Flowerpot Cafe 21

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Here we are in the new cafe all springy clean and so brought these in for one of the outside patio tables.

We came from here:

This message was edited May 5, 2009 5:16 PM

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Gwen never heard of ducks eating slugs? But what do I know? Good luck on the test, what kind of questions do they ask? Drinking and arranging, is there any other way LOL! How do you think I have been so creative???

This weather is drat, calling for more and more rain here as well after a cold weekend even with sunshine and oh that dag gone wind!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now here are those newly refreshed parrots for the fence, a big difference from how they looked a few days ago all owrn and tattered.

Thumbnail by haighr
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Awesome parrots!! Well, heres more for the counter...my yellows with orange centers have started to bloom yippy!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

You have quite the variety of daffs blossom. Nice cluster arrangement with the boot n bunnies!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks, well so far the daffs keep coming. Unfortuneately my Easter Lily has yet to open. I doubt if it will as it is rather spindly reaching for light around here.

Keeps raining.. We have not seen the sun for well in 5 days. Wonder what the rain gauge will say tonight.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Not much better here blossom and the little bit it does shine it is in the 50's and windy as all get out! That's what we need to do for a bit is get out LOL!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Yes, I need to get outside too. Between the cabin fever and the damages fro the water and all grrr. its a never ending battle.

I need to get ouside and take photos of all the damages and that takes a while to journal them too.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
Thanks for the new spring cleaned Flowerpot Cafe' Candee. It looks and smells great in here!
Ohh the parrots are so colourful, good idea to smarten them up, can't wait to see them back up on the fence.
Love the funky lilly Blossom, now thats got Rhythm!! Nice you are getting lots of Daffs at last, so pretty!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks Terri, we spiffed it up just for you!

Louisville, KY

Hey y'all! Thought I'd pop in right quick, wayward daughter that I am. Where's that whip?
So much going on, one of my books got accepted for publication. hopefully in print before summer is out, another poem got accepted in a journal, and one more book will be out within a month. Whew!
Then, there is a big plant sale that I'll have a vendor's booth at in 2 wks.
One of the cats injured her leg, but is now healing wonderfully, thanks to acupuncture and suppliments.
Business has picked up, finally.
And, drumroll, for the first time, I'm entering an arraingement in the iris show while simultainiously co-chairing and clerking. I think I need a cuppa.

Hope all is well with everyone. Blossom, roast duck isn't too bad.
I'll wash the dishes next time, without Coldwater. He rolled around in something funky.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL!! Qwaaa-AAaack! Yeah if ya like roadkill!!

LOL! So, geek, ya say its like duck, squirrel and possum on the Brickyard 500. Yummy! Dont fergit the grits! Pass me yer toothpick when yer through thar Jethro, there was a hunk of glass stuck between my two teeth. And Maw while yer up thar on the roof, change the left rear front tar will ya hon!...Im laying on my back rightnow trying to take it easy. Maybeline, pass me ma jug will ya, its right next to the brown bottle laying yonder in that thar road ditch. Daaang what a mess you got there.

Poooooor COLDWATER! Did he cut a deal with the black and white puddy?

Play that funky music, play that funky music white girl! (is that the werds?) LOL! My lily needs some funky music!!

Luck to ya geeks too for the poetry and book! Hay geek, your from down yonder.. Sooo who wrote that tune.. the wreck on the highway? Was that the Nitty Gritty Dirt band or someone else?.. dang that blue grass is playing in my ears! Maybelle Parker and that era?.. hooohooo! The Devil went down to Georgia. Lets rock!

Oh yea and your days marked!! About 15 more days is the RUN FOR THE ROSES.. and their off! Dang save me a seat there will ya! Now terri, I am gonna need a fancy flowerfulled hat for that! I can see the geek pooring mint tulips! The Rythm is gonna git ya! Ya'll stand now whilst we sang Me ole Kentucky Home!

So whose line is it anyway!

Now COLDWATER, you know I am out of mater juice, SIT...AND DANG IT, stay away from that thar derned ccccat! LOL!

london England, United Kingdom

HiYA Plantgeek!!! Things are really looking up then, great! and a flower arrangement too! Good luck with the plant sales, what have you got? Lets have a look at your table LOL.

Hey Blossom, I'll see if I can make you a new hat for the big day at Plantgeeks stall!

Hi Candee, I can't seem to find the kettle in the kitchen, have you seen it?
Do we have any Happy hour spring cocktails? You've done a great job with the bar!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Gotta be wide brimmed big and floppy! I picture yellow, chartrues, pank, purple or lavender just going GAWDY!

Yo Geek you still messing with Coldwater...LOL! Look out, it will be a tomato soup bubbly bath for two!

Well, gotta run, mail call! Got me a parcel of goodies!

london England, United Kingdom

Ok Blossom, big, floppy and GAWDY it is! I have 2 weeks to make it, tee hee!!
Love the way you have mail boxes miles away from your house over there LoL! It looks so sweet.
We don't have mail boxes here, the postman puts the mail through the letterbox in the front door.

Hope you have a nice weekend everyone.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! I have a few mailboxes in the garden too put things in like a trowel or a pair of gloves, rags or other things I might use when out there!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Nice to have the whole gang back at the new cafe!! What a busy, but happy time you have been having there, plantgeek.

Blossom - my yard is so small that I just go to the shed and get my stuff. Sometimes I wish I had land like you, but when I need to start weeding, I am glad for a small lot. LoL. I like your scalltered mailboxes.....

