Flowerpot Cafe 21

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

My desk is long overdue for a thorough cleaning, so I have been doing that for the last few days. Can only organize and file for so long, and then I need some distraction. What better way than to go to the cafe!!!
BTW, love your ice cream cone arrangement in that posh florist vase!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, I am off to the GPS.. catch you all later, I got booocooo work to to!

london England, United Kingdom

Oh my, Are they for me in the mailbox???? Yippy!!!! Thank you Blossom. I will look for a nice vase to have them in the cafe'.

I just remembered I bought 2 bunches of daffs yesterday!!!!! guess what? I forget about them and left them in my shed at the allotment! Will go and get them tomorrow, I'm forgetting everything these days!!

Thanks Dianne, did you take any flowers to work today?

london England, United Kingdom

On the Menu this evening ...... Cone Delight with fresh cream!

natural cones made with Begina leaves and nasturtiums.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Cute terri!

Heres mine for the day...I am off and running!

london England, United Kingdom

Beautiful daff ee!

Have a great weekend Candee!

london England, United Kingdom

Just checking the mailbox!

london England, United Kingdom

no mail, no peeps!

The sun is shining, I'm going to dig. Have a great day everyone!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

hi terri - having my morning cup of coffee here while you are getting ready for dinner. How did the digging go? I will have to do some digging myself. Got about 20 tomato seedlings out in the backyard - I will plant maybe 8-10 of them, and give the rest away. I normally only plant about 4-5, but will aim to can some this year.

Blossom - I can't believe how early you start your day!! If you are two hours ahead of me, were you really awake and off and running after posting on the computer at 5:30 AM Friday???

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Yep. I run long days, start early, work hard go to bed tired. That is if its a good day. If its a bad day, I still start early, work hard and end it all the same way.. just more tired.

Well heres my callas to share with the cafe.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Another day here looking like rain....

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Ah, shucks, blossom. Here, have a bowl of cherries. We had such a bumper crop on the Stella cherry tree last year that I froze a bunch. If you eat them just as they are thawing, but still slightly crunchy, it is still good. Careful with the pits though, they are not pitted. And madam woodsy would not appreciate any spitting of the pits on the floor LoL.

Terri - you got all your yard work done? I got 5 tomatoes into the ground, and my mom came over to help me cut the grass along the planters where the lawn mower doesn't reach. My mom has always had a vegetable patch, even when we lived in a place where there was only a 15 ft x 20 feet patch of soil.

Hope to see the rest of the gang in the cafe this week.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

That ice cream is divine, tuttie frutie? Nice callas blossom sorry you are still mushy there. Dianne we put in 36 tomatoes just because I had started them and then after all the cold and rain it got up in the 90's this weekend while we were away and they all about burned up! Hope the couple I put in pots that I moved to shade make it? I tell you one extreme to the other it seems.
The first time I went to AC was about 1962 and the diving horse was performing then on the steel pier. Also went every summer almost after than and the most memorable was the performance by Dianna Ross and the Supremes on the pier! What a show.
Terri your beach is quite similar, guess they were all designed in a similar manner then.
Have a great day everyone, best get to work.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, checked the rain gauge and it said a hares claw over an inch from last night. Its chilly today and dreary. I spent part of the morning taking pics of things in the garden and now I have work in the office. I will post my pics later in April 2009.

Will try to cut some new blooms later for sticking it ina vase.

Yummy cherries... oops sorry about the pits madame woodsy. Dern space where my tooth is missing makes me drool! LOL! I will get it for you so you dont have to deal with it!

Later gang, I am off to the office...

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone! Did you miss me? LoL!

I haven't had an internet connection since last here! Some rogue TROJAN virus 69 of them infected my computer. SCARY!!
Fingers crossed it's all fixed now. missed you my friends!!

Nice BOW Blossom!!!!! is it a Bowmaker job? Thanks for the Calla, lovely colour.
OOOOOohhhhh those cherries look good Dianne, any left for me?
I was thinking you would be thinking I was stil digging, nearly got to Australia . LoL!
I got my potatoes and onions planted at the weekend. Cold rain so far this week. Lots more work still to do, but I'm getting there!

Hope you had a lovely time in Altantic City Candee?
I'm So jealous you saw Dianna Ross and the Supremes!!!!!

Going to get busy in the kitchen, back later to catch up with all the other threads... yippy!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi terri! No that bow came with an Easterlily I got last year.. I am a saver!! LOL

YIPES a PC VIRUSASOURUS.. ICK! Glad your machine is feeling better. Dang doncha just hate that.

Well, I have to run again. I need to get outside and dash between the drips again...ugh! I am growing, er make that the rain is getting old and I am getting wrinkley-er!!

Got my posts up on APRIL 2009...check them out...man there are some lovely pics there mates! Great job showing them off, I cant wait until we see May Flowers!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I thought I'd better check in and let you all know I have not forgotten you. I have been down with a very nasty intestinal flu and a few other unpleasant pangs of life and not on line much as a result. But before I start whimpering and whining I just want to say hey! And let ya know I'll be back as things improve. In the meantime I see that those of you here and the one other thread I really follow are doing fine and that makes me feel good. I'm still a bit groggy from meds so I am going to just type this once and post it on both threads. Hope no one minds.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh zanymouse, please get well soon. Life gets tough and so know that we are all pulling for you!

I am going out to the garden to pick you a boquet!

Try and have a good day.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Here you go zanymouse... a freshly picked hanful of asperagus, lilacs, thalia and some double daffs in bud.

Sorry I must be off and running. Its back to the GPS for me. I have lots of work to do.

