks like it is going to rain here again.. I neeed to get out in the yard and hit the hay! Grass was so long I got clippings everywhere. Need to go rake them up.

Looks like elle is still amongst the missing....them goats sure probably are keeping her hopping.

Well catch you guys again later,.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Poured all night, but just overcast right now. Steve said we lost 34 of our 36 tomato plants! And I babied them from seed, dang it. Not sure what will happen with all the zinnia seeds and others I sowed right before the drenching rains began 2 weeks ago. I am leaving work at 1 today and hope it is dry enough to go out and check when I get home.

PS I think I found elle, she has been swamped on the farm!

This message was edited May 6, 2009 10:49 AM

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I have never grown a sunflower. I think I'll pick up some seed and put some in this year. That should be fun for me and the birds.

Soils, That dancing sounds fun. I always wanted to be a dancer. Unfortunately I have two left feet and am about as graceful and elegant as a drunken hippo wearing roller skates in a mud bog.

Blossom, the mailbox set against the flowers makes a pretty postcard type picture. It reminded me that we need to take a ride out through the countryside to enjoy the early spring wildflowers.

Candee, I am so sorry to hear about your tomatoes drowning. I hope the Zinnia seeds fair better. I took Pyxle out a few minutes ago and it was drizzling again but now the sun is streaming in the window so it looks like we are going to have one of those passing showers kind of days... enough sunshine to make you want to go outside and enough rain to keep it too wet to do anything.

I hope you meant Elle is swamped with work and new animals right now and not swamped in rain and muck.

Terri, keep the fire going in that Chimenea. I think I may be popping in and out between showers and a nice cup of Earl Grey tea by the fire would be delightful.

Humansville, MO

hi all
here i am
we have new baby all over
goat 12
1bottle feed
29 baby chickern
and the rabbit
i love every one flower
here is some picture of the animal

Thumbnail by ellesgh
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Awwww elle! That is sooo cute! Glad you could finally get back on line We have all been wondering what happened to you!

I have a new "chicken" in the house too, but ya'll will have to go visit mY cHickens to see it! LOL!

The sun finally came out.

Well, break time is over, back to the GPS for me!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Elle, it is great to see your post. Having all those cute babies must be a lot of work but they are so utterly cute! I love seeing them when they are little.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Dianne, I have every confidence that you knee will hold out, but don't go overboard now. 4 dances in one wknd is a lot so be kind to yourself between them and baby that knee when you can for the next set. You are the dancin Queen!
elle, you do have your hands full. I see you have a camper sleeper, hope you get to take it for a bit of holiday R&R when the farm slows down a bit, although with all those critters that could be a while I bet!
blossom, so glad to hear you got some sunshine, please send it our way. I just can't wait much longer to have the tree peonies bloom and the lilacs that I can tell, started to get buds and then just croaked. When I got home yesterday I had a few minutes to take a couple photos and then it just began pouring again and this morn it was as foggy as ever travelling over the mts. to work and now another day of gloom to look forward to YUK!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! Well I got sun this morning, but they sent me a half inch of rain again last night. So its soggy bottoms here again. Well, on to plan B.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
Great to hear from you elle!
Oh good sounds like we are going to have lots of sunflowers here.
Candee, I've ordered some sunshine for you it should be there around 2pm.. ok? LoL!
Good luck with your dance routines Dianne, go girl!!!

Tea and cake is served over here today, ....... http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/985437/

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
I've heard it's Mother's day in the USA tomorrow??
We had Mother's day in March lol!
Have a lovely weekend, hope your offsprings make a fuss and look after you all, you deserve it!!!
Have fun!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Terri - Yes it is mother's day...and since I am writing this at 26 minutes past midnight, I guess it is today.
My kids came to see the show today - they picked the best day to come because I did the best in both of my routines this afternoon. Maybe it was the positive energy I got from them. Thanks for the good luck wishes, Terri. I'll post a pic or two in the next few days. One more show tomorrow, and that will be it.

Happy Mother's day to all you mothers and grandmothers out there.


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