Here is some white calla for the cafe. I never really noticed the smell out in the yard, but a bunch of calla does give out a nice subtle fragrance indoors.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Gorgeous calla.. never have tried growing those. Can they be potted?

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Blossom - I have planted some other different varieties of calla lilies in a pot when I can't decide where to put them, and sometimes that indecision lasts several years. So, they do fine, and will bloom. But these white ones are pretty big, so for me, they are definitely in the ground type of plant.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
Ohhhh Fresh flowers today..... Lovely Dianne! Are they Calla leaves? I'll give them a little wipe to shine them up a bit if you dont mind? They will match the nice shiny vase. LOL! nice shape with the arrangement. I'm having my coffee sitting here next to them, enjoying their suble fragrance!
It has been so wet and soggy in the garden these last couple of weeks. I haven't been able to get much done over the easter holidsays. It's just typical to have bad weather when you are off work LoL! The schools have been closed for 2 weeks, opening again on Monday. No doubt the sun will shine then!.

Has elle been in with the cakes yet? LoL!

Thanks for giving us a mailbox at the cafe' Blossom........ yippy! we have a mailbox!!!!! wonder if there's anything in it for me today????

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Letter for terri.. says "do Not Open Until Christmas"!! LOL!

Catch you guys later, I am off to the races!

london England, United Kingdom

Good Luck!! put a couple of £££££ on for me LOL! Have a great time.

Oh no! Christmas is 8 months away. NOT FAIR!!!!!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL!! Sorry, Santa can be so mean cant he!! LOL!

Charge, gotta run! Traffics beastly!

london England, United Kingdom

Just checking the mailbox ! .........

and no cakes either!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Terri - yes those are calla lilies. and by all means, spiff them up any way you like. Have you been out of town over the holidays? It has been fairly quiet here in the cafe. My daughter has gone off to a music festival for the weekend so I have the house to myself. Let me know when the cakes and goodies are ready in the cafe and I'll mosey on over to join y'all.

Or, I should just go out to the back and pick some lemons and make us something lemony.
Candee - has the wind stopped blowing for you yet so that you can get out???

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Dianne, Something lemony would be nice, please do!!
I didn't go out of town, just been busy spring cleaning and trying to clear my veggie plot in between the showers! Enjoy the house to yourself! Are we having a party at your house tonight? (while the kids are away) LOL!
Candee likes lemon meringue, do you know how to make it? Lol!

What time does the postman deliver?!!!

london England, United Kingdom

Ummmmmmmmm I smell lemons!!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

here you go!! - with a little help with my hi tech friend

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Louisville, KY


london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Dianne, the crumbs look great!

PLANTGEEK!!!!!!! that was a rather LARGE slice you had . LOL!!!!!

This message was edited Apr 19, 2009 2:36 PM

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Toe tag please! That is to die for! LOL!

Louisville, KY

Yes, it was. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp hehehe

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, I am back from a couple days hiatis here... got some loverly petunia baskets for the cafe porch! I broke down and stopped at the local store for these... got some snapdragons and a few tomatoes too.

Well, back to my GPS... I have a ton of work to do and its raining.

Thanks for the lemons!! You know what they say, when life gioves you lemons, make lemonade.. sla-lurp!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Not a word...not a mumbling word....maybe tomorrow it will be different...

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well congrats geek on all your successes, you are quite the busy bee. Nice to see everyone so upbeat and ready for the upcoming season. Thanks a bunch for the lemon pie and thanks to whomever saved me that last piece, how thoughtful you all are.
Back to the rain here again today, but will not complain as we were at the beach for the weekend and it was super hot and sunny there.
Very pretty callas very crisp white they are and now with those shiny leaves, well what a lovely addition to the cafe. I have heard they last a good while in arrangements? guess we shall see.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

Pardon you Plantgeek! where's that whip?

Thanks for the pretty hanging baskets Blossom, they look great in the porch, we have a porch? Lol!
The homemade lemonade is a good idea!

Dianne coo eeeee, Please will you make some for us with your fresh lemons sweetie?

Candee, Glad you found that last slice of lemon pie I left for you in the fridge! How lovely it was warm and sunny for you to spend the weekend at the beach, sorry you've come back to rain!

It was a lovely warm sunny day here, shame I had to work really!!! Oh well, it helps with the mouths to feed.!
Gonna sit here with my feet up for a while have a coffee and chillax.

Where's elle? Hello lurkers!!!! come in, free drinks today!!

london England, United Kingdom

Oh........ I forgot to check the mailbox! Is there anything for me?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks Terri for holding the pie for my return. Sorry you had to work on a sunny day, dreadful since none of us have had many of those. It is pouring here and is likely to continue for another day or 2.
We are headed to another beach this upcoming weekend, Atlantic City for 2 days of gaming and beachin - this was a trip I had booked back when Steve was working LOL, guess we shall spend more time on the beach than the casino.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, lucky you going back to the beach! That will get you through the working week with a nice trip planned for the weekend to look forward to.
Such is life!! sun rain snow whatever!!!!! nothing we can do about it LoL! Just hope your seedlings are protected, have you put stuff out yet?
Lovely hanging baskets we have in the porch, don't you think? this is the best lookin' cyber cafe' in the world!!
Blossom said 'toe tag', what does that mean?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

toe tag is what they tag "bodies in the morgue" with - unless she was referring to something else.
Nothin out yet, been hardening off the onions, tomatoes and broccoli, but nothing out permanent yet. Cauliflower is peeking up but not yet covered. Will start moving stuff outside in a couple more weeks after the middle of May.

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