Have a great day! That goes for everyone!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

So sorry you are not feeling well Zany, I will keep you in my thoughts for a healthier week. Take your medicine and get better soon! Am sure that blossom's blossoms will lift your spirits and ailments.
Terri, nice to have you back, sorry your puter go the virus but better the puter than you especially hearing bout Zany.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Asperagus up!! Whoohoo! Now thats medicine for ya!

Dont know how it will work for the PC though terri! Maybe you can have your portion and share it with the machinne by proxy. Man dont you just hate that wneh that happens. UGH!

Seconds anyone? that is of the asperagus.?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone! Zany Thanks for letting us know, sorry you are not well. Hope you are feeling much better soon and our well wishes have done you good! Madame Zanymuse I see in the near future you will be better. LoL!

Gorgeous flowers Blossom, that colour combo rocks!! I'm steaming the Asparagus and serving with butter for the early evening crowd to enjoy!!
Thanks Candee, I'm glad to be back!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oregano anyone!! LOL! Heres a start for the kitchen.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Strawberries are coming!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

boink!!! Another day without sunshine.. and look at me....dripping wet again!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Great job on keeping our kitchen stocked blossom, can't wait for the chocolate covered strawberries - think Ms. Woodsy will eat them all or serve them up! More rain our way as well and shall continue for 2 weeks from the forecast, yuk!
Meantime, went out between sprinkles today and made a 4th. of July arrangement already for the cafe. Grape hyacinths and red and white azaleas.

Thumbnail by haighr
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Nice one, Candee. I love your three tiered vase.

Blossom - we have an asparagus festival here in the nearby town of Stockton, and they serve up tons of deep fried asparagus - they also have an eating contest of the same. For the life of me, I can't remember what the winning number was when I saw it two years ago - maybe 7 or 8 pounds?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sounds wonderful Dianne, never had deep fried asparagus? How is it?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Haighr that is a beautiful arangement, quite "patriotic"!!!

I cannot imagine eating 8 lbs of asperagus, but I love it!

Here is my last ho-rah for April! Catch ya'll next month!


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

What a nice couple they make. Did begin the May thread a tad early, but was quite sure that the above would still be in bloom tomorrow. Can't wait to see what all of us have coming next and hope my tree peonies get to bloom when it isn't raining, they dont last long to begin with and rain and wind really tear them up quick. So far so good, still buds.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone.

Pretty arrangement Candee, love your container, it's great with the 3 tiers.
Blossom, Thanks for the herbs and strawbs, they will be very handy to have in the cafe's kitchen garden.

It's a public holiday here on Monday, so I'm looking forward to a long weekend gardening!
(Weather permitting of course) Have a great weekend, keep healthy all.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok, which of your "presidents" died and gave you guys a holiday???

Actually May first is a holiday.. MAY DAY MAY DAY.. dance around the maypole!

I think the oregano is getting me.. I am going back to the GPS!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm alive! LOL I never want to be that ill again. But it sure felt good to wake up this morning and realize I had slept through the night without incident. I opened my eyes and remember thinking I felt great! That lasted until I sat up and realized I was so weak I could hardly move. But a bowl of cream of wheat on a very empty stomach gave me a little boost and by dinner I was feeling almost normal again.

Poor Pyxle was so relieved to see me sitting up that she picked up all her toys and put them back in her basket. Apparently she had thought I needed them because she had put them all on the bed with me and growled at Bob when he had tried to put them away. She had even given me her favorite squeaky toy which she usually hides and won't let me touch. She didn't leave me out of her sight for a week so when I went out and sat on the porch this afternoon she was one happy pup. She loves to fetch her ball but wouldn't even let Bob remove it from my bed to play all week.

Well, I hate to go back to bed after being in it so much but suppose I should get some sleep and not push it this first day back among the living.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Yayyyyyy!!!! Glad to hear that you are feeling better is able to sit up a bit. How sweet your little puppy is.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Zanymuse, glad to hear it!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Zany I knew that blossoms remedies and our positive thinking would make you better and get you back on your feet. Here for you to keep and plant is the apple blossoms so that you may have an apple a day and keep the doctor away!

Hope you are gonna have good weather tomorrow Terri. It was nice Sat at the cabin but am told it was pouring here and is pouring today and calling for same all week again. My maters are drenched and half of them are dead already. No photos and no tree peonies as just too sopping out there and the tulips have croaked over. This weather is just the pits as I am off tomorrow as well having another arm surgery and was hoping to sit out in some sunshine when its finished, but not going to happen by the sounds of it.

This message was edited May 3, 2009 1:28 PM

Thumbnail by haighr
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Yep, it had to be the pretties here that did the trick because no medicine seemed to help!

It has been a very long and ardous year for us with lots of trauma and challanges physically, emotionally and financially. One thing at a time we keep managing to rise up and keep from drowning. I'm sure the stress contributed a great deal to weakening my system so the flu was able to wreak havoc with me. They say that "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" so I should have super strength soon!

Now, I need to speak to Ms. Woodsy and see if she could manage to find me a nice lunch. Fresh crab salad would be really nice.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well coming right up there my friend. Gorge yourself you deserve it. Now for those trauma and stress, don't let it worry you, everything happens for a reason and you are a happy camper and the woes and sorrows are just a test to your strength and you will always come out on top. I know cause I always do and have some trials here as well, so keep your chin up outta that salad in particular!

Thumbnail by haighr
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

OoooOOH you better grab that dish before I do!! That looks yum! Hope there is more to go around for all!

Hey, did I miss something yesterday.. wasnt there a horse race or something supposed to be and I was suposed to don my gawdy large hat that terri was suposed to present me??? ....or am I on the wrong calender page???

I was soooo busy in the GPS yesterday I plumb forgot!

Mint tulips anyone?

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